
Intense Karma Removal

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Proxy Mantra Writing for OM NAMO NARAYANAYA 1008 times

Proxy Mantra writing is basically a kind of spiritual outsourcing, outsourcing your personal chore to India. You are benefited spiritually and materially as well. We will hire Indian people who live in villages and suffer even for their daily bread, please be assured that we are choosy about people who are worthy of this service!

US $ 25.00 US $ 19.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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10008 Proxy Written Sounds for Om Makaral Sivaya Nama

This quantum sound frequency was recently given by Dr. Pillai for karma removal. It invokes energies of a form of Siva that resides in a special vortex that has a special energy to remove significant amounts of karma. You can also use this sound for relatives who have passed away in order to help their passage.

US $ 60.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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