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  5. Mini Light Body Program

Dr. Pillai certainly understands the major financial and time commitment of a year long Light Body Enhanced program and for that reason has made the core teachings available to all in the Mini Light Body Program.

All the mantras, techniques, and blessings of the Master are included, at a price you can afford and on your schedule.

Dr. Pillai extends a personal invitation for you to join the Mini Light Body Program …


“I want to remind you of the upcoming Mini Light Body Program.

It’s going to start in a couple of days.

I came up with this program in order to make it available to those who cannot afford the one year program which is of course expensive.

The Mini Light Body Program has all the important components.

And I’m giving the core techniques in that, so I invite you to come and take advantage of this program.

I also want to let you know that the Light Body Program is not simply designed to turn the body into Light, although that is the ultimate goal.

The Light Body program is also geared to making you vibrate with Light.

When you vibrate with Light, you’ll be able to work faster because the light vibrates fast.

And that happens quite naturally, you don’t do anything.

Because the sounds, the mantras that are used will generate more Light inside the brain, the brain will work faster.

And everybody wants to get things Fast.

Instead of getting paid at the end of the month, If you want to get paid every day, then you have to have more Light.

That is the practical value of the Light Body Program.

It’s simply not an off-the-wall concept. It is very, very practical.

Waiting is a waste of time.

You don’t have to wait for money to come. Money can come right now provided you have more Light within yourself.

The Light Body Program gives you 200% Life. It takes care of your material needs as well as your evolutionary needs of turning your body in to Light.

So I want you to participate in this program …

I wish you well and personally extend my invitation to you to join this program.”

– Dr. Pillai

Click Here for Program Details

Early Bird Offer: if you register by July 1st, you get free enrollment in the New You Program, a comprehensive Karma Busting system that is sure to wipe the slate clean.

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