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“There is a gift-giving time from the ancestors to their descendants who are living in this earth plane. The ancestors who passed from earth and are living in another plane are going to give abundant blessings. I want you to take advantage of this time. You may even be able to converse with them during this time. Think about them, but the most important thing is doing Tarpanam, which is giving of offerings to them.” — Dr. Pillai

Thai Amavasya is the first New Moon after the Sun starts moving toward the Northern hemisphere. In the Vedic calendar, the northward movement of the Sun marks the Dawn in Heaven and fills the earth plane with the auspicious energy of renewal.

The Sun represents the soul in Vedic astrology. It will be transiting Capricorn, the 10th sign of the natural zodiac, which represents karma (actions) and ruled by Saturn, the planet of karma.

It is said that, during this time, your actions toward liberating your ancestors by performing Tarpanam (a food offering to them) will be especially fruitful.

This placement of the Sun in Saturn’s house can help you reduce the impact of ancestral karma and enable you to receive their blessings for you, your children, and future generations.


Thai Amavasya is the first New Moon after the Sun starts moving toward the Northern hemisphere. In the Vedic calendar, the northward movement of the Sun marks the Dawn in Heaven and fills the earth plane with the auspicious energy of renewal.

The Sun represents the soul in Vedic astrology. It will be transiting Capricorn, the 10th sign of the natural zodiac, which represents karma (actions) and ruled by Saturn, the planet of karma.

It is said that, during this time, your actions toward liberating your ancestors by performing Tarpanam (a food offering to them) will be especially fruitful.

This placement of the Sun in Saturn’s house can help you reduce the impact of ancestral karma and enable you to receive their blessings for you, your children, and future generations.


Ancestors come down to the earth plane every New Moon, but this Moon is exceptional. Thai Amavasya is one of the most important New Moons to reduce the impact of Pitru Dosha or ancestral affliction.

This affliction, which happens due to non-performance of Tarpanam, can impact you to a great extent and may manifest as:

  • Prolonged illnesses
  • Misunderstandings at home
  • No progress in career
  • Financial instability
  • Issues with your descendants

Connecting with the souls of your ancestors when the Sun is the strongest enables you to receive your ancestors’ blessings in abundance.


According to the sacred text Brahma Purana, departed ancestral souls are elevated beings who deserve your Tarpanam offerings. Feeding your ancestors’ souls through Tarpanam offerings can help them become your greatest benefactors. Dr. Pillai says that it is extremely difficult to progress in life without ancestral blessings.

On Thai Amavasya, Pillai Center priests will perform Tarpanam at Kasi, one of the most important places for doing so. Among all other places to perform Tarpanam, scriptures have decreed Kasi to be the greatest.

The significance of the city Kasi is mentioned in the sacred text Skanda Purana. It states that it is the best place for securing Punya (good karma) from good deeds done in the past and the future, and it is the holiest of all places, as it can absolve all your sins and grant Moksha (salvation).


Sponsoring Tarpanam on a New Moon is a great opportunity and the most effective means for feeding and potentially freeing your departed loved ones and ancestors. Pillai Center’s priests specialize in ancestral offerings that ensure your genetic line is spiritually “well-fed”.

You are invited to participate in Thai Amavasya Tarpanam offerings to help free the souls of your ancestors, the most significant act you can perform to also remove hardships in your own life.

Tarpanam at Kasi

According to Vedas, performing Tarpanam on the powerful New Moon at the sacred Kasi powerspot can liberate the souls of your departed ancestors, who can then bless you with prosperity and happiness.

Reciting Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Vedic Text)

It is believed that reciting this sacred Vedic text on Thai Amavasya can liberate souls who have committed the worst sins.

Individual Fire Lab to Karuppasamy

In accordance with traditional practices, invoking Karuppasamy in a sacred Fire Lab on Thai Amavasya can help stop curses that come from departed souls or ancestors trapped in the astral plane.

Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves (Spinach)

According to scriptures, gods, goddesses and ancestors all reside in the Cow, so you can feed your ancestors by feeding a cow on the day of Thai Amavasya.

Food Feeding to Those in Need

According to scriptures, feeding those in need is considered the highest form of charity, which enables you to receive the blessings of your ancestors and all celestial beings, to invite prosperity into your life.

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To Your Empowerment,
Your Pillai Center Team
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