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  5. Mercury Direct: Your Real...



Mercury has been retrograde in Aries since April and you’ve probably dealt with numerous non sequiturs and an avalanche of “What?” and “Can you say that again?”

And you’re probably fed up with the speed bumps your communication and your business met as you went about your days.

Good news for you—Mercury goes direct in the sky on May 22 and you’re all set to fix the issues that have arisen or let the bygones be bygones.

So to make sure you enjoy your time, talking or trading—learn how to make the best of this post-retrograde period and succeed ahead of others and even ahead of yourself. Fasten your seatbelt!

Martian energy in speech or writing

We like to glorify intellectual and rational intelligence, domains of Mercury—but our spiritual masters know fully well that our emotional, intuitive and spiritual intelligence is largely superior.

Mercury rules the intellect and all the clever tricks for gaining both in relationship and trade. 

Its flexibility can make one a mathematical genius or an amoral, unethical individual. 

Yet we need to function in this world and so we need to use Mercury’s fast thinking and learning.


Just as Mars in Mercury signs can use speech as warfare, Mercury in Aries can become aggressive as he goes full-speed ahead in this sign of Mars known for its impulses and sudden decisions.

This is a fantastic energy for successful work, diligence or embarking on the adventure of a lifetime.

You get it—Mercury in this sign can result into a speak-now-and-think-later trouble.

Being the results of our thoughts, words create experiences and how we use them can obviously make the difference between a fabulous life we love or one we want to leave.

So try to slow down and speak more softly during this transit for maximum effectiveness both at home and the office.

You’ll then use your determination to achieve great results by tackling previously neglected files or delving into books you’ve been waiting to read. 

Cool your head and words

The following sound waves conceived by the intuitive Rishis of India can make your speech more auspicious and effective:



Give your thoughts power with celestial fire

Sponsoring fire ritual for Mercury and Vishnu, Mars and Muruga gives your prayers enough fuel to turn a lifetime of struggle into ease and success all around—regardless of what these two planets and their overlords rule in your personal chart.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shot


Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi



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