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  5. Sun enters Aries: Happy...

Wishing you all a Victorious Vedic New Year! Enjoy the Sun’s energy as it begins exalted in Aries and transits each zodiac sign monthly for the next 12 months. Read the following article by Radha, our Vedic Astrology Support for Sundays with Sucharita. May you receive the highest blessings from your own Soul that is represented by the Sun and will light up your life with miracles.


Love & Light, Sucharita

gayatriThe Sun enters Aries on Sunday, April 13th at 10:00 p.m. EDT. It will travel through Aries for the next month, until May 14th. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and the Sun is exalted there. The Sun symbolizes our Soul, father, royal consciousness, energy & activity. Exalted Sun means the Sun will be at maximum power, so life energy and vitality will also be at their highest level. Power will be abundantly available to energize your goals, projects and manifestations for the next 12 months.

Sun moving into exaltation in Aries renews the energy of the entire world. This occasion is celebrated as the Vedic New Year, on Monday April 13th. This is the true start of a new year. Dr. Pillai recommends that you take some time to reflect on this new beginning.

Ask yourself: How do you want to structure your life for the next year?

This is the best time of the year to set your goals for the next 12 months because the exalted Sun will energize them and help you take action to realize your goals.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which relates to your self, identity, and physical body. It is ruled by Mars, a fiery planet of action, problem-solving, and courage. You may experience higher energy levels and increased ability to take action. This month you may need to focus on your health, career or personal needs. It’s a good time to do activities to advance or promote yourself. Set your goals and take action steps toward your projects. Be careful not to give in to impatience, anger, or selfishness.

The shadow planet Ketu will be with the Sun in Aries. Ketu is the saintly planet, a planet of very refined technologies, unboundedness, detachment, surprises, and spiritual liberation. Sun and Ketu together can support you in positively reorganizing your life.

Furthermore, Astroved astrologers tell us that the Sun with the karmic planet Ketu can dispel your karma. Exalted Sun and retrograde (extra powerful) exalted Saturn are mutually aspecting each other, giving you the ability to dissolve your mediocre life. Mars is also aspecting the Sun, helping to give you power and energy. Venus in the 11th house from the exalted Sun can make your eyes and heart healthier.

Vedic New Year 2014 is known as ‘Jaya’, which means VICTORY!

During his April 12th Hangout, Dr. Pillai recommended that you pray to the Sun and meditate on the Sun. This is the best time for everyone, so use it!

To access the Sun’s energy of enlightenment, energy, and intelligence, chant the Gayathri mantra for an extended period of time (e.g. 108 repetitions or more) on this most important day.

Watch a video of Dr. Pillai chanting the Gayathri Mantra: Click Here.

Gayathri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

The Gayatri Mantra may be translated as follows:

OM (OM) – We meditate (DHEEMAHI) upon the Spiritual Effulgence (BHARGO) of THAT Adorable Supreme Divine Reality (VARENYAM DEVASYA), the Source (SAVITUR). May THAT (TAT) Supreme Divine Being enlighten (PRACHODAYAT) our (NAH) Intellect (DHIYO), so that we may realize the Supreme Truth.

Chitra Purnima Full Moon

This year the Vedic New Year coincides with the Chitra Purnima Full Moon on Monday, April 14th. Throughout the year, every Full Moon is very powerful energy vortex for spiritual evolution and material manifestation. Chitra Purnima brings the energy of Chitragupta, a diety who keeps the tally sheet of our good and bad deeds, also called the akashic records. On this day you can seek blessings to clear away your sins. Your sin can be forgiven if you repent sincerely, vowing not to repeat the errors and pray to the Lord Chitragupta with faith and devotion. If we sincerely want to do and be better, we can clear away the bad karmas and problems of the past and start fresh.

As always, the best remedy to wash away your karma is to donate to or otherwise help suffering persons. Giving away things like food, clothes, books, money or anything that would serve a purpose for a suffering person will help you purify your soul. You are welcome to visit www.tripurafoundation.org and participate in supporting any program that resonates with you.

The fact that the Chitra Purnima occurs on the same day as Vedic New Year reinforces that this is a new beginning for VICTORY!

Take advantage of the energies available and reorganize your life:

-Write your goals and/or create a vision board with images of your goals for the next year.

-Honor the Sun.

-Take action.

You are welcome to visit and participate in offerings and services through: PillaiCenter.com and AstroVed.com to make the most out of your NEW YEAR!

Love & Light, Radha

Vedic Astrology Support for Sundays with Sucharita

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