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  5. Here Comes the Sun!

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Last week’s video is now on the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel!

Enjoy this week’s audio replay on Soundcloud – go to Pillai Center and choose the Powertime Practice Playlist.

Sucharita opened the Powertime Practice call on Saturday, 4/11/2020 with a warm welcome and saying, it is one of the most auspicious weekends of the year. This is the weekend when 2,020 years ago, the enlightened master Jesus died on the cross and subsequently, three days later ascended into heaven. This energy surrounds us today, no matter what spiritual path you practice, and will bathe us in a light that heals and transforms. Today is Saturday, ruled by Lord Saturn, the one who doles out our karma. This is a day that we can “dump” our karma, a day to diffuse karma and “flatten the curve” of the pandemic virus that is attacking the earth plane now. On Monday, April 13th, Sun will enter Aries, starting the Vedic New Year and ushering in a powerful month in which to take positive action.

At 10 PM ET, every night, Sucharita is guiding us in a chant (1008 times) to destroy the virus: “Coronavirus NaShi MaShi. Listen to Coronavirus Mantra 1008x  audio by Pillai Center on SoundCloud.

The prime minister of India, Narenda Modi, has asked Indians to light a lamp for 9 minutes at 9:00 PM IST/ 11:30 AM EDT / 8:30 AM PDT. Dr. Pillai recommends this. He asks us to light a ghee light and gaze into it for 9 minutes. The energy of the group will be transforming in this time of fear.

Swamini Valli has posted a quote from Dr. Pillai in her Astrology Club Facebook page :“During this isolation period, How do you spend your time? The most profitable way of spending the time is to chant a mantra, and that mantra is to say the name of the virus.

Mantra: “Coronavirus nashi mashi, coronavirus nashi mashi, coronavirus nashi mashi, coronavirus nashi mashi.”

When you say this mantra, you will use speech at the nada level. The mantras work because they belong to the domain of the nada and discovered by the Yogis. Nashi mashi is the sound of nada to destroy the virus. Collectively, you can do that in homes.

All that you have to do is just use this time and then say this mantra coronavirus nashi mashi. Use this mantra at least 1008 times in the morning, 1008 times in the afternoon, and 1008 times in the evening. This “coronavirus nashi mashi” is very easy, a lot more powerful.

Instead of chit-chatting, we can do this and that will be the best way of spending your isolation period. And I’m sure that some of you would use this time in a profitable way that will lead you to spiritual life. God bless!”

~ Dr. Pillai

Here is the replay from yesterday’s (April 10, 2020) NaShi MaShi group chanting call: Listen to Coronavirus Nashi Mashi Chanting Call Recording April 10, 2020 by Pillai Center on SoundCloud.

Later on today we will in the 5th moon, and it is a time for Varahi, the goddess for 2020. She has a pig’s head and tusks and has the ability to root out the hard to reach karma hidden in our beings—the scarcity consciousness or bad health consciousness. She is a form of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance and wealth on the earth plane. There is a new Varahi course offered on the Pillai Center Academy.

Our thoughts create our reality, so we must take care of what we are thinking. Jesus tells us “The kingdom is within!” When we remain in our spiritual practices, we become free. We find ourselves at the right time with the right person doing the right things in order to gain enlightenment and well-being.

After our meditation, we gazed into a ghee lamp that Sucharita had prepared for us. She told us that this practice can also give us relief from the karma that Lord Saturn offers us each Saturday. Saturn does not want us to give excuses for not doing our spiritual practice. He wants us to bring spirituality into everything we are doing, mundane or otherwise. He will help us to bring our spiritual practice to a higher state of being. You can get an astrological reading to see exactly how Saturn is affecting our lives: or a Saturn report. This will give us a road map so we can understand where we are going and what is lying ahead. If we are aware of pitfalls ahead of time, we can steer around them (karma), take a detour and keep on going.

There are many opportunities to gather together and strengthen the positive direction of the planet and stay connected. With our communication technology being so advanced, we can easily multiply and amplify the effects that our mantra chanting bring.

At 10 PM ET, every night, Sucharita is guiding us in a chant to destroy the virus, 1008 times: “Coronavirus NaShi MaShi. Listen to Coronavirus Mantra 1008x by Pillai Center on #SoundCloud

The prime minister of India, Narenda Modi, has asked Indians to light a lamp for 9 minutes at 9:00 PM IST/ 11:30 AM EDT / 8:30 AM PDT. Dr. Pillai recommends this. He asks us to light a ghee light and gaze into it for 9 minutes. The energy of the group will be transforming in this time of fear.

Pillai Center teacher Lakshmi is uploading daily Shreem Brzee videos on Instagram. There are FREE Shreem Brzee Chanting Calls on Fridays at 8 am PDT. Call recordings are available.

Pillai Center teacher Mohini is guiding 5 minute meditations taken from Dr. Pillai’s teachings.

Enjoy Dr. Pillai’s Spiritual Defense Meditations Facebook Group.

AstroVed is offering 48 days of free protection prayers.



Monday, April 13, 2020 (ET)

“Tamil New Year (Vedic New Year), when the Sun moves into Aries, is a time when the celestial alignment favors new beginnings and harnesses the auspicious power of the Sun to fill your entire year with blessings for abundance, health and relationships.” – Vijayalakshmi, AstroVed astrologer. Learn more.


Tuesday Apr 14, 06:41 AM ET – Apr 15, 07:21 AM ET

Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Udyamo Bhairava is a mantra for Timeline Jumping.


Friday Apr 17, 10:34 AM -Apr 18, 12:47 PM ET

Ekadasi is the day when Vishnu’s blessings for wealth and health are abundant. Chant Om Namo Narayanaya for Vishnu or Shreem Brzee for his consort, Lakshmi.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]

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