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How to Get Shreem Brzee Into Your Body

A few weeks ago, I asked the Divine Nadi Scriptures, “How can I get a Mantra into the blood?”

The reason why I asked this question, was because I know that the Mantras work if people do them regularly. This Mantra will work. And if they spend an hour a day, it will certainly work. But to get people to commit to that one hour time period is impossible, in most cases anyway. And then there are thoughts coming in distracting them, they can’t even sit in meditation for 5 minutes.

Plant Based Gods

So, I explained this problem and asked the Divine Scriptures, “Is there any other way of doing it?” And the answer was surprising. It said, “Yes, you can do that.”

Every Manta represents an energy of a God, or a Goddess behind it. These Gods or Goddess also have a plant origin. They all have a plant basis, whether a tree or a plant. If you can take the fruits or the leaves or the roots of this plant then you can get the Mantra into the blood of the people.

And then the God or the Angel begins to live in that person’s consciousness. And along with it, if they chant a few times, then the Mantra will work. I found this information very useful, very scientific also.

So, this is exactly what I am doing in Shreem Brzee’s case. I know that Shreem Brzee is a wealth Mantra, but people have a difficult time chanting a number of Shreem Brzee.

So, what can you do? Can you somehow get this into people’s blood without them having to chant for hours? Yes!

Turmeric Root!

Then I must go and identify the plant that represents Shreem Brzee. That is the Turmeric Root, also called Curcumin Root. That represents Lakshmi, or the Goddess of Wealth.




So, it just came to me in my meditation two days ago that I should create this through Nambu Botanicals, this Shreem Brzee infused Turmeric.

That’s going to be available and I’m very happy about this finding. And if those of you who are interested in knowing more about this technology, just go at look at the plant basis of Greek Gods and Goddesses.

What About Jesus?

I also asked, “I just want Jesus to get into my body, what do I do?” I asked,” Is there a plant for Jesus?” Yes, it is Olive. Then I started researching it and how Jesus is represented by the Olive Tree. There are a lot of references of when Jesus spent a lot of time with the Olive Trees so Jesus’ life is very much connected with the Olive Tree.

Then I went even beyond to the book of Genesis and to Noah.

Noah was from the flood. And then Noah sent a dove to find out if the flood had receded. The second time the bird came back with a fresh olive leaf in her mouth. So, the Divinity of the olive goes back even to the Greek times.

Shreem Brzee in the Blood

Shreem Brzee and Turmeric are the same, and it is easy to get Shreem Brzee into your blood. Through the consumption of this Turmeric. I’m very excited about this technology. And even without knowing all these backgrounds, divinely, I was inspired to infuse the herbs with the sounds and the Phonemes. And this one is represented, the energy behind the herb, and behind the Gods and Angels who represented them.



So, I am delighted that this will be produced soon, so that you can monitor yourself, how your prosperity changes with the herb that’s going to be available. And then we are going to put Shreem Brzee into the Turmeric.

God Bless.

Dr Pillai

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