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  5. Being the Divine


Sucharita warmly welcomed us all here today on the call on May 28, 2017!  We are all here for different reasons, but all for the same end-that of discovering our spiritual selves and our spiritual paths and how they can coincide with our material lives.  We are here to learn how to merge our two lives together. We are here to integrate the spiritual part of our lives into our material lives.  We are here to discover that we are all part of the same thing!  All we need to do is to open ourselves up to the Divine Energy by focusing on our higher selves.  We can easily focus on the divine through meditation, through chanting, through thought!  When we focus on the Divine, we begin to change our karma.  When we focus, we begin to see who we really are and what we need to change in ourselves in order to evolve.

Sucharita reminds us that Guru Purnima is coming up in July.  She tells us that all the Divine Beings are coming to the earth plane on this Full Moon of the Guru to help us to evolve. These beings will dispel the darkness that has enveloped us life-time after life-time. Dr. Pillai is one of these Divine Beings that will funnel the power of all the other Divine Beings who are coming to help us! The resort hotel where this is being held fills up fast, so make your reservation soon through Pillai Center so you can get the discount offered.  

She reminds us to get an AstroVed calendar so we can tap into the energies or shaktis of the hour, day, week or month.  We can harness these energies that is available for our benefit.  She tells us to visit AstroVed Live TV everyday to take advantage of the teachers that Dr. Pillai has empowered to tell us about what is coming up astrologically.  Also visit Pillai Center web site to take advantage of all the free teachings available there. 

She asks us to find out where Rahu and Ketu are in our charts.  These planets (or nodes of the moon) transit into and hang out in a new sign every 18 months and deliver their own particular form of karma.  On Aug. 18th, Rahu and Ketu will be transiting into new signs.  Check it out! Ketu is transiting into Capricorn, the sign of ancient knowledge.  Ketu will pierce through the “mind fog” in a very mysterious way.  This has to do with things that you have mastered in previous lives. Capricorn is a practical sign and has to do with Saturn.  Saturn will bless you with patience!  (If you are ready to receive it! If you have shown mastery over your own self!)

Rahu will be entering Cancer and may create some emotional disturbance in our lives. It could be a minor ripple or it may be a tsunami, so we must be ready for whatever Rahu brings!  Rahu will help you to see where you are not nurturing yourself or others. 

Sucharita reminds us that Muruga’s birthday is coming up June 7.  Vaikasi Visakam, the Birthday of Lord Muruga, falls on a Visakam Nakshatra in the Tamil month of Vaikasi (Mid May and June). His birthday is the perfect time to connect with him to diffuse bad karma, whether it is money, health, or relationships. The birthdays of archetypes are special, as on this day you can feel his archetypal energy closest to the Earth plane. It is one of the easiest ways to establish a heartfelt connection with Muruga. A heart connection with Lord Muruga means Muruga is alive for you, and he can help you in tangible and practical ways.  Read about that here.

Important Upcoming Events This Week: Check the Pillai Center and the AstroVed Event Calendars for other upcoming events. Depending on where you live, the day of the week will be different.  Check the Panchang with your location to see when you should be observing the rituals.

Sunday, May 28th, 2017 4:34 AM EDT

Ganesha’s 4th Moon

Remember that Dr. Pillai has said that 2017 is continuing to be a year of Ganesha.  Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.  Learn how.

Monday, May 29th @11:17 PM EDT

6th Moon – Muruga’s Power Time

The 6th Waxing Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel.

Wednesday May 31st @08:50 PM EDT

8th Moon – Timeline Jumping

Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Learn more.


Thursday, June 1st, 8:30 AM EDT -Day 1: Scriptural Recitation of the Glory of the Goddess

Thursday, June 1st , 9:00 PM EDT-Day 2: Grand Chandi Homa

The powerful Chandi fire ceremony is a two-day invocation of Goddess Chandi, the primordial energy that is responsible for creation, sustenance and destruction. Your participation and sincere prayers during the Chandi homa can create a divine invincible protective shield against negative energies in your life. Open your heart, mind and soul to receive the negativity-clearing energy of Goddess Chandi. Join here.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, June 2 – 4 in San Francisco, California

One-on-One Initiation into Shreem Brzee with  Paru

There is an opportunity to receive a rare and powerful one-on-one initiation into Shreem Brzee, the mantra for wealth, prosperity, abundance, beauty, joy, and material bliss, from an empowered Pillai Center teacher. Dr. Pillai says “In-person teachings are better than watching me in videos. There are many reasons. One is you can ask questions, and the second is you will have someone to have personal interaction, which is not possible in watching a streaming video, which we have been doing.”  Read about these opportunities here.

Saturday, June 3rd  @10:33 PM EST

11th Moon – Ekadasi

Along with Lakshmi, Vishnu brings a life of prosperity, limitless abundance and spiritual growth. On the 11th Moon, the energies of Vishnu that can create prosperity and wealth are at its peak. Honor Vishnu on this day.  Vishnu is in charge of heaven. Perform the tarpanam for departed ancestors this day.  Chant Om Namo Narayanaya.

Enjoy this week’s Meditation Audio.

Enjoy this week’s Discussion Audio.   


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