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  5. Share Your Shreem Brzee...

Have you benefited from Shreem Brzee in any way? If yes, you can help inspire others as well by sharing your story, no matter how big or small.



Share Your Shreem Brzee Success Story

Help Create an Abundance Revolution & Receive a $50 Gift Code


Have you benefited from Shreem Brzee in any way? If yes, you can help inspire others as well by sharing your story, no matter how big or small. Your story could literally be the catalyst that inspires and transforms another person to overcome suffering due to lack. You would also be helping the great saint who discovered Brzee, Vishvamitra, whose intention was to spread this mantra to as many people as possible so everyone can experience abundance.

Help contribute to an abundance revolution by making a video about your experiences. Even if Shreem Brzee just helped you feel good, let the world know! We know it takes a little time and energy to make a video, which is why we want to pay it forward with a $50 gift code for any course on the Pillai Center Academy.


Here is how you can participate:

  1. Create a video and share how Shreem Brzee has helped you. 
  2. Publish it on your personal YouTube channel using the title “My Shreem Brzee Success Story”
  3. Share the video on social media with the hashtag #shreembrzeesuccess
  4. Email us at [email protected] with the subject line SHREEM BRZEE SUCCESS. In the email, put the URL to your YouTube video.
  5. We will reply with a $50 gift code that you can use for any course from Pillai Center Academy.


The world is going through a challenging time right now, and people are in need of hope. You can help bring the light of Shreem Brzee into their life when they need it most. We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you!

If you need help creating or publishing your video, please email us at [email protected]. We are happy to be of service.

To Your Empowerment,

Your Pillai Center Team


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