Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 at a Special Rate


What is Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School All About?

Mystery School is Dr. Pillai’s premier one-year program, which Dr. Pillai has been teaching for the last 5 years. Dr. Pillai has said that the 2021 program will be his final Mystery School Program.

Mystery School 2021 is a course of miracles where Dr. Pillai teaches you how to contact Gods and Goddesses. Mystery School 2021 is a training program for success and accomplishment of both material and spiritual wealth and success.

The focus of the program is how you can live in the intuitive world. When you function from the intuitive world, it gives you maximum understanding and maximum manifesting power. Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 is designed to create a new God consciousness in you.

Why is Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School Unlike Any Other Program?

Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School is Dr. Pillai’s most exclusive, premier program he offers to the public. Through Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School, Dr. Pillai reveals his latest and most powerful teachings to his students.

You will have the opportunity to:
(1) Receive Dr. Pillai’s latest divine revelations
(2) Access divine support and miraculous consciousness
(3) Benefit from exclusive miracle proxy technology

What Is Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 Asia?

Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 Asia is almost the same as Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School.

The key difference is that it features select video excerpts of Dr. Pillai’s teachings and techniques from his 2021 Mystery School.

Dr. Pillai has requested Pillai Center Teacher, Elaine Kueper, to facilitate this program for you and share with you his 2021 Mystery School teachings.

How it Works

  • Each month, on 2 Saturdays, Elaine will present and guide you through Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School teaching and revelation for that month.
  • She will explain the key highlights of his teachings and how to apply those teachings to your daily life.
  • She will also explain the key components of his meditations and share with you a simple and easy step-by-step method to practice Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School’s meditation for that month for you to fully absorb its benefit.

What You Will Learn in Mystery School 2021 Asia?

Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 Asia is identical to the syllabus for Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School. The program is divided into 4 modules:

Module 1

Activate Intuition for Manifestation

Intuition leads to instantaneous manifestation. Rational thinking cannot instantly manifest. Great people such as Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein both attributed their success to their intuitive capacity beyond the rational mind.

  • Learn how to modify your rational mind and thinking to acquire the quantum intuitive mind with 3 meditations.

Uncommon Solutions to Genetic Programming

The Tamil Siddhas teach that it is not that your brain thinks, but your genes think. You recreate the same reality everyday based on your genetic programming. Whether you know it or not, your great-grandfathers’ and great grandmothers’ genes are influencing and limiting your thoughts and actions.

  • Learn how to change your own genetic programming: Dr. Pillai will teach you easy and practical techniques to overcome limitations and genetic memories of your soul and your grandparents and great-great-grandparents.
  • Learn how to change your genes by understanding the relationship between genes and prana

Re-establish Your Identity with God

Re-establishing your identity with God is key to regaining the kingdom. You will learn how to enter a state of siddhi (unity) consciousness, the quantum realm where thought and reality are one, and you can instantly manifest.

  • Learn how you can re-establish your identity with God.

Tap into the Archetype of Super-intelligence

The Archetype of Super-intelligence beyond the rational human mind is the domain of miracles. All enlightened beings proclaim that one super-intelligence is behind all of creation. Tapping into this Archetype of Super-intelligence will allow you to activate miracles in your lives and the lives of others.

Once you understand the dynamics of reality and illusion, you acquire the ability to change the future and the next moment. You become a timeline jumper from one reality to the other.

  • Learn how to consciously create new realities and timelines with Vasishta’s 9 methods of changing illusions.
  • Learn meditations to realize the unknown and unknowable within you.

Module 2

Access Past Life Insights to Recreate Your Destiny

Understand the dynamics of karma to recreate your reality. Your present life is the outcome of choices, thoughts and actions of the past, which is your karma. Everything that is happening to you– lack of money issues, poverty, health, disease, sorrow - is karmic.

The question is should we stop karma?

  • Learn about the dynamics of karma and how you can stop your old karma and recreate a new destiny for yourself.

Module 3

Activate Your Brain for Superintelligence

  • Learn the secrets behind brain, mind and intelligence.
  • Learn about the parts and locations of intelligence and super-intelligence in your own brain and how to access them.
  • Learn why our mind wanders and ways to stop it. The ancient yogis knew the secrets to manifestation i.e. when you have a focused thought, it can become a reality in your life.
  • Understand how your mind works and the dynamics of thought manifestation. Gain an understanding of what influences the quality and quantity of thoughts.

Module 4

Live Miraculous Consciousness through the Science of Thinking

In general, the mind produces about 90% to 95% mediocre and unproductive thoughts. Most of the thoughts that we have are vague, confused, and imprecise.

Dr. Pillai will teach you a new model of thinking where every thought you have should be only highly intelligent, creative, and productive.

  • Learn how to think super thoughts

Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 Asia: What You Will Receive

Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School Teachings at a Special Price

Elaine will lead 2 “Live” Group Teaching Calls each month on Zoom to share Dr. Pillai’s teachings and techniques, explain his key insights and explain how to apply the teachings and techniques to your daily life for immediate benefit.

Key Teachings from Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School for That Month

You will receive video excerpts of the teachings from Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School lecture and meditations for that month.

Audio Downloads of All Teachings and Meditations

You will receive audio downloads of:

  • All teachings and meditations taught in our sessions
  • Key meditations taught by Dr. Pillai from Dr. Pillai's 2021 Mystery School
“Live” Blessing Session with Dr. Pillai

Dr. Pillai has said he will meet and bless students on Zoom - we will keep you updated about that special blessing.

A Very Special *BONUS* for Mystery School 2021Asia Students
Not Available to Mystery School Program

As a special offer for Mystery School 2021 Asia students who register and pay 1 year upfront for, you will be included in the entire list of monthly pooja and hydration (abishekam) rituals (listed below) at Pillai Center India Remedy Center.

Poojas & Daily Hydration Rituals for the Following Gods

Ganesha: clears obstacles and removes stubborn karmic blocks in the areas of finance, career, relationship, and health and invites prosperity, good fortune, and success

Shiva: removes negativity, protects devotees from effects of malefic planets, reduces the adverse effects of bad karma, and helps attain salvation

Vishnu: grants prosperity, wealth, success, good health, peace, and reprieve from difficulties

Rama and Lakshmana: bestows noble qualities of selfless service, a winner’s consciousness for triumph, peace, and harmony

Sarabeshwara: destroys negative forces, confers protection from enemies and natural calamities, eliminates obstacles in marriage, bestows progeny, clears debts, and ensures success for the deserving

Nataraja: grants proficiency in arts and prosperity, removes malefic effects of planets, brings stability to your personal and professional life, and boosts your creative abilities

Muruga, Valli, Devayani: grants strength and courage, eliminates sorrows, removes ignorance, and bestows a happy married life

Hanuman: bestows mental, physical, and spiritual strength to face your enemies and adverse circumstances and emerge victorious, and improves your self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem

Hayagriva: bestows intelligence and improves intellect, improves memory power, concentration, and focus, and excellence in academics

Krishna: grants immense joy, beauty, wisdom, strong relationships, marital harmony, good children, and prosperity

Kubera: helps create, sustain, and enjoy material and spiritual gains, overcome financial hardships, and use money wisely

Narasimha: removes sins, wards off the adverse effects of planets, protects from evil forces, fulfills earnest desires, and ultimately leads you towards liberation

Ayyappa: mitigates the afflictions of Saturn, bestows his grace for good health, prosperity, success in all undertakings, and spiritual bliss

Padmanabhaswamy: removes obstacles in career and life and bestows good health and prosperity

Chakrathalwar: helps defeat your enemies, provides relief from sufferings and worries, purifies the mind and body, rejuvenates health, and grants success in all endeavors

Shiva Lingam: reduces negative influences and evil energies, fulfills earnest wishes, removes distractions and enables you to connect with his transformational energy

Nandi Pooja: helps fulfill true wishes due to his close relationship with Shiva and enables one to bear trials and hardships of life

Gold and Silver Vel Abishekam: helps destroy bad karma, darkness and diseases and protects from evil eyes, curses and helps overcome enemies

Poojas & Daily Hydration Rituals for the Following Goddessess

Parvati: bestows physical attractiveness and mental power, grants marriage boon, resolves conflicts between couples, helps prevent miscarriage, and bestows a trouble-free life filled with joy and happiness

Lakshmi: eliminates all forms of poverty, bestows business profits, monetary growth, and overall welfare in life

Saraswati: grants expertise in academics and arts, oratorical skills, increased intellect and creativity, success, and peace of mind

Sivakami: Sivakami is the consort of Dancing Shiva, Nataraja. Grants auspiciousness, strengthens relationships and overall prosperity

Durga: confers protection from negativity and evil eye, bestows strength and courage to face trials, relieves depression, and mitigates afflictions of planet Rahu

Pratyangira Devi: protects from enemies, helps overcome obstacles and dispel evil spirits, negative energy, and any other form of black magic

Swarnambika: bestows physical attractiveness and mental power, eliminates all forms of poverty, and helps you enjoy a trouble-free life filled with joy and happiness.

Lakshmi Kubera: helps increase profits, recover from debts, remove impediments to acquiring wealth, and amplify your sources of income

Angali: removes external negativities, evil forces, dispels difficulties, grants supernatural powers, fortune, wisdom, and forms a protective shield around you

Shreem Brzee Lakshmi: bestows financial stability, prosperity, beauty, auspiciousness, and fulfillment of earnest desires

Varahi: instills bravery, grants victory over enemies, and material wealth

Draupadi: provides boons of increased status, position, self-esteem, courage, wealth, happiness, and material comforts

Maha Meru Kum-Kum Pooja: helps attain desires and grants wishes, blesses with wealth, and eliminates misfortunes and obstacles in your life

Poojas & Daily Hydration Rituals for the Following Gurus & 3 Divine Forms of Shirdi Sai Baba

Kalpa Viruksha Kamadhenu Kubera Sai Baba: bestows financial blessings, removes debts, fiscal burdens, poverty, and bad money karma

Noi Nivarana Sai Baba: helps cure diseases, eases anxiety, and restores your health and vitality.

AabathSakaya Shirdi Sai Baba: provides immediate help with any issues in your personal or professional life

Siva Baba: receive blessings to attract fortune and recognize opportunities for material growth, good health, wisdom, wish-fulfillment, and karma clearing

Dattatreya: dissolves sorrows, cures health issues, removes karma, bestows peace of mind, and helps lead a healthy, wealthy, and successful life

Raghavendra: grants fulfillment of desires, boons, abundance, and spiritual evolution

Agastya: helps heal physical and mental ailments, protects from negativity and enables you to progress in your spiritual journey towards liberation

Poojas & Daily Hydration Rituals for the Following Navagraha (9 Planets)

Sun: grants strength, prosperity, success in all endeavors, and boosts health

Moon: balances emotions, provides mental peace, wealth, fame, and a pleasing personality

Mars: bestows vitality, landed properties, power, protects from accidents, strengthen family bonds, helps take bold decisions and calculated risks

Mercury: grants intelligence, and excellent communication skills, improves the potential for understanding and maximize creativity

Jupiter: improves wisdom, knowledge, makes one highly learned, grants fortune, and success

Venus: bestows good and strong relationships, longevity, prosperity, material comforts, excellence in art and music, progeny, luck, and beauty

Saturn: helps improve self-discipline, responsibility, grants progress in life and career, and helps develop spirituality, compassion, and humility

Rahu: bestows power and influence, win over enemies, helps realize dreams, and a deeper understanding of life.

Ketu: grants wealth, luck, good health, domestic happiness and prosperity, and relief from the adverse effects of the planet

Join Dr. Pillai’s Mystery School 2021 Asia Program

Payment Plan Program
  • Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School Teachings at a Special Price
  • Key Teachings by Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School for That Month
  • Audio Downloads of All Teachings and Meditations
  • “Live” Blessing Session with Dr. Pillai
Full Payment Program + Rituals
  • Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School Teachings At A Special Price
  • Key Teachings by Dr. Pillai’s 2021 Mystery School for That Month
  • Audio Downloads of All Teachings and Meditations
  • “Live” Blessing Session with Dr. Pillai
  • Monthly pooja and hydration rituals for 1 year

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