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  5. Venus in Capricorn: 5...



In an ideal world we’re loved and cherished for who we are—with our foibles, occasional mistakes and all.

We also deserve the proverbial slack from others, because we mean no harm.

Right? Not always.

The truth is that on our 3D (or tridimensional) Earth we can’t count on telepathy or simply trust in our good intentions—because instead of love, respect and compassion we risk getting a cold shoulder at work or in our personal life.

But here’s the great news—Venus, planet of gracious interactions, love, creativity, arts and wealth is now in a perfect position to bring you commitment in a relationship, career advancement and material wealth.

So here for you are five quick tips for happiness at home, at the office and at the market. You can also put to rest the occasional faux pas that could spoil your social interactions.

1. Address address address

Venus is lucky in Capricorn—house of BFF (or best friend) lord Saturn. This means that career success and long-lasting assets can now be yours.

Whether you want to splurge on a gold tiara or simply get yourself a nice new car to drive to work—and skip the dreaded long train ride—you’re now supported by the stars.

Saturn is also gazing at Venus and your hard work can now pay off.

Of course, great gifts come with responsibility—so you may need to ignore some nagging insecurity courtesy of Saturn and commit to a more productive schedule.

2. SeriouslyMiddle--Mercury-and-Venus-Together

So can you now relax and have fun with others?

Yes, but you’ll also need to be your serious self, because Capricorn is not a domain for frills or loud jokes. Tasteful behavior and dress code will be the needs of the day.

3. It’s not just work

You can now enjoy some lovely gatherings with your coworkers or business associates. Capricorn rules your profession and career and anything elegant (or costly) will impress others while you network.

Light hearted—yet appropriate—does it.

4. Go traditional

Your date or spouse will enjoy a more conservative form of entertainment or artistic venue when Venus is under the influence of Saturn.

The opening of a famous art exhibit or a symphony night will make your time together more enjoyable.

Ditch your well-worn casuals, if possible.

This is a transit that will bring you success when you wear beautifully fitting and new clothes both at work and in your time off.

5. Fix it all

If nothing is working for you right now, there’s no need to despair.

In fact, there isn’t a transit or planetary alignment that can’t be helped by appropriate remedies.

  • At home you can recite the following sound waves for connecting with the planetary living being behind Venus.

OM SHUKRAYA NAMAHA (108 times on Fridays)

  • If you want to turn things around faster and taste the success you deserve for your hard work, or want happiness in your relationship, you can sponsor a Fire Lab (or fire ritual) to Venus and his overlord Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth.

I consider the priests performing Vedic remedies ‘true heroes’, because conducting rituals on behalf of others may occasionally result in their taking on the brunt of our karma.

For this they regularly need to practice karma removal rituals to clear negativity.

Here’s my heartfelt gratitude to all of them.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shot

Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi



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