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Siddha Cosmology and Supernormal Powers


When you visit Tamil Nadu with Dr. Pillai during his India birthday trip, you will sense past civilizations that have left their energetic marks by building life-changing temple vortexes.

The positive energy is palpable and the power spots belong to an unpublicized, off-the-map list kept by the initiated and the Siddha yogis.

For those who aren’t familiar with him or his teaching, Indian born Dr. Pillai is both a Tamil Siddha master and a Western educated scholar.

The Tamil Siddha lineage spans over 50,000 years—an unthinkable time lapse for our modern minds, yet just a small unit of time according to the intuitive Rishis.

These sages recount stories of temples built millions of years ago, which were destroyed and rebuilt innumerable times across the yugas or cycles of the Earth’s evolution.

Uninterested in worldly achievements or fame, the Siddhas are perhaps the most secretive of yogis.

A full immersion in their mystery teachings is on offer in February 2017 on the occasion of Dr. Pillai’s 68th birthday.

Siddha lifestyle

In general, the Siddhas live secluded lives and don’t share their secrets with the world at large. Not even powerful politicians or celebrities have access to Siddha abodes.

These same yogis, however, eagerly help the poor and sick, and are capable of saving lives even in cases of terminal illness.

The Siddhas can also predict your future with astonishing accuracy—whether they deliver this information today, or have inscribed it on Nadi palm leaves thousands of years ago.

Remarkably, they knew at what time in your soul’s evolution you’d show up in the future to learn about your karmic imprints. The Siddha masters who wrote the Nadi leaves also suggested powerfully effective ceremonies to change your destiny.


Super human abilities

But how do these yogis manage to perform these incredible feats?

Apparently, by spending their lives in seclusion and meditation mastering their consciousness, these fabled yogis have developed siddhis or extraordinary brain faculties. Their supernormal powers were described in Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi.”

This book, my all time favorite, describes the Siddhas’ extraordinary powers.

Also according to Tamil spiritual texts and cosmology, the Siddhas can travel between dimensions after attaining their light bodies or simply during meditative states. They periodically flock to earth during auspicious celestial alignments created by the moon and the sun, according to the Tamil lunar calendar.

Being gifted scientists, the Siddhas can simultaneously heal the mind, the body and the soul through their unique brand of medicine.

Siddha medicine is, in fact, renowned for its herbal and mineral compositions said to bestow perfect health, higher intelligence and spiritual evolution.

They’ve also conceived elaborate techniques for interacting with benevolent celestial beings whom they call the Gods.

They further believe that these archetypes grant prosperity, beauty, success, health, happiness to humans and teach how to transmute flesh and blood into an eternally young body that resembles a luminous hologram.

Although this process isn’t for the faint of heart and one must be completely dedicated to his or her spiritual enlightenment, it is nevertheless possible, as described in many manuscripts and biographies of the Siddha saints.

Spiritual transformation and healing

If you’re new on your spiritual path, you might wonder what transformation really looks like.

The following testimonial from one of Dr. Pillai’s students, Nishi Gupta, is a great experience of Dr. Pillai’s Birthday Trip program.

“These retreats are my soul cleanser—I discover a new me. I go there not [just] for the eco-friendly resort, or beautiful, exotic countryside, but…to cleanse my soul and remove many lifetimes of karma. He [Dr. Pillai] has the siddhi to remove people’s karma.

“On the third day of the retreat I couldn’t even get out of bed. My flu symptoms went away after a day without any medication.

“An Australian lady was attending the retreat for the first time. On the second day of our arrival at Rameshwaram, we were all sent to the famous sin-dissolving temple. But first we took a dip into the ocean. Then, we went around the 22 wells to be showered with the holy water.

“We were each given a bottle with water from the ocean and the wells. We were supposed to mix a lid full of water in the shower every day.

“Instead, this lady drank the full bottle of water. To my amazement she didn’t get sick. In fact, she said she was feeling better inside. This is what happens when you come in contact with a Sat Guru. Unfiltered water turned into pure water for her, safe to drink.”

Celestial allies

For millennia, Siddha masters have described the universe with its billions of galaxies and told us about extraterrestrial beings who lived in south India millions of years ago.

It is believed that these alien beings came from the Pleiades and spoke Tamil—which was then the only language spoken on Earth.

So saying that the Siddha masters are quite different from the rest of us is a gross understatement.

In fact, they’re even said to be able to fly.

Surprisingly, they never use these super powers to benefit themselves—because they’re unwavering humanitarians.

Happy traveling!

Keep up with the energies through Dr. Pillai’s Birthday Trip 2017 from Pillai Center. Click the button below for details.

Dr. Pillai’s Birthday Trip 2017 

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