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Love Mantra ‘Kleem’ Creates Miracles


love mantra kleem


What is Love? 

Dr. Pillai: “Love is life, because life comes out of love. If there is no love, there will be no life. Love and life are synonyms. It is for love that life comes into existence. Why are people coming into this Earth plane? Because they want to experience relationships. 

Relationships are very vital for people who are living on this Earth plane, particularly. It is what gives life meaning. Love is of different kinds. There is love between genders and between siblings, friends, relatives, and also toward other human beings, animals, and plants. Love sustains life. 

Without love, there is no meaning to life. That’s the bottom line – that love is fundamental. It is not of the mind. It is of the heart. That’s why there is the expression, “you fall in love.” You fall from the head to the heart. Love is not simply an emotional pull – it is also the highest intelligence. 

If you are in love, you are in the heart center, then you will be able to understand the highest intelligence. 

It is the intelligence of creation. It is creative intelligence. When you are in love, you will be very creative. When you are in hatred, you will be destructive. 

So love is life. It is intelligence. It is creation.


The ‘Kleem’ Mantra 

Trust is not something you can cultivate, because trust and belief are two different things. You can somehow create belief. Trust is a matter of the soul. You’ll trust based upon your soul’s understanding. You have to be given trust by something which is beyond you and once you trust, then everything will happen. I often teach mantras to create something that cannot be created with human efforts. 

That’s why I teach this mantra, Kleem.  The mantra Kleem can do miracles. Most of the time people write hundreds and thousands of books on how to develop trust or how to develop love and relationships. But this single mantra, ‘Kleem,’ can do wonders. It can develop trust because you are not doing anything. You simply repeat it and it will bring you the trust which is unconditional and will also bring the right person. So it is a divine gift that was given to us from the divine beings who specialized in ‘Kleem.’


How Does ‘Kleem’ Work?

It is something like a seed. There is a seed for an orange. There is a seed for an apple. There is a seed for a lemon. Then how does it work? How does this lemon produce only lemons, and the orange produces orange? Nobody can really figure it out. It is a mystery of creation. In the same way, ‘Kleem’ is the sound that will create love. Nobody knows. It is not in the realm of our understanding. It is the energy itself. It is a seed sound. The seed carries that energy. ‘Kleem’ carries the energy of a relationship.


How Mantras Work

The way any mantra works, not just ‘Kleem,’ but also Shreem, Om, or any mantra, is based on the number of times you use it. If you turn your mind into a mantra (this is what the Yogis say) then you don’t think any other thought, but only Kleem occupies your mind, then you can create any number of relationships This is true of other sounds, too. 

If you just say ’Kleem Kleem Kleem Kleem Kleem’ 10 times and you are negative for the other 99% of the time, it’s not going to work. Your mind should be thinking the sound all the time. If you can’t do it, at least do it 1,008 times. One thousand eight times will take about an hour and within that hour, you will have really done something very powerful to create or attract a relationship.”

– Dr. Pillai



Valentine’s Day is the ideal day to fix your love relationships.  

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