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  5. Shine Your Light

Muruga_6headsSucharita was traveling, so we did not have a call on Sunday, November 8th.

This week will be a time to awaken the light in you and in the world. Diwali, festival of lights, will take place on Tuesday, November 10th in the USA. It corresponds to the New Moon day and celebrates the victory of light and prosperity over darkness.


Please donate to Tripura Foundation’s drive to gift Diwali clothes and meals to the 4,040 HoPE Center children. It costs $10 per child. Here is the donation link. Please select “Diwali 2015 Gift” from the drop-down menu.

Skanda Shashti, or the Six Days of Muruga will be from November 11th or 12th through November 17th, 2015. There will be a lot of energy pouring down upon which may or may not manifest as challenges, as well as spiritual revelations.

Home practices you can do for Skanda Shasti are:

  • Chant, write, or meditate on Muruga’s sacred sounds: Sa Ra Va Na Ba Va Ya.  
  • Hydrate a vel by pouring water, milk, juice, honey, etc. over it while chanting Muruga’s mantra.
  • Watch Pillai Center’s and Astroved’s Muruga/Skanda Shasti videos on YouTube
  • Offer light from a ghee lamp or candle, incense, flowers and fruit to a picture, yantra, or statue of Muruga.
  • You may want to participate in Pillai Center and Astroved rituals and courses.

Learn about Pillai Center’s Skanda Shasti 6–Muruga initiation Awakened Warrior course, plus add-on Muruga rituals, and a special LIVE Call with Dr. Pillai on the last night of Skanda Shasti here.

Learn about Muruga ritual packages available from Astroved here.


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If you are interested in scheduling a one to one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to [email protected] or [email protected]
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