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  5. Sun in Vedic Aquarius:...


There has recently been a big planetary shift to Aquarius, where you can now watch three Vedic planets: Venus, the Sun and Mercury.

What does this mean for you? It means that your love life, communication, business and success are now appearing to you through the lenses of stern Saturn in his role as a social innovator, deliverer of social justice, a high-tech researcher and networking seeker.

In fact, Aquarius is considered even more eccentric due to the influence of Rahu—an explosive and unconventional energy of sudden change, astrology and astronomy savvy, and cultural exchange with foreigners.

The Sun will remain in Aquarius between February 12 and March 14.

Usually, being the planet of the soul, the Sun reigns supreme in the zodiac, giving us personal power and well-being, success, ambition and financial rewards.

In Aquarius though, the Sun loses some of its supremacy and no matter how much you like being a leader, you’ll need to adjust your aims to the needs of the collective.

Will you still get the recognition and Aquarius wealth you crave? Yes, but with some guidance.

So here for you: three Vedic steps for harnessing the best of both worlds—your own progress and the good of all. All the while, you’ll be able to mingle and enjoy new crowds, a wider spectrum of studies and some truly innovative technology. And if you want to succeed, you might now need to avoid the old and tried paths.

Explore the sky

Maybe you, like most people, don’t consider astrology a science. Yet you might be surprised to learn that even rich and powerful financiers consult astrologers.

Although these financial experts won’t advertise it, they have astrologers on staff to help select strong astrological periods for investments and sales.

Aquarius people are innovative and unprejudiced—they’ll do what works and won’t shy away from astronomical and astrological calculations if that can bring them financial gains and progress.

The Sun along with Mercury makes a powerful combination for successful research in computer science, artificial intelligence, politics, finances, as well as the advanced fields of space medicine.

Steve Jobs, for example, had the Vedic Aquarius Sun in his birth chart and needless to say, he became a legend through his inventions and innovations.

To ensure your fame and a shining spot in the above futuristic fields, you can connect with the Sun god, Surya, with his special sound vibrations or mantra: OM SURYAYA NAMAHA.

You can recite the mantra 108 times on Sundays or every day in the Sun hora (consult the AstroVed Hora Watch app). This sound technology will help you make a small shift to harness the benevolence of the Sun in Aquarius vedic and its healing powers, too.

Remove the breaks

Aquarius people want to travel at the speed of light due to Rahu’s energy. Yet the other ruler, Saturn, might do the exact opposite and slow your progress down—hence a significant amount of frustration might dampen your spirit.

But there’s a solution.

Saturn causes troubles and delays only when we ignore his warnings. He wants to teach us compassion for the underprivileged and the poorest working classes.

Below are some secret ways to receive Saturnine help.

  • Recite OM SHANECHARAYA NAMAHA 108 times on Saturday to connect with Saturn on a more desirable level, removing obstacles and receiving his blessings.
  • Sponsor a fire ritual (or Fire Lab) to Hanuman, the archetype that can totally make Saturn help you.

As per the epic Ramayana, in fact, Saturn owes his life to Hanuman and will stop hurting Hanuman’s devotees.

Work by the book

Breaking rules while the Sun is in Aquarius will not help you—and only an ethical path will be rewarded.

The celestial archetypes involved, Rahu and Goddess Durga, his overlord, Saturn and Hanuman are 100-percent interested in the highest path or dharma.

So avoid cutting corners and consider the good of humanity at large. You’ll then be on your way to become both famous and a true innovator.


Donatella Riback (Lalitha Devi) is an empowered Pillai Center Teacher and a certified Vedic astrologer at www.AstroVed.com


Lalitha Head Shotby Lalitha Devi


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