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The Power of Aramaic Words Used by Jesus

Webinar with Dr. Pillai

Though many know Jesus, his life story and his preaching, not every know the language he used to for communication and the significance the words. Dr.Pillai in one of his webinars enlightened his students on the language spoken by Jesus and about its power and significance.

If you want to listen to this rare webinar, you can check out our online stores and search for the webinar, “The Power of Aramaic Words Used by Jesus”. The webinar is a great opportunity for you all to know a vital secret still unknown to many.

In what language Jesus speak and why is it important to know it?

Jesus was one amongst the great realized souls, His influence on the World and the people are significant. His words and sayings influence and inspire people even now. It would be interesting to know about the language he used for communicating. Though initially it was believed Jesus spoke Hebrew, recent findings and research conclude that Jesus spoke the Aramaic language. Aramaic was the native language of Jesus

Hebrew and Aramaic

Both Hebrew and Aramiac came from a now-extinct language, Proto-semitic. Both these languages are closely related. The Old Testament’s original language was Aramaic. Ezra and Daniel have lengthy sections written in Aramaic. Several Aramaic words are found in the New Testament Text.

Lord’s Prayer

Jesus gave the Lord’s prayer to the world to teach the people the way of praying. It would be surprising to many to know that Aramaic was the original language of the Lord’s Prayer. If Aramaic was chosen by Jesus to deliver his most powerful prayer, one can understand the significance of the that language. Dr. Pillai is joining this God-Power event to reveal the power of Aramaic, especially the words used by Jesus in the ‘Lord’s Prayer’.

Dr. Pillai terms Jesus’s Lord’s prayer as the highest form of prayer. He adds that reciting this prayer in the original Aramaic will bring you greater benefits than reciting the translated versions found in English, French etc. In this webinar, Dr.Pillai intends on sharing deeper insights into the mystical Aramaic language and the significance and secrets of the Aramaic version of My Lord’s Prayer.

Jesus’s Aramaic words

Several instances are found in the Gospels where Jesus is quoted speaking in the Aramaic language. The most common Aramaic word Jesus uses is “Abba”, he uses it to address his heavenly father. Jesus also gave his disciples Aramaic nicknames. He named James and John “Boanerges” which means “Sons of Thunder” in Aramaic.

The other popular Aramaic names Jesus gave to his associates are Martha (Aramaic for “lady”), Thomas (Aramaic for “twin”) and Magdalene (Aramaic for “tower”).

Some other Aramaic words found in the New Testament are, “Bar” (meaning “Son”), Barnabas (“Son of Encouragement”), Barabbas (“Son of the Father”), Cephas (Peter),  and Bartholomew (possibly Aramaic for “Son of Ptolemy.”).

The Aramaic Bible

Important sections of the Old Testament were written in Aramaic. When Aramaic displaced Hebrew as the primary spoken language of the Jews in Israel at one period of time, Bible was translated into Aramaic so that more people would know its meaning.  


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