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  5. Kleem Brzee – The...

Kleem Brzee, man meditating, candles, carpet

Dr. Pillai:  Shreem Brzee, the sound itself has the ability to change your negativity to positivity; poverty to prosperity.

Kleem Brzee is for wealth, love, relationships, attraction, and charm.

I have come to a point where there is something that is far more advanced, but certainly not replacing Shreem Brzee, it is Kleem Brzee. They are not mutually exclusive. They have to be used conjointly and also separately. Kleem Brzee is associated with more activity than Shreem Brzee.

I Believe in Evolution

There was a time when we were cavemen. And we are now very different from people who lived in caves like barbarians. So, what I mean by that is time is associated with more understanding and more knowledge, and that is the nature of what time is. As time moves, we get to know more things.

They Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Now, it is 2024. What would be the knowledge, science, and technology in 2030? In 2030, you will have more access to advanced technology, advanced knowledge, and so forth. The same thing applies to Shreem Brzee. Shreem Brzee has grown a lot since I came up with it two decades ago. And now, I have come to a point that there is something that is far more advanced, but certainly not replacing Shreem Brzee, but keeping part of Shreem Brzee intact, which means the Brzee will remain the constant element, sound. And then instead of Shreem, I’m going to say Kleem, Kleem Brzee. So this is what I’m going to introduce to you. And then they are not mutually exclusive. They have to be used conjointly and also separately. You will use Shreem Brzee when you go to sleep, and you use Kleem Brzee, which I’m going to introduce you, in the morning so that the whole day will be very fruitful because it represents a very active energy focus.

Morning and Night

Kleem Brzee is associated with more activity than Shreem Brzee. That’s why you use Shreem Brzee in the night, and it begins to work with consciousness beyond the mind. And when you’re about to be focused on your mind and mind-related activities, it should be Kleem Brzee; that will be in the morning.

Shreem Kleem Brzee

And then then I will also talk about how to use Shreem Kleem Brzee, that’s another version that I will explain to you, and when to use that. And people who have been working with Shreem Brzee, you know, if you go there and look at how many people have watched, millions of people have watched and benefited from Shreem Brzee.

There Are Intricacies Involved in Each Mantra

Kleem Brzee has one intention which is very, very focused and that is to make your mind and the brain work more pointedly, more quickly. And that’s why I came up with it. I will explain all about Kleem Brzee, Shreem Brzee, and Shreem Kleem Brzee when I do an introductory session, where I will explain to you the intricacies involved in each mantra and its version. God bless!”

“Kleem Brzee is associated with more activity than Shreem Brzee. Kleem Brzee has one intention which is very, very focused and that is to make your mind and the brain work more pointedly, more quickly.” — Dr. Pillai


6 Ways to Embrace Kleem Brzee

Workshops with Dr. Pillai | Chanting & Meditation | Full Moon Immersion | 21-Day Chanting Challenge

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Love, Wealth, Attraction, & Charm

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