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  5. Karma Burns on Dr....

This year, Dr. Pillai’s birthday is happening at the PERFECT TIME & SPACE to DISSOLVE KARMA and CHANGE YOUR DESTINY

  • Astrological Timings and Conditions closely match those under which Dr. Pillai was born
  • For the first time, birthday celebrations will be held entirely in Rameshwaram, Dr. Pillai’s birthplace and the Most Sacred and Effective Karma Removing Vortex on Earth

Dr. Pillai’s methods always focus on the problem directly: KARMA. It takes lifetimes to Burn Karma without Divine Help. This trip combines the power of Rameshwaram to dissolve sins, Fire Labs designed to upgrade consciousness AND the blessings of a living Enlightened Spiritual Master on his most important day of the year.

Karma will Burn.

This is a once in a lifetime gathering of Divine Beings and Life Changing Forces.

If you can’t make it to India, Dr. Pillai developed a way to bring the Blessings to Everyone.

Dr. Pillai’s invitation to join by proxy:

In Dr. Pillai’s words:

“It’s all happening because of the Divine wanting to change the world. From that day onward I’m going to be totally changed, and the change will go on for 28 months.

For those of you who cannot attend, I have come up with an esoteric way for you to participate through a Yogic and Tantric technology. I can capture the energy of anyone through their horoscope inscribed on a copper plate.

You will, through this Yantra, be able to participate in the karma removal which is the main objective of the program.

I am going to help the participants in the program to rewrite their destiny.

I’ll be with you spiritually wherever you are.”



LAST DAY to register and have your custom Yantra created and ready for rituals is January 29th

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