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  5. Sun in Taurus: Make...



Life was good when the Sun was in Aries in the last four weeks, bringing us a fresh impetus for new projects from a place of strength.

Instead, you’re now provided with a new paradigm—cum financial benefits—as the Sun moves into the sign of Venus known as Taurus.

So because you don’t want to miss a golden opportunity to grow your bank account and your assets, here for you: a one-month period for getting help from the celestial realm, shifting your focus from adventure to financial stability—because this Venusian Sun will accept nothing less.

Easy does it

If you’re anything like me, you dislike prolonged focus on material matters. This is the very reason many spiritual people aren’t rich.

Yet at this time in history we require a new paradigm that merges our soul’s needs with financial stability—nothing other than the 200 percent life that Dr. Pillai has been advocating.

This means enjoying 100 percent material success that complements 100 percent spiritual fulfillment.

The Siddha tradition, in fact, reminds us that there’s no spiritual benefit in either starvation or debt. In other words—unnecessary suffering can be a hindrance in realizing your higher purpose.

The Sun in Taurus is ever-hungry for material accumulation. Both collectively and individually we must remember that hoarding wealth can never lead to happiness—just as too much food or sex can never satisfy our soul or give us a meaningful life.

When you balance your healthy needs for prosperity and security with self-control, you’ll rather enjoy this transit and won’t let it control you. 

Great financial news for you 1

Auspicious time shaktis (or windows of opportunities) positively influence your future and the outcome of your actions.

The Sun in Taurus comes equipped with a window for connecting with a highly beneficent celestial being—Vishnu, the archetype of great wealth, who also holds a major role in preserving our universe.

This time is known among the Siddhas as Vishnupati—a powerful stream of prosperity consciousness occurring only four times in a solar year.

At home:

  • On May 14 (or every day), connect with Vishnu through chanting his special sound vibrations OM NAMO NARAYANAYA 108 times.
  • Connect with Lakshmi, Vishnu’s consort by reciting SHREEM 27 times.
  • Ask Vishnu and Lakshmi to help you by fulfilling your financial needs—be specific by asking for a house, or a car, or an increase in your income—or all the above. Be sincere and respectful. Thank them with love and devotion.
  • Ask for support in your spiritual evolution.
  • Donate money, turmeric and or sugar to poor people.

For receiving wealth miracles:

A more powerful means is sponsoring various professional Vishnupati rituals and Fire Labs. Through the intelligence of fire and infrareds, you’ll receive prompt money miracles and positive vibes from Vishnu and Lakshmi, the benevolent archetypes of well-being, wealth and spiritual evolution.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shot


Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi




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