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  5. Now is When You...

12 times a year, approximately once a month, our Sun aligns with different constellations known as “zodiacs” in astrology. Tracking these movements is beneficial for us because for each zodiac the Sun aligns with, it sheds light on and activates a specific area of life.

The key is knowing which of these areas of life is currently being impacted so you can harness the energy to empower it.

This is how the Yogis and Siddhas operate. They only do things if the time-energy supports it. This way, they guarantee that their actions and expended energy lead to the most fruitful results, and have the greatest impact.

Several years ago, Dr. Pillai created a course using Yogic techniques and teachings to harness the power of each of the 12 major alignments of the Sun each year.

It is called the “Personal Transformation Program.” Each module offers spiritual techniques and teachings to harness the power of 12 different areas of life.

This month is all about financial intelligence and material comforts.

Upgrade Your Financial Intelligence

The Sun has just moved into Taurus which means that right now we have an opportunity to dramatically upgrade our financial intelligence.

Dr. Pillai has created this module specifically for this time.


If you are interested, you can buy all twelve modules together and save when you do. Each module can be used on its own as a standalone course.

Click here to see all twelve modules


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