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Now, I want to talk about two areas or aspects of karma. One is the karma that is associated with time and secondly, karma associated with space. They are together. Nowadays, even physicists say that space and time unfold together. I want you to get some deeper insight into this.

Now, I will talk a little bit about space—or place—karma. I travel a lot and use limousines to travel from my home to the airport. Most of the drivers who work for this company know me; I have met at least 30 or 40 of their drivers. It’s a fairly large company. Often in my conversation I will ask my driver a question (a question I ask other people as well): I inquire whether he was born and raised in Pittsburgh. Most of them say yes. And they don’t want to move out of Pittsburgh. This is true of people living in New York or Florida.

Everyone has space karma. They hang on to a place and die in the same place. If you change your space karma, there will be tremendous happenings in your life.

pcblog-11-1-karma-of-space-image-2When I move from country to country, I feel the karma—the space karma—being challenged. What does this have to do with you? If you have lived in a particular city for a long time and if you’ve not had any success, then you might want to move. Make a decision. It’s not going to be easy because karma is very powerful and won’t easily permit you to move.

If you move to another city or another country, you will create totally new karmic impulses. This is very, very important. You will come into contact with different forces.

Space Pilgrimages

In many spiritual traditions, people go on pilgrimages. Pilgrimages are trips to sites with a great amount of power. That’s why I take people to India to certain power spots. Once they go to the power spots, their karma that is so frozen suddenly begins to become liquid. When it is liquid, you can then your change your karma.

– Dr. Pillai

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Dr. Pillai’s Birthday Trip 2017 

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