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This month, the Sun is transiting through Capricorn, making it a great time to focus on your career and life purpose.

Sun’s entrance into Capricorn is called the Vedic Winter Solstice, and it initiates the six months of the year when the Sun is moving northward through the zodiac. North being the direction of Kubera, the banker in heaven, means that this is a favorable time to start new ventures, and it supports financial growth. The capricorn sun is bringing in new life force, consciousness, and purpose into the world.

This month is going a good time to reassess what you are doing and change course if needed. Let go of bad habits and old ways of being. Empower your goals by writing them and/or creating a vision board. Enjoy Nambu Herb’s tips on Goal-Setting.

The Sun symbolizes our soul, activity, royalty, and the father. The Sun nourishes the whole world with its light. Capricorn, or Makara in Sanskrit, is a sign of ancient past life abilities and ancient past life karmas. It is symbolized by an animal with the head of a deer and the hind part of a crocodile. A deer is a very gentle and curious animal, while a crocodile is an ancient predator that has enormous strength and patience. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is a planet of discipline, perseverance, restrictions, and compassion.

Capricorn can bring unexpected skills back to life provided that you clean up karmas from the past. These would be skills that you worked on in past lives. You may become aware of any capricorn past life powers, abilities, and/or karmas. Take advantage of your unique strengths and abilities. We have all come here with different gifts to share with the world. If karmas do come up, make sure to do karma-busting rituals to dissolve them on Pradosham days.

Capricorn is a sign of manifestation, i.e. bringing our internal goals into concrete form in the world. It includes energies of working hard and following a set course. This hardworking nature can help you to become mentally strong and spiritually detached.

Capricorn is the natural 10th house of career and life purpose. This is the realm of life where we develop a profession and seek authority, status and good reputation. Through working in a career, we fulfill our life purpose, which is also called dharma. Take pride in doing a good job. Keep your ego in check – be patient with others and make sure to share the credit with them. Avoid clashing with people in authority.

Mercury, the planet of communication, business, and wealth is currently retrograde in Sagittarius. Pay attention and be careful with your communication and with technology.

Thai Poosam – Ascension Day

Saturday, January 23rd will be Thai Poosam – the day Swami Ramalingam ascended into light and the day when Lord Muruga received the vel from Parvati. This is the time when you can accomplish in one day what it would take you several years of meditation to achieve. Dr Pillai will be airing a 90-minute webcast that morning, and Astroved will be offering a FREE interactive fire lab that evening. In preparation, check out Dr Pillai’s 4 YouTube videos on Swami Ramalingam.

Dr Pillai’s Birthday

Dr. Pillai’s birthday will be on Monday, February 1st. If you can’t join the India Trip, he will be offering a LIVE call with proxy rituals in the evening of Sunday, January 31st.

Rahu & Ketu Transit

Rahu and Ketu are in the process of transiting to Leo and Aquarius. One calendar calculates the transit on January 8th and another on January 30th, so Astroved is doing rituals on both dates. There are no hard and fast lines in the sky, so you may experience the transit over a period of weeks, not necessarily just on one day. You may be feeling some turbulence as we are in the transition time for this major transit that happens every 18 months. Rahu and Ketu are the snake planets, and sometimes you feel like you get bitten around the transit time. Read Astroved’s general predictions for the transit based on your moon sign.

Rahu is a planet of innovative ideas and new technologies. Rahu has to do with foreign lands and people, addiction, and obsession. Rahu will be in Leo, a sign of leadership and power. Jupiter the 200% planet will be in Leo too. This will lead to a big royal energy of power. Ketu is the saintly planet. Ketu has to do with detachment and liberation. Ketu will be in Aquarius, the most humanitarian of the signs. Both of these placements will be interesting.

Planets Aligning

This month from January 20th – February 20th, five planets are going to be aligning in the night sky. Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter will be lining up. You may be able to see them in a place with a clear vision of the horizon away from city lights. This is a rare occurrence – we’ll see how it plays out. Learn more here.

Learn More about Vedic Astrology

Learn more about astrology by joining the Astroved Community Facebook Group.

You may also want to sign up for the free Redesign Your Destiny course where you will learn about the upcoming power times and how to take advantage of them.

Enjoy listening to this week’s Meditation and Q&A Discussion.


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