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  5. Spiritual Science + Ganesha...

I want to welcome you for my Facebook Webcast. It’s a great thing that I can do this for you. This morning I want to talk to you about the spiritual science of the Yogis, and the Rishis of India.

Spiritual Science Is Much Older Than Material Science

What is the difference between the spiritual science, and the material science? The material science is relatively a recent phenomenon going back only maybe a couple hundred of years, especially our modern science and technology, but the spiritual science is a lot older. It is as old as the planet earth when beings from other planets came to occupy it.

Spiritual Science Is From Beings From More Evolved Galaxies

So this is the perspective to look at because the spiritual science has its origin from beings who came to occupy this planet from more evolved galaxies, the spiritual science is a lot more superior than the material science.

The Light Body Is The Goal Of The Yogis

The material science is still struggling to figure out how to deal with the human body, how to find medicine for the human body. But the spiritual science went beyond all of that and then said that the body is a problem, the mind is a problem because of our human constitution, the flesh and blood reality, and then we have to get beyond that to the Light Body. The Light Body has been the goal of the Yogis because no matter what the body, whatever you do to the body through modern medicine, and vitamins, and supplements, and so forth, it’s going to age, it’s going to die.

Spiritual Is Very Useful To Us

The spiritual science is a lot more evolved, a lot more profound, and a lot more useful to us. In this connection, I thought that I would talk about how to benefit from the beings from other galaxies, and how they relate to us.

Watch My Ganesha Videos On YouTube

One being, one God is Ganesha, the Elephant God. I have done a lot more videos for YouTube. If you go to YouTube you will see my Ganesha videos, particularly from the perspective of modern science, and how the Elephant-headed God has this Von Economo Neuron that gives higher intelligence to this particular God, Ganesha.

HERE Is How To Access Ganesha!

This session I want to give you the understanding of the Siddha’s of Tamil Nadu, I come from Tamil Nadu, and how they use the Ganesha. In their understanding and views, Ganesha is a God who can give you the ultimate knowledge, the ultimate wisdom, and they also discovered that he can be accessed through the body at two different places. One is the Root Chakra of the lower body, and another is the Root Chakra of the higher body. The lower body is the Base of the Spine Chakra, and the upper body Root Chakra is the Pituitary Gland.

Ganesha Meditation/Exercise To Get Into Divine Intelligence  

The moment you put your attention… Just I want you to:

~ Close your eyes and experience it. Just…

It’s called: “The Brow Chakra” in between the two eyebrows.

~ The moment you put your attention on “The Brow Chakra” in between the two eyebrows,

you’ll see that thoughts will slow down,

~ and then you’ll feel a little sense of a pressure in between the two eyebrows,

~ and that is where Ganesha is located.

~ This being, Ganesha with an elephant head, represents the highest intelligence,

and he can be accessed through this chakra,

~ and through the sound that primarily starts with: ”Mmmm”, “Mmmm”, “Mmmm”.

~ While you do that, observe your two nostrils.

~ ”Mmmm.” It will pull the air in the nostrils into the Pituitary Gland.

~ The two nostrils represent mundane thoughts. As long as they are very active, you are

subjected to rational thoughts, mundane thoughts, lower frequency thoughts,

as well as stupid thoughts.

~ Once the air in the two nostrils gets into the Pituitary Gland in between the two eyebrows

then your intelligence changes,

~ and then you slowly move that upwards, the energy upwards to go through different

spots right above The Brow Chakra.

~ And now while you are doing that, visualize yourself as Ganesha, this elephant-headed God

with a trunk. The trunk corresponds to your spinal column.

~  So visualize you spinal column, and move that energy from the spinal column,

the bottom of it, to The Brow Chakra, and going above.

This Exercise Can Remove Stupid Thoughts!

Now this little exercise/ meditation can give you more than any other meditation that you have practiced. Why? There are a number of things going on. I can talk for hours, and hours, on different aspects of this meditation that we just practiced, but that’s not needed. What is needed is the experience of cutting down stupid thoughts, or low level thought frequencies, and getting into Divine Intelligence, and that is the purpose of this meditation.

This Meditation On Ganesha Is Most Productive And Intelligent!

I have mentioned before that I have a special relationship with this being Ganesha, and am working with this God. I decided to do a course, and several courses now, for a year. I thought I would do teachings on Ganesha because at this age, and in my own experience, I have found that this particular Meditation on Ganesha is the most productive, most intelligent, and also it can give you a quick evolution from ignorance, and the blood and flesh reality which is really the cause for all of our sufferings. So if we can get to a level of where we are not confined by, or identified with the flesh and blood, but with the non-physical reality, especially with Light, then we have moved in our evolution.

The 4th And 14th Moons Brings Ganesha’s Energy

There are many mundane benefits that come out of this Practice of Ganesha, and he has to be accessed on the 4TH Moon, and on the 14th Moon. I have done videos on that too, because that’s the time that his energy is available, optimally for human beings to use. The 4th Moon, and the 14th Moon, The Moon brings the energy of this being, Ganesha. And I have experimented this in my own life, and I have also introduced it to a lot of people, and they have experienced a communication with this being.

Be Still And Know God!

So what has happened to us in our spirituality, and practice of religion, is it has become a meaningless ritual, or social thing where we don’t pay attention to the change of consciousness. “Be still, and know God.” This is the Bible, but we never remain still, or are able to remain still, and then how can you know God?

Ganesha And This Sound Will Still Your Mind

If Ganesha does one thing, but nothing else, it will still your mind, it will in seconds still your mind, and the sound: “Mmmm” is capable of doing that.

Aspects Of This Course Can Be Found On Pillai Center Calendar

In the course that I will be doing throughout the year, there’s the one course is now going on, and you still have time if you want to sign up for that course. The second will start, I think, in June, or July. You know, you’ll find out the calendar from Pillai Center.

I Will Give This Ultimate Program To You!

So this is part of my Ultimate Teaching. Ultimate Teaching is a 1 year program, it’s a high end program, for people who have been studying with me which is a program which many people cannot afford, but I thought that I will give this Ultimate Program to you because Ganesha wanted me to do that. So this will be a great program, and I am quite happy that Ganesha is working with me to make this knowledge available to you.

“Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha”!

God Bless

dr pillai sig



Select from one of three different packages for initiation, empowerment, and support to access the power of Ganesha in the most profound way.

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