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Chants for Grace Light (Swami Ramalingam)

Miracle Mantra by Dr.Pillai from his previous lifetime as Swami Ramalingam. Dr. Pillai says that these sounds are so powerful that just by listening to it, one will experience Miracles. Even if one does not understand the meaning of the sounds, just keep listening to the sounds to experience miracles. These sounds were given by Archetype Siva to Swami Ramalingam. These sounds were composed by Swami Ramalingam during his last few hours before attaining Light Body. There are total 9 audio tracks.

US $ 10.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Muruga Empowerment Audio Package

This package contains 5 sound tracks and companion PDF for initiation into the power of archetype Muruga. Track 1 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings on Muruga. Track 2 & 3 contain audio loops of Mind Stopping Sound and Secret Sound for Muruga. Track 4 & 5 contain Dr. Pillai’s guided meditation on Quantum Intelligence and Secret Sound. As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with Pleiadian energy Pleiadian energy of bliss and success.

US $ 24.00 Enter Your Amount US $

SIX: The Perfect Power Package

SIX: The Perfect Power Package Six is the number of Muruga, the archetype of war and victory. This package will empower you to vibrate with Muruga's victory consciousness and tap the power of six. It includes – audio and transcript of the 6 transformative Muruga calls with Dr. Pillai; audio of 6 powerful sounds revealed by Dr. Pillai.

US $ 60.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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