Super Regal Statue Installation of Swarna Akarshana Sahasra (1000 Gold-Attracting) Shiva Lingam

1000 Shiva Lingam Grant 1000-Fold Blessings for Ultimate Life Transformation, Success & Prosperity

1165 Sacred Rituals + 100,000 Sacred Mantra Chants to Invoke the Grace & Boons of Supreme Dissolution Archetype Shiva in His Lingam & Rudra Form
To Destroy Scarcity, Debt, Karma, Sins & Bestow Limitless Material and Spiritual Wealth

Super Deluxe Grand 11-Priest Installation Fire Lab for Sahasra Lingam with Laksha Archana (100,000 Sacred Chants Pooja), Eye-Opening Ceremony, & Abishekam

365 Days Bilva Pooja, Sacred Hymn Chanting, and Hydration Ceremony & Cooked Rice Sacred Offering for Sahasra Lingam
Cooked Rice Hydration Ceremony & 12 Sacred Ash Hydration Ceremonies to Sahasra Lingam

Rudra Trishati Chanting With 2-Priest Rudra Fire Lab | Individual Rudra Fire Lab | 11-Priest Individual Laghu Rudra Fire Lab
11-Priest Individual Ekadasha Rudra Abishekam

Powerspot Poojas to Shiva at 5 Sacred Vortices Representing 5 Elements
Aug. 28, 2024 at 5:00 pm PDT


Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Installation
Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Installation


Super Regal Statue Installation of Swarna Akarshana Sahasra (1000 Gold-Attracting) Shiva Lingam

1000 Shiva Lingam Grant 1000-Fold Blessings for Ultimate Life Transformation, Success & Prosperity

1165 Sacred Rituals + 100,000 Sacred Mantra Chants to Invoke the Grace & Boons of Supreme Dissolution Archetype Shiva in His Lingam & Rudra Form
To Destroy Scarcity, Debt, Karma, Sins & Bestow Limitless Material and Spiritual Wealth

Super Deluxe Grand 11-Priest Installation Homa for Sahasra Lingam with Laksha Archana (100,000 Sacred Chants Pooja), Eye-Opening Ceremony & Abishekam

365 Days Bilva Pooja, Sacred Hymn Chanting, and Hydration Ceremony & Cooked Rice Sacred Offering for Sahasra Lingam

Cooked Rice Hydration Ceremony & 12 Sacred Ash Hydration Ceremonies to Sahasra Lingam

Rudra Trishati Chanting With 2-Priest Rudra Homa | Individual Rudra Homa
11-Priest Individual Laghu Rudra Homa
11-Priest Individual Ekadasha Rudra Abishekam

Powerspot Poojas to Shiva at 5 Sacred Vortices Representing 5 Elements

Feb. 19, 2024 at 2:00 pm HST



1000 Shiva Lingam Grant 1000-Fold Blessings For Ultimate Life Transformation, Success & Prosperity

Pillai Center invites you to participate in our Super Regal Swarna Akarshana Sahasra (1000 Gold-Attracting) Shiva Lingam Statue Installation Ceremonies, commencing at the start of the New Year 2024, to invoke the transformative powers of Shiva in his Supreme Gold-Attracting 1000 Lingam form.

The ceremonies will commence with the Live Statue Installation of the Sahasra Lingam, hand-crafted from a single sacred stone with 1000 miniature Lingam carved on the main body of the Lingam according to the protocols described in the Shilpa Shastra (Manual for Temple Architecture and Divine Sculptures), with chanting of 100,000 Shiva mantras by 11 expert Vedic priests, followed by a Grand Fire Lab, and Hydration Ceremony to help bring the statue to life and energize it with Divine vibrations.
Super Regal Statue Installation of Swarna Akarshana Sahasra (1000 Gold-Attracting) Shiva Lingam
According to sacred texts, this rare form of the Lingam is enormously powerful as it can amplify the benefits of any sacred ritual or Pooja dedicated to it 1000 times and bestow 1000-fold blessings for ultimate life transformation, wish-fulfillment, material prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment, to help erase the debilitating effects of limiting karma, sins, and, debts and create a new destiny.
These rituals will be further empowered by 1163 continuous empowerment and supporting ceremonies, including Bilva and Cooked Rice Hydration Ceremonies to Sahasra Lingam, Sacred Hymns Chanting, Fire Labs with Special Offerings, and Hydration Poojas to invoke Shiva in his Wish-Fulfilling Rudra form, Special Poojas to Nandhi and Cow, and Shiva Powerspot Poojas.
The supporting services will be performed throughout the year on Shiva’s auspicious powertime days to help resolve debts and scarcity, protect against hostile forces and adverse planetary effects, destroy obstacles preventing progress, and grant immense wealth blessings in the form of Dhana (Money), Dhanya (Sustenance), Dhairya (Courage), Santana (Progeny), Jaya (Victory) & Vidya (Knowledge).

Shiva in Lingam Form- Formless, Limitless & Transcendent Symbol of Shiva’s Infinite Power

In Sanskrit, the word ‘Linga’ means ‘Sign,’ so the Lingam is an identification or symbol of generative power, creative energy, and enlightenment of the Nirguna Brahman (Formless Aspect of Shiva). As per the Puranas, the Shiva Lingam is described as the holy union of both the male (Purusha) and female (Prakriti) energy. It represents the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and infinite nature of Shiva, the Primordial Dissolution and Transformation Archetype.
The Shiva Lingam consists of three parts, which refer to the Hindu Trinity – Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the Destroyer), and hence possesses the combined powers of the Para Brahman (Supreme Divine Consciousness). The three lines marked on the Shiva Lingam symbolize Shiva’s important characteristic traits:
  • Trinetri- the one with the third eye of wisdom (which destroys evil, ignorance & Karma)
  • Trikaldarshi- the one who sees the three aspects of time (past, present & future)
  • Trilokinath- the one who rules over the three worlds (earth, heaven & the underworld)
The Linga Purana glorifies the Lingam as a symbol of Satya (Truth), Jnana (Knowledge), and Ananta (Infinity), and the resting place of all Celestial Beings, Devas (Gods), Pitrus (Ancestors), Navagraha (9 Planets), and Sages. Hence, worshipping the Lingam can grant the multifold blessings of Divine Archetypes, instill auspiciousness, purify the mind and body, shield you from all forms of negative energy, dissolve suffering, sins, and illusions, and fulfill wishes.
According to the Mahaparinirvana Tantra, installing a Shiva Lingam in a Powerspot is equivalent to performing 10,000 Ashwamedha Yagna (Horse Sacrifice) and can help cleanse all sins and impurities. Propitiating Shiva in this form with sacred rituals and special offerings can help you access his pure, boundless, life-sustaining energy to bring significant transformation in your life and connect with his Supreme Consciousness or Highest Intelligence to lead a happy, problem-free, and successful life.

Shiva as Rudra- Fierce & Unconquerable Wish-Fulfilling and Negativity-Annihilating Archetype

Rudra is the name given to Shiva in Vedas for his fierce powers to cleanse karma, drive away miseries, and transform life by fulfilling earnest wishes. Invocation of this celebrated “Mightiest Of the Mighty” archetype can help cleanse your thoughts and de-clutter your mind of negativity so you can overcome hurdles to progress, resolve problems, enjoy peace, and attain all-round success in life
He is revered as Sarveshvaraya (Lord of Everything, Animate & Inanimate), Ahantyaya (He Who is the Indestructible, Effulgent Self), Sarvamijjagadayakshmagum (One Who Frees The World From All Ills, Discord & Ruin), and Jambhayan (Annihilator of Enemies, Poisonous Creatures, Evil Forces, Witchcraft & All Difficulties)
Sri Rudram is a Vedic hymn that is considered the Ultimate Shiva Prayer used to invoke the grace of Rudra and consists of 11 Anuvakas (Sections). According to Vedic scriptures, chanting each section in Sri Rudram can bestow the following blessings
  • First- For all-around development & well-being
  • Second- For overpowering your enemies & possession of wealth
  • Third- For a healthy life
  • Fourth- To rejuvenate health
  • Fifth- To get rid of ignorance & grant child welfare
  • Sixth- For victory over enemies & expand fortune
  • Seventh- For longevity & increased intelligence and intellect
  • Eighth- To acquire material assets
  • Ninth- To obtain a good job, partner, & financial security
  • Tenth- For removal of fear & sins
  • Eleventh- For acquiring knowledge of the past, present & future

Highlights of Swarna Akarshana Shiva Lingam Statue Installation Ceremonies &
Supporting Empowerment Services

According to sacred texts, the process of installing or consecrating a statue is called ‘Prana Prathishta’, and its protocols are elaborated in the Agma Shastra. In Sanskrit, ‘Prana’ means the soul or breath, and ‘Prathishta’ means installation or consecration. Hence, the installation ceremony for a statue brings life to the statue, which is further empowered with ongoing sacred ceremonies.
  • Preparatory Poojas begin with preparing the place for the deity’s invocation, chanting Vedic mantras that can purify the surroundings, and cleansing the deity with medicinal herbs
  • 11 expert priests will chant 100,000 sacred names of Shiva along with performing a Shiva Moola Mantra Fire Lab (Seed Sound Fire Lab) to connect with his Divine energy and invoke his positive vibrations in the deity
  • Following this, the Eye-Opening Ceremony is performed accompanied by a Fire Lab with Sacred Hymns Chanting, and the presence of the deity is invoked in the Kalash (Pot) with water containing special herbs
  • Finally, the energized water is used to hydrate the statue and transform the statue into a living and powerful representation of the deity
Once the Installation procedures are completed, the energized Sahasra Lingam will be further empowered by the following sacred rituals to gain the positive blessings of Shiva throughout the year
  • 365 Days Archana & Abishekam (Special Poojas and Hydration Ceremonies) using Bilva Leaves, favored sacred offering of Shiva
  • 365 Days Nivedhyam (Sacred Food Offering) of Cooked Rice
  • 12 Vibuthi Abishekam (Sacred Ash Hydration Ceremonies) during Pradosham Days (Sin-Cleansing 13th Moon Shiva Powertimes)
  • Anna Abishekam (Cooked Rice Hydration Ceremony)

Combined Blessings of Grand Statue Sahasra Lingam Installation & Empowerment Ceremonies

According to traditional beliefs, it is considered an excellent life-changing experience to participate in statue installation ceremonies and can bestow the following unique blessings
  • Grants Divine grace to acquire assets, good fortune & wealth
  • Fulfills earnest wishes
  • Removes evil forces, fears & enemies
  • Helps gain clarity in thoughts & action
  • Eliminates debts & attain success
  • Fixes challenging relationship issues
  • Boosts health & cleanses negative energies
  • Confers unity & cordial atmosphere in your personal and professional life
  • Bestows all-round development & well-being
  • Gives spiritual enlightenment


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing sacred rituals to Shiva with faith and devotion can bestow the following blessings
11-Priest Grand Sahasra Linga Installation Homa and Eye-Opening Ceremony with Abishekam & Laksha Archana

11-Priest Grand Sahasra Linga Installation Fire Lab and Eye-Opening Ceremony with Abishekam & Laksha Archana (100,000 Sacred Chants Pooja)

The Sahasra Lingam Statue Installation will be performed by 11 expert Vedic priests who will consecrate the idol through Special rituals and 100,000 chants of the Sacred Names of Shiva to invoke the energy of Shiva in his Supreme Gold-Attracting 1000 Lingam form
According to Linga Ashtakam (Octet in Praise of Lingam), Shiva in Lingam form is praised as Sancita Paapa Vinaashana Lingam (He Who Can Destroy Sins Accumulated Through Several Lives), Ashta Daridra Vinashita Lingam (He Who Destroys The Eight Forms of Scarcity) and Janmaja Dukha Vinashaka Lingam (He Who Destroys Sorrows of Human Existence)
Performing this Installation Fire Lab, Sacred Chanting and Eye-Opening Ceremonies for the Sahasra Lingam can bestow the following blessings
  • Attracts wealth, luxury, affluence & material abundance
  • Resolves financial debt, monetary instability & scarcity
  • Dissolves negative Karma affecting finances
  • Removes obstacles to stability & progress
  • Mitigates malefic planetary effects
  • Gives good fortune & material success
  • Grants spiritual abundance, good health & success
  • Fulfills material & spiritual desires
Rudra Trishati Chanting With 2-Priest Rudra Homa

Rudra Trishati (300 Names of Rudra) Chanting With 2-Priest Rudra Fire Lab (Karma-Cleansing & Abundance-Bestowing Fire Lab) on Monthly Ardra Nakshatra Day (12 Times)

Rudra Trishati is a powerful hymn that extols the glorious attributes, Divine blessings, and might of Rudra through 300 Sacred Names. The scriptures revere him as Varivaskritaya (Creator of Riches), Ucchairghoshhayakrandayate (He Who Makes Enemies Weep & Bestows Refuge From Harm to Devotees), Vishveshvaraya (Lord of the Universe), and Rudrayatatavine (Great Protector Who Dissolves Sorrows of Samsara)
Rudra is praised as the one who bestows wealth (material as well as spiritual), grants wishes, and destroys evil from all sides. Scriptures say invoking Rudra in the Fire Lab can protect you from negative influences and bless you with overall well-being, prosperity, good health, and wisdom
  • Cleanses sins of previous birth & bad karma
  • Bestows material wealth, affluence & prosperity
  • Helps attain desires & long-held ambitions
  • Eradicates all hurdles to progress
  • Helps reveal the path to success & abundance
  • Dispels negative energies, curses & sins
  • Grants protection from evil forces
  • Brings inner peace, contentment & spiritual well-being

LIVE on May. 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT

11-Priest Individual Laghu Rudram Homa

11-Priest Individual Laghu Rudram Fire Lab (Wish-Fulfilling & Ultimate Prosperity-Bestowing Fire Lab) *

‘Sri Rudram’ is written as a prayer to Rudra to transform Shiva from his fierce form to his peaceful form so he can shower his blessings upon us. This prayer has two parts, with each divided into eleven sections. The first part has verses ending with the term “Nama,” and hence this part is named ‘Namakam’ or ‘Rudram’. The second part is named ‘Chamakam’ as the verses end with “Cha Me” which means “let this be granted to me”. It is believed that during Rudram chanting, you can bring Vedic archetype Rudra to his peaceful state, and during Chamakam chanting, you can ask him for your wishes to be fulfilled

When the Sri Rudram is chanted along with a Fire Lab, then it is termed as Laghu Rudra Fire Lab. The purpose of Laghu Rudra Fire Lab is to appease the Eleven Powerful Forms of Rudra (Shiva) and offer prayers to the Supreme Being for removal of sins and fulfillment of wishes

This potent Vedic hymn is known as the supreme prayer to Rudra, and when chanted by expert Vedic priests, it is believed to exponentially multiply the blessings of Rudra for prosperity, fulfillment of wishes, as well as the removal of sins, debts, and blockages to growth
  • Grants supreme boons of Rudra
  • Gives the determination to accomplish goals
  • Mitigates malefic impacts of planets, sins & curses
  • Destroys negative energies & evil spirits
  • Instills spiritual awakening, consciousness & leadership qualities
  • Gives relief from chronic health issues
  • Confers immense peace, harmony & good fortune
Individual Rudra Homa

Individual Rudra Fire Lab*

According to Rig Veda, Rudra is the most ancient form of Shiva who manifested from the rage of the Creator Archetype Brahma, to protect the Devas (Celestial Beings) and fight against the Asuras. As per the sacred text Yajur Veda, Rudra is revered as the destroyer of sins, sorrows, and miseries and the ultimate energy that cleanses and purifies
  • Materializes desires & bestows multifold wealth
  • Eradicates internal & external negativity
  • Instills auspiciousness, peace of mind & contentment
  • Dissolves bad karma, sins & curses
  • Safeguards against negative forces, evil-eye & fear
  • Bestows good health, wisdom & well-being
365 Days Bilva Archana with Bilva Ashtakam

365 Days Bilva Archana (Pooja) with Bilva Ashtakam (Hymn in Praise of Offering Bilva Leaves to Shiva) Chanting to Sahasra Lingam

According to Shiva Purana, Bilva leaves are more precious to Shiva than precious jewels and is the most auspicious way of offering Pooja to Shiva. The trifoliate pattern of the leaf is said to represent the three eyes of Shiva, or his Divine weapon, the Trident. It is closest in its reverberance to Shiva and can absorb his energy, help attain oneness with him, and confer extraordinary boons to destroy sorrow, remove suffering and hardships, and bestow wealth, happiness, peace of mind, and success
Bilva Ashtakam was composed by Sage Adi Shankaracharya to shed light on the glory and might of offering Bilva leaves to Shiva. According to Skanda Purana, the Bilva leaf was formed from Goddess Parvati and is of great significance to Shiva worship. The hymn reveals that if a person offers clear-minded prayers to Shiva using a Bilva leaf, their desires will be fulfilled, and it has the ability to destroy sins committed in three previous births and help you attain salvation
  • Bestows wealth, prosperity & material comforts
  • Destroys sins from three past lives & suffering
  • Helps materialize wishes, happiness & success
  • Safeguards against all kinds of evil, hardship & sorrows
  • Dissolves bad karma & enemy threats
  • Grants good health & salvation
365 Days Annam Nivedhyam

365 Days Annam Nivedhyam (Sacred Offering of Cooked Rice) to Sahasra Lingam

According to sacred texts, rice symbolizes auspiciousness, life, and prosperity, and hence the life-nourishing and life-sustaining energy of rice can invoke the Divine power of Shiva in the Shiva Lingam to help eliminate all obstacles to success and bestow all-around prosperity
  • Stabilizes finances & boosts income
  • Banishes obstacles to progress in life
  • Enables progress in career & business growth
  • Resolves financial debts & burden
  • Fulfills sincere wishes
  • Grants overall well-being
Anna Abishekam to Sahasra Lingam

Anna Abishekam (Cooked Rice Hydration Ceremony) to Sahasra Lingam (Once) on Anna Abishekam Powertime Day

Performing Anna Abishekam (Cooked Rice Hydration Ceremony) to Supreme Dissolution Archetype Shiva on this day can absolve the bad karma of your previous births and purify the karma of your current life. It is believed that participating in this powerful spiritual technology dedicated to Sahasra Lingam (1000 Forms of Shiva as Lingam) can help you lead a happy, trouble-free, and fulfilling life
This grand rice anointing ceremony is performed as an expression of gratitude to Shiva, who is known as the sole protector of the five elements of nature (Pancha Bhootam) and all forms of life on earth. Shiva is also known as Abisheka Priya, or the great lover of Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony), and is usually bathed with 11 sacred items, of which cooked rice hydration is his most favored.
Furthermore, rice is an outcome of the union of the five elements of nature. Rice emerges from the seed which is sown in the land, nourished by water and fire, and transforms as paddy with the help of wind- and this rice helps sustain all living beings. This gives more significance to the supreme ritual of Anna Abishekam to Shiva, who is the controller of the five elements
  • Eradicates your karmic problems & helps attain inner peace
  • Solves business-related issues & helps gain prosperity
  • Ensures prosperity in agriculture & security of grains
  • Bestows beauty & self-confidence
  • Helps you access non-depleting food sources
  • Bestows child boon & enhances memory power in children
Vibuthi Abishekam

Vibuthi Abishekam (Sacred Ash Hydration Ceremony) to Sahasra Lingam on Monthly Pradosham Powertime Days (12 Times)

The Sanskrit word ‘Vibhu’ means Supreme or Eternal, referring to the Divine. This is a sacred ritual where Shiva (as Rudra), is bathed using Vibuthi (Sacred Ash), which symbolizes Divine power as it is obtained from the sacrificial fire
Pradosham is a bi-monthly powertime that occurs on Trayodashi (Thirteenth Day) during the waxing and waning phases of the Moon. ‘Pra’ means to remove and ‘Dosham’ means sin. This unique powertime is the ideal time to invoke the blessings of Shiva to remove negative karma or karmic energies that can limit your progress in your current life
Offering Vibuthi Abishekam to Shiva during Pradosham days can help you receive his grace to destroy sins accrued in past and current life and bestow the following blessings
  • Minimizes malefic effects of birth stars
  • Prevents untimely accidents & mishaps
  • Gives better prospects in career & business
  • Eliminates Dosha (Afflictions) from past life Karma
  • Helps attain success & wealth
  • Protects from evil-eye & negative energy
  • Grants Divine consciousness & positive energies
  • Confers physical & mental well-being
  • Bestows family with peace, harmony & happiness

11-Priest Individual Ekadasha Rudra Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony with 11 Sacred Ingredients)*

According to Shiva Purana, Shiva worship is incomplete without performing the Hydration Ceremony. As per traditional belief, performing the Hydration ritual for the Shiva Lingam with Shiva’s favorite ingredients can bestow the following unique blessings
  • Milk Hydration- Grants long life & absolves snake-related curses
  • Curd Hydration- Blesses with progeny
  • Ghee Hydration- Provides salvation & victory
  • Honey Hydration- Resolves problems & gives sweet speech
  • Water (Mixed with Ganga Jal) Hydration- Calms the mind & bestows peace
  • Sugar Cane Juice Hydration- Boosts health & removes enmity
  • Panchagavya (Mixture of five ingredients- milk, curd, ghee, cows’ urine & cow dung) Hydration- Removes all sins
  • Panchamrutham (Mixture of ripe banana, jaggery, candy sugar, seedless dates, honey, dry fruits) Hydration- Enhances prosperity & abundance
  • Rice Powder Hydration- Frees from debts
  • Fruits with Lemon Juice Hydration- Eliminates the fear of death
  • Sandal Paste Hydration- Bestows wealth & the grace of Goddess Lakshmi

Archana (Pooja) at Pancha Bootha Powerspots (Once)

Pancha Bhootha Powerspots are representative of the Five Prime Elements of Nature which are under the control of Shiva
  • Air Element- Kalahastheeshwara Powerspot
    • Nullifies malefic effects of Rahu & Ketu
    • Grants relief from curses
    • Rejuvenates health
    • Liberates from the eternal cycle of birth & death
    • Bestows salvation
  • Fire Element- Thiruvannamalai Annamalaiyar Powerspot
    • Fulfills desires
    • Grants relief from sins
    • Helps break cycle of death & rebirth
  • Earth Element- Ekambareshwara Kanchipuram Powerspot
    • Grants relief from health concerns
    • Bestows knowledge, wealth & abundance
    • Confers Vahana Prapti (Ability to Purchase of Vehicles)
    • Helps attain salvation
  • Water Element- Jambukeshwarar Trichy Powerspot
    • Bestows suitable & ideal life partner
    • Empowers couple harmony & concord
    • Confers an abundance of water resources
    • Awards liberation
  • Sky Element- Chidambaram Powerspot
    • Awards prosperity, luxury & financial stability
    • Boosts excellence in arts
    • Restores resilience & resolves health issues
    • Empowers mental peace & wealth of children

Gho (Cow) & Nandhi Pooja on Monthly Shivaratri Day (12 Times)

According to the Garuda Purana, a cow can carry a soul beyond three kinds of hell and absolve all kinds of sins committed in the present and previous births. Gho (Cow) Pooja is the worship of the Divine Bovine Goddess Kamadhenu, venerated as a wish-fulfilling cow
She is believed to have emerged from the Samudra Manthan (Churning of the Milky Ocean) as one of the 14 Ratna (Treasures), and is the abode of all 330 million Gods and Goddesses
Nandi is the sacred bull of Shiva. Nandi is the animal form of Shiva, his ardent worshipper, and his Divine Vahan (Vehicle). He is also the gatekeeper at Kailash and is consecrated as an idol in front of the entrance in Powerspots, heading towards Shiva’s sanctum
He is the Protector of Justice, a symbol of eternal waiting, which is considered the greatest virtue in Sanatana Dharma (Treatise on Righteous Conduct), and the epitome of wisdom, justice, faith, courage, and honor
  • Removes Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Afflictions) & Navagraha Dosha (Planetary Afflictions)
  • Resolves financial debt & business losses
  • Bestows success in legal matters
  • Wipes out negativity, enemies, obstacles & hostile forces
  • Grants wealth, abundance & prosperity
  • Fulfills wishes & progress in career
  • Removes fear, stress & ego
  • Grants good health, joy, contentment & longevity


Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Statue Installation Packages

Individual Package

Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Monthly Individual Package

Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Monthly Individual Package

US $ 170.00

Package Description

Join Pillai Center’s Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Monthly Individual Package to propitiate Shiva and enjoy the powerful blessings of the Sahasra Lingam with a suite of services that include an Individual Fire Lab, 30 Special Poojas and 30 Chantings, Hydration Ceremony,  and 30 Sacred Offerings to bestow 1000-fold blessings for ultimate life transformation, wish-fulfillment, material prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment, to help erase the debilitating effects of limiting karma, sins, and, debts and create a new destiny.

  • Individual Rudra Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank on Arudra Day/Pradosham/Birthday)
  • 30 Days Bilva Archana (Pooja) with Bilva Ashtakam (Hymn in Praise of Offering Bilva Leaves to Shiva) Chanting to Sahasra Lingam (Daily)
  • Vibuthi Abishekam (Sacred Ash Hydration Ceremony) to Sahasra Lingam (Once During Pradosham Powertime Days)
  • Gho (Cow) & Nandhi Pooja (Once on Shivaratri Day)
  • 30 Days Annam Nivedhyam (Sacred Offering of Cooked Rice) to Sahasra Lingam (Daily)
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Fire Lab, which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.

Group Package

Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Monthly Group Package

Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Monthly Group Package

US $ 61.00

Package Description

Join Pillai Center’s Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Monthly Group Package to propitiate Shiva and enjoy the powerful blessings of the Sahasra Lingam with a suite of services that include an Individual Fire Lab, 30 Special Poojas and 30 Chantings, Hydration Ceremony,  and 30 Sacred Offerings to bestow 1000-fold blessings for ultimate life transformation, wish-fulfillment, material prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment, to help erase the debilitating effects of limiting karma, sins, and, debts and create a new destiny.

  • Rudra Trishati (300 Names of Rudra) Chanting With 2-Priest Rudra Homa (Karma-Cleansing & Abundance-Bestowing Fire Lab) on Aug. 29, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • 30 Days Bilva Archana (Pooja) with Bilva Ashtakam (Hymn in Praise of Offering Bilva Leaves to Shiva) Chanting to Sahasra Lingam (Daily)
  • Vibuthi Abishekam (Sacred Ash Hydration Ceremony) to Sahasra Lingam (Once During Pradosham Powertime Days)
  • Gho (Cow) & Nandhi Pooja (Once on Shivaratri Day)
  • 30 Days Annam Nivedhyam (Sacred Offering of Cooked Rice) to Sahasra Lingam (Daily)
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred gray ash powder from the Fire Lab, which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

Pillai Center is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.

Swarna Akarshana Sahasra Shiva Lingam Installation

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