
Creativity, Knowledge and Good Fortune

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Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol: 10008 Sounds Writing for Effortless Creation

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol’ 10,008 times. These sounds invoke the united energy of Radha and Krishna, the divine couple, for unlimited wealth, rejuvenated health, beauty, and ecstasy. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. This can empower your manifestations and bring the consciousness of creating an effect without a cause. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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Om Aim Shreem Kleem Namaha: 10008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Wish Fulfillment

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Aim Shreem Kleem Namaha' 10,008 times. Om’ is the primordial sound of the Divine, ‘Aim’ for Saraswati, ‘Shreem’ for Lakshmi and ‘Kleem’ for Parvati (Durga). Together, these sounds represent the powerful sound frequency of the Trinity Goddesses for fulfillment of desires. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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10,008 Jhooti-Brahma Proxy Written Sounds: Om Jhooti Brahmani Namaha

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Creativity, Knowledge and Good Fortune Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Jhooti (Thoth) and the Vedic Archetype of Brahma. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to creative energies such as writing, science (including celestial science) and material abundance. See MORE...

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