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  5. Mercury Retrograde – So...


Mercury, the planet that rules technology, communication and business will be going retrograde (from our vantage point on Earth) on June 7th until July 1st.

Even those who are not familiar with astrology might have heard a few distressed comments by others about troublesome Mercury retrogrades. But why does it matter and what can we do to make this time period a smooth and profitable one?

We know that in the information age communication is key.

Imagine an energetic power plant—Mercury—facilitating our effective speech, our thinking clarity and our successful commercial enterprises. This planet’s rays can help or hinder the above areas.

So, as Mercury starts its retrograde motion as it does about three times a year, its energy is stronger, but a bit off. And we want to be prepared to make the best out of this time.

Here are some time-tested remedies and precautions.

  • Look back to your past to solve current problems.

Notice how the energy of retrograde Mercury is likely to bring memories of past experiences. Allow yourself to bask in this awareness for a few minutes each day and write down possible solutions to past problems, if they are still in your present. If they aren’t, analyze what kind of lessons you have learned in life and how you can use them to create more of what you need and want today.

  • Be diligent when dealing with your technological tools.

Back up your computer, phone and make sure that your software is updated – do not procrastinate. It’s a time when Mercury can cause some breakdowns of indispensable work tools.

  • Allow for some confusion in your communication and keep a Plan B ready.

Be prepared to resend previous emails and files. If you are ready, most likely you will not experience any stress.

Dr. Pillai often says that when we are aware, not even negative planetary forces can affect us.

  • If possible, do not purchase new phones, computers or expensive software during the three weeks of the retrograde.

Ideally we need the support of a beneficial Mercury to select high-quality technological tools. It’s better to wait until July 1st and then proceed with your shopping.

  • Sign your most important contract after July 1st.

Being Mercury the planet of business, we need its support to secure advantageous contracts. Even the largest financial institutions consult astrologers before making big decisions. Just wait a few weeks until the end of the retrograde period to finalize your future investments, acquisitions and all kinds of written agreements.

  • Recite some power sounds before you start working on your writing projects:

OM BUDHAYA NAMAHA (108 or 27 times). These sounds will change your consciousness and allow you to tune into Mercury’s energy and better resonate with it.

  • Keep a sense of humor.

Mercury rules both intelligence and humorous thoughts. Keep it light and you will skip the heavier influence of this time.

Enjoy the energies!



by Lalitha Devi

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