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Thiru Neela Kantam / Makaral Sivayanama Meditation

Thiru Neela Kantam - Makaral Sivayanama is one of the most powerful Meditation techniques for removing karma. On this audio track, Dr. Pillai guides you through a 9-minute meditation to cleanse and release your most stubborn karmic patterns. These sounds can be used on a daily basis to clear away negativity and old patterns. This recording was taken from a live seminar with Dr. Pillai.

US $ 3.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Sounds to Control the Nine Planets (30 Minutes)

Sounds to Control the Nine Planets (30 Minutes) Sounds to Control the 9 Planets as recorded by Dr. Pillai. It took 10 years to release these sounds. Dr. Pillai's voice gives explanation and recites the sounds while music plays in the background. Listening to these sounds by Jnanasamundar is one of the most important remedies for balancing the 9 Planets.

US $ 6.00 US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Understanding and Transcending Karma

This package contains 3 audio lectures by Dr. Pillai, where he explains Karma in details.

US $ 6.00 US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Sounds of Karma Busting

This package contains 4 Karma busting audios tracks by Dr. Pillai. Track 1 contains Lecture on Karma busting. Track 2 contains Dr. Pillai chanting the sounds. Track 3 contains meditation and track 4 contains looped chant of the sound.

US $ 8.00 US $ 6.00 Enter Your Amount US $

I Command You Karma Removal Audio

“I Command You” Karma Removal Audio Dr. Pillai delivers a direct command to your soul to give up miserable thought patterns, repetitive behavior and negative Karma. Listen to this intense audio of Dr. Pillai invoking the presence of Lord Siva, helping you diffuse all negative, repetitive thought patterns or Karma. 45 minutes.

US $ 19.00 US $ 14.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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