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The significance of the Vedic New Year is explained in detail. It is tradition to celebrate with fruits, nuts, jewelry, flowers, rice, and coconuts.



Celebrating the beginning of a new year has its own importance in most of the traditions around the world. Let us explore the Vedic New Year in detail.


What is the Significance of the Vedic New Year?

In Vedic tradition, the significance of the Vedic New Year is that it marks the first day of the Tamil year. It is on April 14 according to the Gregorian calendar. It is called ‘Tamil Puthaandu’ in Tamil.

The Sun, the supreme of energy, enters the first zodiac sign of Aries on this day. It is the time when the Sun gains its highest power and allows nature to be very powerful as well.

Hence, the Tamil New Year is the ideal time for us to join with nature and receive the energy showered on us and celebrate new beginnings to make our lives blossom.


How is the Vedic New Year Celebrated?

To mark the new beginning, on the day of ‘Tamil Puthaandu,’ it is a traditional practice to  welcome the year by viewing fruits, nuts, gold and silver jewelry, flowers, rice, and coconuts arranged on a silver plate.

It is believed that when we see such energy-filling gifts from nature to begin with, our lives will also be full of fortune and joy.


What is Your Expectation for the Vedic New Year?

In general, we all desire overall prosperity and success in our lives.

Specifically speaking, you might have health ailments, marital / relationship issues, or any other particular kinds of problems in your life, and you might be looking for the appropriate time to welcome fortune, prosperity, abundance in your life.

You may be facing some difficult situations in life due to karma or sins and might be expecting a peace in totality.

The Tamil New Year would be one such occasion during which you can turn the entire year in favor of you.


How You Can Make Your Vedic New Year Successful

There are specific ceremonies and rituals like Fire Labs, poojas for the Gods and Goddesses, coconut smashing, fruits and flowers offering, and ghee lamp lighting at power spots. Some of the important rituals for the new year include: 

  • Chanting Vedic Hymns to invoke the Archetypes for targeted benefits
  • Conducting Fire Labs to invoke specific archetypes and seek their blessings
  • Performing poojas at the powerspots of specific archetypes to remove all negativity in your life. Such rituals are focused on transforming your life.

There are certain ancestral offerings which are aimed at removing any ancestral curses.

Dr. Pillai, an international teacher, spiritual leader, and humanitarian says, “The Sun Moves into Aries to start the Tamil New Year (Vedic New Year), and there is so much transformational energy available during this transit. You can empower the Sun within you. This is the time when you can alter time, succeed in your business as well as personal life and affect a change in your destiny.”

So, it is you who should gain access to the power of the Sun.

If you prefer to dissolve your sins and explore the new beginnings and opportunities to invite success, health, and protection, visit this link.

Dr. Pillai, says, “The Sun is not simply just a celestial object, a star, but he is very much our breath, very much our consciousness, very much our life. There is extensive Yogic literature on the Sun, on how the Sun impacts us and governs our life. I want the world to be reborn on this day when the Sun moves into Aries. Everything is dependent on how our brain works, and there is an opportunity for the entire month of Aries.”

To empower new beginnings, it is good to deepen your knowledge and establish connection with the Sun. A guided meditation practice can also help connect with the power of the Sun.

To access the energy of the Sun and accomplish your ambitions during the Tamil New Year, visit this link


In Conclusion 

Dr. Pillai says that everyone should ask themselves how they want to structure their lives at the beginning of the Tamil New Year (Vedic New Year), and it is wonderful to do such planning during this time.

As you plan to celebrate your birthdays, festivals, and the new year, you also need to plan on how you can restructure your life to make new beginnings during such important days to enlighten your future.

To help make your dreams come true, visit this link.


Happy Vedic New Year!



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