Power Day to Remedy Problems in Life, Regain Prosperity, and Attain Material Fulfillment
4-Priest Dattatreya Sahasranamam Fire Lab (1000 Divine Names of Dattatreya Fire Lab) with Dattatreya Ashtothara Archana (108 Names of Dattatreya Pooja)

Brahma Suktam (Hymn for Knowledge, Purification, and Sin-Cleansing) Chanting and Vishnu Suktam (Hymn for Protection and Prosperity) Chanting and Rudra Suktam (Hymn in Praise of Rudra) Chanting with Individual Dattatreya Fire Lab

3 Sacred Hymns Chanting
Powerspot Pooja | Special Pooja
LIVE on Dec. 26, 2023 at 12:30 pm +12
Dattatreya Jayanthi




Power Day to Remedy Problems in Life, Regain Prosperity, and Attain Material Fulfillment

4-Priest Dattatreya Sahasranamam Fire Lab (1000 Divine Names of Dattatreya Fire Lab) with Dattatreya Ashtothara Archana (108 Names of Dattatreya Pooja)

Brahma Suktam (Hymn for Knowledge, Purification, and Sin-Cleansing) Chanting and Vishnu Suktam (Hymn for Protection and Prosperity) Chanting and Rudra Suktam (Hymn in Praise of Rudra) Chanting with Individual Dattatreya Fire Lab

3 Sacred Hymns Chanting
Powerspot Pooja | Special Pooja

LIVE on Dec. 26, 2023 at 12:30 pm +12


Dattatreya Jayanthi: Birth of the Supreme Incarnation of the Divine Trinity

Dattatreya, an incarnation of the Trinity- Brahma, Narayana (Vishnu), and Rudra (Shiva), is known as the Absolute Guru (Personification of Pure Knowledge) and the Lord of Yoga. His birthday is celebrated on the Full Moon of the Tamil month Margazhi (Mid. Dec. – Mid. Jan.).
Invoking this Miracle-Maker can remove anxiety and fears, bless you with fulfilling your material desires, bestow the highest knowledge, and resolve life problems. It is believed that with His blessings, you can live in the world with joy and freedom, bypassing the pain of karmic bonds, and gain spiritual awakening.

Pillai Center will be performing 8 Special Rituals to propitiate Dattatreya during his birthday powertime, which include 2 Fire Labs and Special Pooja with 3 Sacred Hymns Chanting, Powerspot Pooja, and Special Yantra Pooja to help you receive the powerful blessings of this powerful Sage for spiritual and material improvement, relief from planetary afflictions and curses, overall well-being, and life transformation.

Dattatreya Jayanthi 2023 : Birthday Powertime of Dattatreya, Embodiment of the Supreme Trinity

Ultimate Guru Dattatreya Was Created to Bless All

According to mythology, Dattatreya was born to Sage Atri and Anusuya. He is considered the Ultimate Guru and Pinnacle of Wisdom, who is full of compassion and love. Scriptures describe him as the one who transcended the three Gunas- Sattva (Purity and Divine Knowledge), Raja (Activity and Passion), Tama (Ignorance and Inertia), and the source who brought knowledge and light to the world.
Dattatreya is portrayed with three heads and six hands (Symbolizing the Unification of the trinity) with the aura of the rising Sun. He is seen with four dogs at his feet, standing in front of the Divine cow (Kamadhenu) and wish-fulfilling tree (Kalpavriksha).
Kamadhenu symbolizes Mother Earth and the power of creation and sustenance, the four dogs represent human traits such as Iccha (Desire), Vasana (Lust), Asha (Hope), and Trishna (Thirst) and his power over them, and the Kalpavriksha tree represents the tree of life.
He holds a trident for killing the ego, his drum is used to awaken those living in ignorance, and his conch shell reverberates the sound OM. He holds a rotating discus-chakra, a round weapon representing the Universe that has the power to destroy negativity and karmic bonds.
Dattatreya holds a Japa Mala (Rosary Beads), with which he counts his devotees, liberating them merely by thinking of them. He carries a pot filled with the nectar of pure wisdom to revive those souls who thirst for knowledge- delivering them from the endless cycles of life and death.

Dattatreya’s Form: Mystical Symbolism

The 3 Heads of Dattatreya Personify
His Identity with the Trinity

  • Brahma (Creative Energy)
  • Vishnu (Sustenance Energy)
  • Shiva (Annihilation Energy)
The 4 Dogs in 4 Different Colors Represent

  • 4 Vedas: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharva Veda
  • 4 Yugas (Epochs): Krita Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga
  • 4 States of the Word: Para (Beyond), Pasyanti (Perception), Madhyama (Conception), and Vaikhari (Vocal)
  • 4 States of Existence: Existence, Awareness, Thought, and Speech or Action

Dattatreya Jayanthi: Birthday Blessings of Dattatreya

According to Dattatreya Upanishad, invoking Dattatreya on his birthday can bestow the following benefits:
  • Fulfill wealth and material desires
  • Gain highest knowledge and accomplishment of goals
  • Remove adverse impact of planets in the birth chart
  • Help think right thoughts at right time
  • Attain spiritual transformation and remove ignorance
  • Liberate the soul from karmic bonds
  • Get rid of unknown fears and anxiety
  • Eliminate ancestral curses and mental suffering


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs and traditional practices, performing the following Dattatreya Jayanthi (Datta Jayanthi) Pooja during his birthday powertime can bestow the following blessings

2 Fire Labs to Relieve Ancestral Afflictions, Remedy Life Problems, and Empower Goal-Attainment

4-Priest Dattatreya Sahasranamam Fire Lab Invoking 1000 Names of Dattatreya with Dattatreya Ashtothara Archana

4-Priest Dattatreya Sahasranamam Fire Lab Invoking 1000 Names of Dattatreya with Dattatreya Ashtothara Archana (108 Names of Dattatreya Pooja)

  • Removes three types of sins and dispels fear
  • Grants prosperity and spiritual upliftment
  • Alleviates mental distress and troubles
  • Mitigates physical, mental, and spiritual distress
  • Safeguards against evil intentions and the effects of evil actions
  • Helps overcome financial scarcity
  • Empowers attainment of truth and knowledge
  • Amplifies oratorical skills and grants lasting bliss
  • Confers liberation and fulfills sincere desires
  • Awards salvation from cycle of birth and death

LIVE on Dec. 26, 2023 at 12:30 pm +12

Vedic Japam Chanting with Individual Dattatreya Homa*

Vedic Japam Chanting with Individual Dattatreya Fire Lab*

  • Resolves life problems
  • Bestows wealth, riches, and affluence
  • Grants success in all undertakings
  • Confers harmonious relationships
  • Rejuvenates physical and mental health

*Part of Advanced Package

3 Sacred Vedic Hymns Chanting for Sin-Dissolution, Prosperity, and Protection

Vedic Japam Chanting

Vedic Japam Chanting
Brahma Suktam (Hymn for Knowledge, Purification, and Sin-Cleansing) Chanting and Vishnu Suktam (Hymn for Protection and Prosperity) Chanting and Rudra Suktam (Hymn in Praise of Rudra) Chanting

  • Grants relief from past sins and internal impurities
  • Instills knowledge and enlightenment
  • Bestows material abundance and wealth-creation
  • Confers protection and positive energy
  • Safeguards against internal and external dangers
  • Protects from snake bites and malefic impact of planets

Powerspot Pooja to Dattatreya for Desire Fulfillment, Abundance, and Prosperity

Archana (Pooja) to Dattatreya at Tiruvarur Powerspot

Archana (Pooja) to Dattatreya at Tiruvarur Powerspot

  • Fulfills material and spiritual desires
  • Eliminates negative thoughts and dispels fears
  • Eradicates black magic, evil-eye, and enemy action
  • Negates Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Afflictions)
  • Helps overcome illusions
  • Brings earnest efforts to fruition
  • Enhances self-confidence, intellect, and wisdom
  • Grants peace and prosperity
  • Bestows happiness and family harmony

Special Pooja to Regain Wealth and Good Fortune

Kartavirya Arjuna Yantra Pooja

Kartavirya Arjuna Yantra Pooja

  • Awards good luck and fortune
  • Helps regain lost wealth, fame and, relationships
  • Removes arrogance and ego
  • Increases your business fortunes



Advanced Package

Dattatreya Jayanthi Advanced Package

Dattatreya Jayanthi Advanced Package

Package Description

Participate in Dattatreya Jayanthi Advanced Package to propitiate Dattatreya, the enlightened aspect of the Divine Trinity with a suite of services which include an Individual Fire Lab, Fire Lab with Pooja, 3 Sacred Hymns Chanting, Powerspot Pooja and Special Pooja to grant prosperity and material comforts, attain highest forms of knowledge, promote goal-attainment, alleviate planetary afflictions, and grant salvation from the cycle of rebirth.
  • Individual Dattatreya Fire Lab Invoking 1000 Names of Dattatreya (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Brahma Suktam (Hymn for Knowledge, Purification, and Sin-Cleansing) Chanting and Vishnu Suktam (Hymn for Protection and Prosperity) Chanting and Rudra Suktam (Hymn in Praise of Rudra) Chanting
  • 4-Priest Dattatreya Sahasranamam Fire Lab Invoking 1000 Names of Dattatreya with Dattatreya Ashtothara Archana (108 Names of Dattatreya Pooja) on Dec. 26, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Dattatreya at Thiruvarur Powerspot
  • Kartavirya Arjuna Yantra Pooja
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Fire Lab which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atom. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Due to the imposition of new lockdown measures, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to ship Prasad internationally for this service.

Basic Package

Dattatreya Jayanthi Basic Package

Dattatreya Jayanthi Basic Package

Package Description

Participate in Dattatreya Jayanthi Basic Package to propitiate Dattatreya, the supreme incarnation of the Divine Trinity with a suite of services which include a Grand Fire Lab with Pooja, 3 Sacred Hymns Chanting, Powerspot Pooja and a Special Pooja to confer wealth, riches and affluence, grant success in all undertakings, bestow harmonious relationships, attain highest forms of knowledge, promote goal-attainment, and alleviate planetary afflictions.
  • 4-Priest Dattatreya Sahasranamam Fire Lab Invoking 1000 Names of Dattatreya with Dattatreya Ashtothara Archana (108 Names of Dattatreya Pooja) on Dec. 26, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • Brahma Suktam (Hymn for Knowledge, Purification, and Sin-Cleansing) Chanting and Vishnu Suktam (Hymn for Protection and Prosperity) Chanting and Rudra Suktam (Hymn in Praise of Rudra) Chanting
  • Archana (Pooja) to Dattatreya at Thiruvarur Powerspot
  • Kartavirya Arjuna Yantra Pooja
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Fire Lab which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atom. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Due to the imposition of new lockdown measures, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to ship Prasad internationally for this service.


2.5-Inch Dattatreya Statue

2.5-Inch Dattatreya Statue

Package Description

Dattatreya, an incarnation of the Trinity- Brahma, Narayana (Vishnu), and Rudra (Shiva), is known as the Absolute Guru (Personification of Pure Knowledge). Worshiping his statue, energized in our Dattatreya Jayanthi ceremonies, can help you receive the powerful blessings of this powerful Sage for spiritual and material improvement, relief from planetary afflictions and curses, overall well-being, and life transformation.

3X3 Dattatreya Yantra

3X3 Dattatreya Yantra

Package Description

Dattatreya, an incarnation of the Trinity- Brahma, Narayana (Vishnu), and Rudra (Shiva), is known as the Absolute Guru (Personification of Pure Knowledge). Invoking him through his Yantra, energized in our Dattatreya Jayanthi ceremonies, can help you receive the powerful blessings of this powerful Sage for spiritual and material improvement, relief from planetary afflictions and curses, overall well-being, and life transformation.

Dattatreya Jayanthi

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