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How Your Mindset Shapes Your Reality


“Shreem Brzee is going to change your life, breath, and your thinking. And thinking is everything. That is the first step.

The core step is the mindset. Bill Gates has a mindset. Mark Zuckerberg has a mindset. Warren Buffett has a mindset – all these billionaires have a mindset. And if you have that mindset, you will become them. Because there is only one rule. That rule is: you become as you think.


Changing Your Mindset

From morning to evening, you are thinking, and that thinking creates the mindset. And if you observe your thought patterns, then you will know what kind of  mindset you have—if it is positive, negative, or neutral, or you are obsessed with a particular thought—and that will do a tremendous amount of help. 

You can control your thoughts provided you know how to control it, provided you regulate your thoughts. There are fifty thoughts in a minute for some people, and everybody has at least a minimum of thirty thoughts. Do you need those thoughts? That’s life energy being spent. 

First, you don’t need these thoughts. Second, what are those thoughts? Have you ever looked into that? These are things that are in your control. You may say that it is out of your control; it is out of your control, if you don’t change it. If you decide to stay in bed, you will stay in bed. If you decide to get out of  bed and go to work, you will go to work. So the thought is behind everything.  You have to hourly check your thoughts.


How To Regulate Your Thought Patterns

The patterns have never changed. And what are those patterns? That you are going to make money this way—all of them are wrong ways. That’s why you have not succeeded.

Now just answer this question: How many years ago did you want to become financially independent, or sometime in many cases, become a millionaire, but it remains as a thought? It’s a thought which you don’t even believe. Because if you analyze those thoughts, they’re not very supportive thoughts, but basically confused thoughts, if not negative. 


Immobilizing Your Karmic Thought

The key point is immobilizing your karmic thought. The patterns are karmic, whether it is money, relationships, or health, you can immobilize it with this small, simple technique, like putting your attention on the two nostrils, in order to immobilize your thoughts. 

The second step is to diffuse those thought patterns, and then plant another set of new thoughts that will create a different pattern. You cannot be without thoughts – you will have to have thoughts. The thoughts you are going to have are important now—and that is how Shreem Brzee can help. 


“Shreem Brzee is At The Origin Of Your Thoughts”

Shreem Brzee is at the origin of your thoughts. When Shreem Brzee gets into your conscious stream, because its nature itself is abundance and wealth,, you will be bound by Shreem Brzee’s vibrations, the vibratory frequencies of Shreem Brzee, which are full of wealth and wealth-influencer thought patterns. That happens when you are thinking and meditating on Shreem Brzee. So, that’s how your mindset will be changed. 

So that is the first step, the mindset, repatterning the mindset by making you think properly, to think prosperous thoughts, and then replace those negative, confused thoughts with the property and the prosperous thoughts. The most prosperous thought that you can have is Shreem Brzee.

Take control of your mind in the new year by joining the Pillai Center’s free 21-day Shreem Brzee Education and Chanting experience. Be a part of this 21 Day Manifestation Journey in 2022, starting January 1st. 




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