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  5. Sun in Capricorn: Become...



Although Capricorn is a feminine sign, its ruler is Saturn, a serious and neutral—meaning not too feminine and not too masculine—planet of old age, massive corporate success, longevity and achievements after duress.

With the Sun’s ingress in this natural 10th house of career and success on January 14 (EST), we celebrate Makar Sankranti or the Vedic winter solstice—said to be the dawn in the 24-hour day of the Devas (or Gods).

In fact, on their plane of existence one day corresponds to our tediously long solar year, in which we collectively take a much longer time to manifest our desired changes and achievements.

While I’m aware of the debate around the official winter solstice and the tropical zodiac, I’ve learned that the sidereal Vedic time of Makar Shakranti is very powerful.

This is because much of what happens in our consciousness doesn’t just originate on the material plane of existence.

As Dr. Pillai says, “science and technology are 1 percent of the intelligence” available to us.

By joining nearly a billion people celebrating the dawn of the Gods and the return of light, as the Sun moves northwards, awareness of spiritual light is bound to affect the earth plane more than reading about the solstice in the news.

With this perspective in mind and with the following tips, your powerful New Year begins now—as the Sun moves into goal-oriented Capricorn. Happy goal reaching!

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The Siddhas (those intuitive Rishis or sages of ancient India who left us tomes and techniques of evolution that are now receiving some scientific validation thanks to our technological advances) and Dr. Pillai teach us that we can acquire the characteristics of the Gods by meditating on them and their super powers.

So zeroing in the Sun’s capacity to bring you success and recognition through his special sound waves will augment his influence on your brain. Accordingly, your consciousness will shift to a more empowered state.

OM SURYAYA NAMAHA chanted 108 times daily (possibly at sunrise) will bring you success, self-confidence and creativity.

Keep This Technicality in Mind

Technically speaking, the Sun will be in the sign of his enemy Saturn. So to feel powerful and capable you will need to work. Actually, make that “work hard.” Saturn will also put his staring eyes on the Sun from Scorpio.

This isn’t a transit where others will simply come to you and award you with a laurel crown. But every hour or bit of effort you put into your New Year’s goals will be as good as gold.

Invoke the God of Fire

The elite know this: fire rituals (and even more so, Vedic fire rituals) are accelerated vehicles to contacting divine beings and receiving their help.

Their celestial powers are available to you when you offer in the fire—sweets, ghee from cow’s milk (which is an anti-radiation substance removing negativity), flowers, incense and other sacred items.

Of course, your prayers infused with love and devotion will further energize the rituals. Fire Labs that are professionally performed by pure-hearted and well-trained Vedic priests are way more powerful than anything you could do at home.

Invoking Lord Shiva and Surya, or the Sun God, can grant you success in all areas of your life.

Awareness Shift

There’s now a widespread awareness that the Earth is a sentient, live being—Mother Earth, as many call her.

Similarly, all planets and sidereal bodies are sentient and alive.

Talking (mentally or aloud) in your own words to the Sun on Sundays, and Saturn on Saturdays will allow you to contact the living beings behind these physical planets. Plead to them and watch for miracles.

Enjoy the energies!

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Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi



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