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  5. Honoring Your Father

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Here is what we discussed during the Powertime Practice Video Call on June 16, 2018:

Namaste Fellow spiritual travelers!  The purpose of Powertime Practice’s weekly calls  is to help you navigate the teachings of Dr. Pillai who is giving you tools and techniques to further you on your spiritual trip, whatever path you are choosing.

Tomorrow is Father’s Day, an important time to reflect on your fathers, and help them by offering them tarpanam, if they have passed or connect with them if they are still on the earth plane. Dr. Pillai will be giving a LIVE Webcast on Father’s Day tomorrow, Sunday, June 17th at 11:00 am ET.  Access it here.

Looking at the AstroVed calendar, Sucharita says that the Sun is moving into the sign of Gemini.  To see how this will affect you personally, Sucharita says it is a good thing to get an astrological reading. This will be a time to take calculated risks and go after your dreams.  Gemini is a sign of duality and is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.  In addition, today is the 4th Moon, a time to smash coconuts and bust karma.  Imagine the coconut as Ganesha, and when you crack it open you release his negativity-releasing energy!

Tuesday/Wednesday is the Nataraj Abhishekam and it’s on an 8th moon. Abhishekam means hydration.  This is a time to pour water, milk or juice on a Siva statue or a Siva Lingum to remove negativity.






Power Times

Check the Pillai Center and the AstroVed Event Calendars for other upcoming events. Depending on where you live, timings may be different. Check the Panchang with your location to see when you should be observing the rituals.


    Saturday Jun 16, 05:15 AM ET

    Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma. Learn how. Learn more about the 4th moon.


    Sunday, June 17, 2018

    Honor your father.


    Sunday Jun 17, 11:25 PM ET

    The 6th Waxing Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel. Learn more.


    Tuesday Jun 19, 07:28 PM ET

    Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Udyamo Bhairava is a mantra for Timeline Jumping. Learn more.

  • LIVE Grand Dasa Chandi Homa on Astroved.com.

    Thursday, June 21 at 8:30 PM ET

    This is the first of 3 Triple Protection Grand Ceremonies to the fierce Goddesses: Chandi and Kalaratri and the guardian deities of the 8 directions. Learn more.


    Friday Jun 22, 05:49 PM ET

    Ekadasi is the day when Vishnu’s blessings for wealth and health are abundant. Chant Om Namo Narayanaya for Vishnu or Shreem Brzee for his consort, Lakshmi. Learn more.

  • Coming Up – 11 Monday Rituals for Lord Siva to Clear Debts

    Starts on July 2nd. Learn more.

Contact/Personal Coaching

 If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]

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