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Meditation and Affirmations with a Master: 3 Tracks

Meditation & Affirmations with a Master - 3 Tracks Dr. Pillai's Meditation and Affirmations includes the following tracks: 1) Morning Process: Chaotic breathing used to release your tensions, anxieties and negative thoughts. The ‘Ah’ Meditation manifests your desires and guides your emotional energy. 2) Evening Process: Yogic Sleep is a concentrated technique that Dr. Pillai developed over twenty years

US $ 6.00 US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Ara Kara: Sounds for Manifesting

Ara Kara - Sounds for Manifesting Ara Kara is the sacred sound that busts the ‘impossibility’ concept in our mind. It is the ultimate manifesting sound, cognized by Siddha Master Thirumoolar in deep meditation. ‘Aa’ is the primordial energy, ‘Ra’ is the energy of fire, ‘Ka’ is the first principle of matter, and ‘Ra’ again is the energy of fire. This audio pack contains 3 tracks in Dr. Pillai’s voice – Lecture, Chant and Meditation on Ara Kara.

US $ 10.00 US $ 8.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Power of Super Thinking

Power of Super Thinking Dr. Pillai teaches how to activate your ability to manifest instantaneously by bypassing logic, cause and effect, and time. Track 1 (17 mins) introduces the concept of Super Thinking. Track 2 (23 mins) contains a powerful technique to empower your mid brain. Track 3 (32 mins) contains another powerful technique to activate your heart intelligence. This package contains a PDF to help you with your practice.

US $ 25.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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