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  5. Can Your Departed Ancestors...


We fancy ourselves alone in a vast universe. But are we? Actually, according to different spiritual traditions, we’re never alone and there’s more to reality than we can fathom.

Among those who claim the connectedness of all things we find the yogis of India, along with an even older tradition of spiritual scientists, the Tamil Siddha masters.

 The Siddhas and yogis believe that our ancestors have never left us. You might not remember your great-grandmother, for example, but she hasn’t forgotten you—for better or worse.

In fact, Dr. Pillai, a Tamil Siddha master, explains that a great majority of souls are not at peace after death and they desperately need our prayers—better yet, they need some specific steps for liberation or Tarpanam, as the ancient spiritual scientists of India taught.

When the ancestors suffer, they can have a negative influence on our thoughts and disrupt our lives.

Dr. Pillai said that the ancient practice of Tarpanam is returning now, because it’s sorely needed to heal both humanity and departed souls. And he calls the unending connection between our souls and our ancestors—Soul Genetics.

“Soul Genetics will have a major role in the sciences of the Golden Age.”

Scientific Findings on Inherited Phobias

Research at the Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, proved that mice could pass stressful experiences and past trauma to the next generation.

Because identical phobias can also be found among several generations of humans, researchers now believe that stress can be inherited from the ancestors.

Because of these findings, scientists think that memory could be stored within the DNA. Professor Marcus Pembrey, a pediatric geneticist at University College London, said this study is “compelling evidence” for the biological transmission of memory.

The ancestors are said to think for us and when they evolve their positive influence is reflected in our thoughts.

Spiritual Science

When the ancestors are pacified through Tarpanam, they bless their descendants. You may notice that destructive habits or addictions disappear. Their blessings are said to come through positive thoughts and positive experiences.

Barbara Fredrickson, a positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina, believes that positive thinking [positively] impacts our skills. In a published paper, she also said: “The personal resources accrued, often unintentionally, through frequent experiences of positive emotions are posited to be keys to later increases in well-being…positive emotions widen people’s outlooks in ways that, little by little, reshape who they are.”

According to the Siddhas and Dr. Pillai, we create our lives from our thought process or mindset. Modern psychologists, spiritualists and yogis agree.

But here’s the catch: according to yogis and Siddhas, we aren’t the creators of our thoughts—at least not entirely.

The sources of your mindset can vary from planets in charge of bringing you the results of your thinking patterns (or karma), to another database collecting your ancestors’ thoughts. And—our ancestral families are believed to return periodically during special times created by the interactions of the Sun with the Moon, and especially during the new moon phases.2

Mahalaya, the Special Time for Ancestor Rituals

A prolonged period when our ancestors visit us is Mahalaya, the Indian name for a 15-day period dedicated solely to ancestral worship (Sept. 16 – Sept. 30, 2016).

The yogis believe that much good can come to you from developing a good relationship with your ancestors by performing or sponsoring Tarpanam during this time.

Regardless of your prior relationship with your departed ancestors, when you help them evolve through a traditional ritual—Tarpanam—a set of special offerings, your ancestors acquire the power to help you succeed in all areas of your life.

Accounts of positive outcomes span from relationship miracles, to healings, to financial windfalls, and more.

The dynamics of this reciprocal process can be found in all living things, say again the yogis—even between humans and Gods (or archetypes), the benevolent light beings who help humanity from other dimensions.

Try this

  • Dr.Pillai said that you can contact your ancestors during Malaya (also called Pitri Paksha) by putting their photos next to your bed. You can try communicating with your departed ancestors, asking them for help. You can also pray for their peace and entrance into the light.
  • Sponsoring Tarpanam by proxy performed by specialists on your behalf—with the names of your ancestors—is believed to attract to you the blessings of your ancestors and facilitate their passage into higher dimensions.
  • You can also put some sesame seeds and white rice in your right hand and pour a glass of water on this mixture with your left hand. You can do this outside or over a sink at home. Let the sesame, rice and water fall onto the ground or into the drain. Ask your ancestors to cross into the light and bless you.

Traditional invocation for peace for all

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute to the happiness and freedom for all.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shot

by Lalitha Devi

Keep up with the energies through Mahalaya Paksha from Pillai Center. Click the button below for details.

Mahalaya Paksha

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