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  5. The Sun’s Journey in...



Every soul wants the power to reach material or spiritual goals, or both. When that fails, lack of energy, shame or false compromise are likely results.

According to the Rishis and Siddhas—the ancient astronomers, astrologers and seers of India—the Sun gives you power, success, energy, vitality and leadership.

K N Rao is the legendary Vedic astrologer responsible for proving to the justices of the Supreme Court of India that astrology is as accurate as computer science.

He says that the Sun is the soul, and the Moon is the life force.

These luminaries and seven other planets in our solar system are responsible for your karma and your consciousness. Even your thoughts stem from their energetic fields.

The Sun is about to move to Taurus (May 14-June 14). Taurus isn’t an easy home for the purest expression of the Sun’s energy—yet this transit can help you achieve some of your cherished material goals.

So because most of us have no clue of what the soul really wants, yet we need to sustain our bodies and get things done, here for you—three traditional ways to acquire wealth while still tending to your soul’s need for evolution. These apparently simple tips are based on profound and time-tested Vedic principles and—they work!

Solar awareness

To give energy to our goals and manifest them we need plenty of focused attention and refined intention. This is easier said than done.

For example, have you ever tried listing your daily goals in the morning only to feel frustrated at night when merely two items got checked, while the remaining four just didn’t happen? You might have wondered what happened to your day and how it slipped away from you.

The Sun can give you one-pointed focus on both your career and your spiritual goals, because its laser-like beams highlight truth.

So the Sun can help you stay more alert.

Perhaps you’ll notice that you could make better use of your time or realize that a project is not for your highest good.

To get help from the Sun, you can connect with his energy through some special Vedic sounds: OM SURYAYA NAMAHA. Reciting this mantra 108 times on Sundays or during the Sun’s hora can shift your focus from trivia to your highest goals.

Ambitious achievements

Taurus is all about values and valuables. Do you value your family and your belongings? Venus, the ruler of Taurus, rules jewelry, gemstones, luxury cars, beautiful artwork, and anything else that makes life pleasurable.




If you are in a Venus-type profession—if you’re an artist, sell valuables, work in fashion, or collect fabulous objects, the Sun will help you focus on the above.

You might prosper through your father—and maybe you’ll receive an expensive gift from him or you’ll take him on a lovely vacation.

In your career, you might become more focused on your financial gains than selfless service.

While in the long run this isn’t as rewarding for your soul as caring for all, during the month-long transit of the Sun in Taurus, perhaps you could take steps to guarantee your financial solvency and make sure your bank account isn’t in the red.

In fact, financial steps you take now will go a long way to bring you future assets.

At work, women will be more prominent either as business partners or as authority figures.

Whatever you do, it’s good to take time to meditate on the Sun—its purity, its intelligence and its selflessness.

Try to meditate for at least 10 minutes at sunrise if you get up early or any time before noon.

Be empowered by the Sun

The Vedas are rife with verses that praise the divine qualities of the Sun God. Moreover, you’ll find in these traditional Indian texts incredible astronomical data that matches our current science.

Vedic ceremonies for harmony, wealth and well-being span from fire rituals, to chants, and to myths.

Fire ceremonies—Fire Labs, in Dr. Pillai’s words—are a super technology. They magnify your prayers, shift your consciousness and are literally believed to open a door to the heavens.

Benevolent celestial beings are believed to respond to these rituals being performed on your behalf and to deliver the relationship, wealth or good health you’re seeking.

Fire rituals to Goddess Lakshmi, the archetypal guardian of Venus, are said to remove poverty and bring financial good fortune, the ideal career for you, and all kinds of beautiful objects.

Fire rituals to the Sun can bring you a promotion, help from VIPs or government officials or your father.

Lalitha Devi is an empowered Pillai Center Teacher and a certified Vedic astrologer.


Lalitha Head Shotby Lalitha Devi


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