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Lalitha Sahasranamam


Lalitha Sahasranama – Introduction

Lalitha Sahsranamam, the sacred Hindu text found in the Brahmananda Purana, is a popular text of Hinduism existing for ages. The chant praises the Mother Goddess, a principal divine form of the Hindu pantheon. This stotra is widely read by the devotees of Goddess Sakthi and particularly by the followers of the Sakta ideology, a branch of the Hindu philosophical system considering Mother Goddess as supreme amongst the other divine forms.

To know more about Lalitha Sahasranamam and its benefits, read further.

Lalitha Sahasranamam

What is Sahasranamam

‘Sahasranamam’ is a Sanskrit term referring to “a thousand names.” It is a form of Stotra here in a deity is praised through using 1,000 names, attributes, or epithets. These 1000 names, attributes, or epithets convey the quality and nature of the deity.

List of popular Sahasranamams

There are many Sahasranamams available, but the popular amongst those are the below four.

1. Vishnu Sahasranamam (praises and lists the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu)

2. Lalitha Sahasranamam (praises and lists the 1000 names of Mother Goddess)

3. Shiva Sahasranamam (praises and lists the 1000 names of Lord Shiva)

4. Ganesha Sahasranamam (praises and lists the 1000 names of Lord Ganesha)

These four Sahasranamas are read by the people daily, weekly, or on auspicious occasions.

Origin of Lalitha Sahasranamam

Sri Chakra Maha Meru, the abode of Mother Goddess, is guarded by over 60+ yoginis, the servitors of the mother goddess. The eight vaag devis, Vasini, Kameshvari, Aruna, Vimala, Jayani, Modini, Sarveshvari, and Kaulini, are important in those 60+ yoginis. They composed Lalitha Sahasranamam upon the command of the Goddess Lalita herself and gave it to Lord Hayagriva, a popular avatar of Lord Vishnu. Sage Agastya did penance to Lord Hayagriva and was taught the Lalitha Sahasranama stotram from him. It was through Agastya, Lalitha Sahasranamam was known to the world.

Temples related to Lalitha Sahasranamam

Two temples in Tamil Nadu are connected to the lore of Lalitha Sahasranama. These two temples are very ancient and are significant in the worship of the Mother Goddess. Chanting or listening to Lalitha Sahasranama in these two temples is considered very sacred.

Kanchipuram Kamakshi Temple: Kanchipuram Kamakshi temple is one of the famous temples of India. It is one amongst the 51 Shakthi peetams, the sacred spots of Sakthi worship. Goddess is known as Kamakshi here. Adi Sankara, one of the foremost Hindu philosophers, was a great devotee of Goddess Kamakshi. As seen earlier, Sage Agastya was the one who received the sacred initiation of Lalitha Sahasranama stotram from Hayagriva. In Kanchipuram, Lord Hayagriva explained to Agastya the significance of Goddess Kamakshi and initiated him the sacred 1000 names of Devi.

Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Temple: Thirumeeyachur Lalithambigai Temple is another important temple connected to Lalitha Sahasranama. Thirumeeyachur is located nearby Myladuturai, a town in Tamil Nadu. Goddess is known as Lalithambigai here and is found seated on the Sri Chakra Meru. The eight vaag devis serving mother goddess took the form of green parakeets and sang the Lalitha Sahasranama stotram, praising Goddess Lalitha. All other gods prayed to Mother Goddess and sought her blessings here at this temple.

Significance of Lalitha Sahasranamam

  • The Mother Goddess herself loves Lalitha Sahasranama.
  • It is more powerful than any form of Tantra or Mantra.
  • It is the primary chant of Mother Goddess.
  • The 1000 names of Goddess have great meaning hidden in them.
  • Mother Goddess becomes very pleased on hearing the recital of this Sahasranama
  • Lalitha Sahasrama contains knowledge of Kundalini Yoga hidden in it.
  • The highest yogis and gurus have prescribed the reading of this great stotra to alleviate all forms of problems.


Benefits of chanting Lalitha Sahasranamam

Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam is believed to bestow several benefits. The benefits of Lalitha Sahasranamam are listed below for your reference.

  • Chanting Lalitha Sahasranamam on full moon day will protect from diseases and will also ensure long Life.
  • Chanting this stotram helps you to ward off the ill effects caused due to planetary transition.
  • For the blessing of a child, a woman can chant these 1000 names and offer butter to the Divine Mother.
  • Lalitha Sahasranamam will act as a protective shield and save you and your family from black magic.
  • Every single name of the Goddess will bring unique blessings.
  • Reading the 1000 names of Goddesses will help you to banish your sins.
  • One who recited this stotram need not fear enemies.
  • Chanting this stotram daily for six months will ensure staying of Wealth Goddess Lakshmi permanently in your house
  • If you read this Sahasranamam daily for a month or three weeks, Goddess Saraswathi will bless you with the highest intellect.
  • In homes where Sree Lalitha Sahasranamam is chanted regularly, there won’t be any shortage of Life’s necessities.


Individual Lalitha Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa

You can receive the blessings and benevolence of the Mother Goddess by taking part in the Individual Lalitha Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa.

durga suktam homa

We conduct the Durga Sukta Homa and the Sahasranama chanting by strictly adhering to the Vedic scriptures. The priests conducting the Durga Suktam Homa ritual and Lalitha Sahasranama chanting are highly qualified to conduct Vedic rituals. When this powerful homa and the Lalitha Sahasranama chanting are conducted together, they will bring upon all positives and would evict away all kinds of negativities from your Life.

What you get

We will ship you the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa and the Red vermillion powder (Kum-Kum) blessed in the ritual. You can keep them in your pooja room, apply those on your forehead, and invoke divine blessings from the Mother Goddess.

More Information

The homa is performed in four different frequencies as 1 Individual Homa, three months, six months, and 12 months. You can choose any of the four at your convenience. Make use of this wonderful opportunity and receive the limitless blessings of Mother Goddess. Kindly reach out to us for additional queries and more details about the Individual Lalitha Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa.


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