Exclusive Opportunity to Individually Sponsor Hydration Ceremonies
To Invoke the Supreme God of Time to Dissolve Bad Time Karma, Accelerate Your Manifestations, and Create a New Destiny

Super Grand 1008 Abhishekams and Poojas to Kala Bhairava at 1008 Powerspots
5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status

Individual Athi Santushta Bhairava and Maha Yogini Bhairavi Fire Lab to Manifest Desires, Victory, and Banish Hurdles to Success in Life

Proxy Mantra Writing | Feeding Dogs

Dec. 30, 2023 at 1:00 am HST
Kala Bhairava Rising Program
Kala Bhairava Rising Program



Exclusive Opportunity to Individually Sponsor Hydration Ceremonies
To Invoke the Supreme God of Time to Dissolve Bad Time Karma, Accelerate Your Manifestations, and Create a New Destiny

Super Grand 1008 Abhishekams and Poojas to Kala Bhairava at 1008 Powerspots

5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status

Individual Athi Santushta Bhairava and Maha Yogini Bhairavi Fire Lab to Manifest Desires, Victory, and Banish Hurdles to Success in Life

Proxy Mantra Writing | Feeding Dogs

Dec. 30, 2023 at 1:00 am HST



Super Grand 1008 Abhishekams to 1008 Kala Bhairava
Empower the Supreme Controller of Time to Reveal the Secrets of Time and Money and
Change Your Destiny

Dr. Pillai is undertaking another Grand Mission- to accomplish 1008 Abhishekams to 1008 Kala Bhairava at Powerspots throughout India starting on Kala Bhairava’s birthday on Dec. 5 and continuing until another special day, Dec. 30, a further Dawning of the Satya Yuga.

As we come closer to 2024 and the blossoming of the Satya Yuga, Dr. Pillai is working intensely with the energy of the God of Time, Kala Bhairava, to change the destiny of individuals and the entire universe. Time is destiny, time is money, and time is represented by the planets and controlled by Kala Bhairava, who is the ultimate power.

Pillai Center is giving you an opportunity to sponsor a number of our Super Grand 1008 Kala Bhairava Abhishekam Ceremonies, supported by 2 Fire Labs, Special Poojas at Kala Bhairava Powerspots, and Special Services, to help you invoke the powerful blessings of the God of Time as he rises to power on the Dawn of the Satya Yuga to dissolve bad time karma, manage your time effectively, and gain higher intelligence and Divine guidance to be at the right place at the right time to accelerate your manifestations.

Change Your Planets, Money, and Destiny with Kala Bhairava
As Dr. Pillai explains in his special message below, to change your destiny, your planets, and your relationship with money, it is very important to propitiate Kala Bhairava.
“Kala Bhairava Rising

Who is Kala Bhairava? Kala Bhairava is the God of Time. Time is very, very important in the life of every individual and also in the life of the universe. Time is destiny, Time is movement, Time is mind, and Time is money- that’s why you get paid hourly or weekly.

So if you insult time, that will affect all your life.
Kala Bhairava is the God of Time, and he has many forms. Recently, I have been introduced to the smallest units of time- femtosecond and attosecond and then Kala Bhairava was guiding me to understand it more and its use.
Now, everybody is interested in understanding time in their life, time as it relates also to the planets. The planets also represent time but are controlled by Kala Bhairava.
And he is entering into a new function, which is to introduce you to timelessness and the smallest units of time, and that happening is very, very important in the lives of everyone.
If you want to change your planets, all of them, if you want to change your money-time equation, if you want to change your destiny, you have to pray to Kala Bhairava and his different aspects, like Swarna Akarshana Bhairava, who is the Bhairava who attracts money, and also Anandha Bhairava is the Bhairava that gives you ultimate enlightenment experience of bliss.
Kashmiri Shaivism has a great understanding of Bhairava as the ultimate consciousness, the ultimate power that everyone needs to use and take the blessings of Bhairava.

So we have organized Abhishekams for Bhairava, different kinds of Bhairava, on his birthday, which is December 5th. I want you to participate in the Abhishekam program and receive the blessings of Time.

God Bless!”


According to scriptures, Powerspot beliefs and traditional practices, performing the below suite of services can bestow the following blessings
5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management & Financial Status

5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status

The term ‘Bhai’ implies material wealth, ‘Ra’ denotes the dissipation of pessimism and obstacles inherent in our psyche, and ‘Va’ indicates the continuous process of progress. Thus, worshiping Kala Bhairava can help you make the best use of your time to reap the rewards of success and prosperity and protect you from internal and external enemies.

According to sacred hymns, Kala Bhairava is the bestower of prosperity and Ashta Siddhi (eight supernormal powers). He is known as Dandapani, the one who carries a Danda (Rod) to punish evil doers, protect the vulnerable, and deliver swift justice. He is also Lord of the Pancha Bhootas, or five elements of nature (Earth, water, fire, air, and ether), and gives all manner of excellence in life and the knowledge that we seek to attain goals.

  • Enables time management and multi-tasking skills for optimal results
  • Helps overcome adversity, malevolent energies, and challenges in life
  • Safeguards against accidents and unforeseen dangers
  • Mitigates malefic effects of Dosha (Afflictions) in the birth chart
  • Brings out hidden potential and boosts productivity
  • Grants power, fame, wealth, and success in endeavors
  • Improves relationships and enables family harmony and unity
  • Rejuvenates health

LIVE on Dec. 30, 2023 at 2:45 am HST

2-Priest Individual Athi Santushta Bhairava and Maha Yogini Bhairavi Fire Lab to Manifest Desires, Victory & Banish Hurdles to Success in Life*

2-Priest Individual Athi Santushta Bhairava and Maha Yogini Bhairavi Fire Lab to Manifest Desires, Victory, and Banish Hurdles to Success in Life*

Maha Kala Bhairava, who emerged as a protective, fierce aspect of Shiva, manifested into 64 forms. One of them is Athi Santhushta Bhairava, the primary archetype capable of bestowing complete satisfaction through fulfilling desires. Athi Santhushta Bhairava is a compassionate protector who, through his permanently satisfied visage, seeks to help you attain your heart’s desires.

Maha Yogini Bhairavi is the consort of Athi Santushta Bhairava and is hailed as Shubhankari or Performer of Auspicious Deeds. Despite her terrifying appearance, she is known to be merciful and compassionate towards her devotees.

Propitiating Athi Santhushta Bhairava and his consort, Maha Yogini, can help dispel obstacles preventing your progress and success and pave the way to accomplishing your goals.

  • Materializes desires and empowers goal attainment by shattering roadblocks
  • Destroys evil forces, hardships, hurdles, and obstacles in life
  • Nullifies bad karma and prevents unforeseen disasters
  • Clears unwanted delays in completion of projects
  • Grants victory over enemies and confers success in endeavors
  • Amplifies wealth, prosperity, good fortune, and material progress
  • Enhances harmony in relationships and happiness
  • Blesses with knowledge and talent
  • Helps attain Siddhis and powers for material and spiritual abundance

*Part of Advanced Plus and Advanced Packages

Abishekams (Hydration Ceremony) Sponsorship Kits at 1008 Bhairava Powerspots

Abhishekams (Hydration Ceremony) Sponsorship Kits at 1008 Bhairava Powerspots

A Super Grand Hydration Ceremony will be performed to Kala Bhairava at 1008 Powerspots with 16 Sacred Offerings including, Turmeric Powder, Rice Flour, Saffron Powder, Sacred Ash, Sandal Powder, Arjuna Bark Powder, Sandalwood Oil, Rose Water, Vetiver Grass, Camphor, Benzoin, Honey, Dates, Brown Sugar, Sugar Candy, and Holy Ganges Water.

Performing this ceremony can help you connect profoundly with him to annihilate unknown danger, and untimely demise, destroy sins, and help turn your time to attain prosperity and success.

  • Bestows protection to overcome problems
  • Confers forms of wealth, luck, prosperity, and material gains
  • Eradicates afflictions, bad karma, and hurdles to progress
  • Resolves problems, financial insecurity, and sorrows
  • Brings family well-being and success in every venture
  • Eliminates suffering and dismay
  • Removes ignorance and negative character traits
  • Awards better opportunities for growth
Archana (Pooja) to Kala Bhairava at 1008 Powerspots

Archana (Pooja) to Kala Bhairava at 1008 Powerspots

These powerful energy vortices offer a profound and meaningful connection with Kala Bhairava, the Divine Defender and Controller of Time, to shatter any darkness or malicious intent infecting your life, overcome threats, and bring well-being and success in your personal and professional life.

  • Guards you against accidents and other unforeseen events
  • Helps manage your time effectively
  • Grants his grace to accomplish your goals on time
  • Eradicates financial hardships, grief, passion, anger and sins
  • Eliminates greed and fear of death
  • Helps liberate your negative karma
  • Confers Moksha (Salvation)
Proxy Mantra Writing "Om Hram Kala Bhairavaya Namah" (1008 Times)

Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Hram Kala Bhairavaya Namah” (1008 Times)

This Kala Bhairava Mantra is a powerful set of syllables possessing Divine vibrations that can help you connect with the energy of Bhairava and invoke his boundless grace and blessings.

  • Helps uplift you spiritually and mentally
  • Instills confidence to overcome impediments
Dog Feeding

Dog Feeding

The Dog is the Vahan (Vehicle) of Kala Bhairava. Feeding dogs and taking care of them is believed to bestow the following blessings.

  • Dissolves sins
  • Helps gain the protection of Kala Bhairava



Advanced Plus Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Advanced Plus Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Advanced Plus Package

Package Description

Join Pillai Center’s Kala Bhairava New Destiny Advanced Plus Program to invoke Bhairava with a suite of services that include an Individual Fire Lab, Fire Lab, Abhishekams Sponsorship Kits to 26 Powerspots, 108 Powerspot Poojas, Mantra Writing, and Dog Feeding to help remove fear, suffering, injustice, and negativity and enable you to use your time effectively to leverage success and prosperity.

  • 2-Priest Individual Athi Santushta Bhairava and Maha Yogini Bhairavi Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • 5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status on Dec. 30, 2023 at 6.15 pm IST
  • Abhishekams (Hydration Ceremony) Sponsorship Kits to 26 Bhairava Powerspots
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kala Bhairava at 108 Powerspots
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Hram Kala Bhairavaya Namah” (1008 Times)
  • Dog Feeding
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Homa and Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atom. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Advanced Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Advanced Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Advanced Package

Package Description

Join Pillai Center’s Kala Bhairava New Destiny Advanced Program to invoke Bhairava with a suite of services that include an Individual Fire Lab, Fire Lab Abhishekams Sponsorship Kits to 17 Powerspots, 108 Powerspot Poojas, Mantra Writing, and Dog Feeding to help remove fear, suffering, injustice, and negativity and enable you to use your time effectively to leverage success and prosperity.

  • 2-Priest Individual Athi Santushta Bhairava and Maha Yogini Bhairavi Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • 5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status on Dec. 30, 2023 at 6.15 pm IST
  • Abhishekams (Hydration Ceremony) Sponsorship Kits to 17 Bhairava Powerspots
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kala Bhairava at 108 Powerspots
  • Dog Feeding
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Homa and Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atom. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Enhanced Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Enhanced Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Enhanced Package

Package Description

Join Pillai Center’s Kala Bhairava New Destiny Enhanced Program to invoke Bhairava with a suite of services that include a Fire Lab, Abhishekams Sponsorship Kits to 8 Powerspots, 54 Powerspot Poojas, and Dog Feeding to help remove fear, suffering, injustice, and negativity and enable you to use your time effectively to leverage success and prosperity.

  • 5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status on Dec. 30, 2023 at 6.15 pm IST
  • Abhishekams (Hydration Ceremony) Sponsorship Kits to 8 Bhairava Powerspots
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kala Bhairava at 54 Powerspots
  • Dog Feeding
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Homa and Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atom. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Essential Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Essential Package

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program Essential Package

Package Description

Join Pillai Center’s Kala Bhairava New Destiny Essential Program to invoke Bhairava with a suite of services that include a Fire Lab, Abhishekams Sponsorship Kits to Powerspot, 27 Powerspot Poojas, and Dog Feeding to help remove fear, suffering, injustice, and negativity and enable you to use your time effectively to leverage success and prosperity.

  • 5-Priest Kala Bhairava Fire Lab for Good Time Management and Financial Status on Dec. 30, 2023 at 6.15 pm IST
  • Abhishekams (Hydration Ceremony) Sponsorship Kits to 1 Bhairava Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Bhairava at 27 Powerspots
  • Dog Feeding
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Homa and Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atom. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Kala Bhairava New Destiny Program

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