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Can You Change Your Karma?

I’m redoing this video because I just forgot to put my mic on. So I felt bad, and I am redoing it now. It’s very interesting, you know the topic is: “Can You Change Your Karma?” And I was saying, “Yeah, although it is very difficult, it is possible.” And whenever you try to change your karma, there will be incredible difficulties, and that’s why I got into this problem because the karmic laws are so powerful. That is why a gardener, or a carpenter, or someone who is doing a very hard labor, is not able to change their karma because the karmic law is so strong.

Get Out of Your Neocortex

The only way you can change your karma is just to get out of your neocortex and the neocortex way of organizing reality, and getting into the midbrain area which is the reptilian brain, which is inside, and the way to do it is the tap technique that I have been teaching that will activate your midbrain that is beyond the karmic law. So we have to go beyond the karmic law.

I Have Come to this Earth Plane for One Reason

So I became persistent. So here I am, I have come to this earth plane for one reason, if I have any Siddhi Power that Siddhi Power is to help people to change their karma. So the people who have been studying with me have experienced that they have all been able to challenge and change their karma, those who take me seriously. Again, the bottom line is you have to go to the midbrain, and that tapping will help you.

Google Search

And since if I ask you to sit and meditate, you won’t meditate, or it’s difficult to do that, I said: “Google Search.” There you can see that you can really use the subconscious mind, and get things that you search for, and even more than that. ‘Google Search’ will give you more when you tap and search, than what you are looking for. So that’s again, less than a minute.

Create as Much Data as Possible

So I want you to do a favor for me and for the world, and that favor is, create as much data as possible. And once we have established that this works, then we can go to the world, and say: “Hey, you can change your karma.” You know, that’s my intention.

So let’s go and do the technique:

Midbrain Tapping Technique

Close your eyes, and with the pinkie, tap.

Press with your nail, and then feel the sensation.

It’s taking you to the midbrain.

Tap, and feel, the Second Gate.

The energy will explode.

Third Gate, tap and feel.

Fourth Gate, tap and feel.

Now visualize all of those four spots mentally.

The energy will explode all through the brain.

And then visualize a red light starting from Gate One going up to Gate Four.

Keep doing it.

God Bless

dr pillai sig



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