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Dr. Pillai: “In my previous lifetimes, I spent all of my life weeping for the poor people, weeping for the diseases of people. I prayed to God: ‘Why should we have to go through this old age? Why should the cells have to age? Why should there be pain? Why is it that we cannot be like Angels and be free? Why is the Earth plane so condemned?’ 

It is getting worse and people are dying without food and water. We have no compassion at all. We are lost in this materialistic world having fun, while people of our own race are suffering and dying. Where has the compassion gone? Why are we insensitive to these things? Even in the US, people are suffering. It is the richest country in the world and we do not have any compassion naturally coming to us. It is a matter of neurology. I have coined this expression: ‘The neurology of compassion.’ 

The Neurology of Compassion

Where is it? It is in the anterior cingulate. If you read Newberg’s book on “How God Changes Your Brain,” there is a special neuron called the Von Economo’s neuron in the anterior cingulate that can develop compassion. I was very excited to know about that because the techniques and mantras that I give to you can get into that area and not only give you the highest intelligence possible, but also develop compassion. Then the expressions like: ‘In God We Trust’ and ‘Love and Light,’ and all these things we write will become meaningful for the first time. 

When the Von Economo neurons become active within the anterior cingulate, then we will naturally be compassionate. 

Compassion gives the highest intelligence possible 

It also blurs the boundary between reality and illusion. What that means is you can think and manifest that thing.

Swami Ramalingnam, (a Siddha master), cried for even the fish who were trying to live while the fisherman was trying to catch the fish. He looked at a plant that was dying without water and at the people who went begging from door to door but still were not able to get food. That was the time he prayed to God: ‘What is happening?’ ‘Why would they suffer like this?’ You are there and you are the most compassionate being. Come down! Enough is enough.’  That reminds me of the same predicament of Jesus who prayed: ‘Thy Kingdom come to the Earth, as it is in Heaven.’ 

There is a deep contrast between the two. Heaven is full of joy, compassion, love, the ability to manifest anything you want, and no disease. We are capable of that.”

The Legacy of Compassion-in-Action

It’s no mistake that the greatest saints in history are associated with incredible compassion. They have left a legacy of putting compassion into action with unwavering dedication to helping others in need.

There are 3 specific compassionate acts that they consider to be the greatest, and Dr. Pillai’s humanitarian organization, Tripura Foundation, facilitates each one. They are:

     1. Feed those suffering from malnourishment

      2. Clothe those lacking protection from the elements

      3. Share education that can be used to overcome suffering

Thanksgiving Food Drive 2022 | Tripura Foundation 

This Thanksgiving, give meals to those who need it the most in vulnerable communities in India. Feed children, families, and the elderly.

If you would like to arrange a special holiday feeding for 500 people or more, please write to Karen at: [email protected]

40-Day Gratitude Challenge | NOW – Dec. 20

Acknowledge & express your gratitude throughout this season of thanks to heighten and enhance your Shreem Brzee practice.

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4 ways you can start making a difference without spending any money

Start a Fundraiser

Use a celebration, event, or special time to ask your friends and family to help you raise money. Whether it’s for your birthday, graduation, or just because, you can take advantage of the attention to bring awareness to the need to help others. Dr. Pillai’s Tripura Foundation can create a custom fundraiser just for you.

Donate Old Clothes

What no longer fits or suits you anymore could bring protection and warmth to someone exposed to the elements, or those whose clothes are falling apart but can’t afford replacements. Go through your closet from time to time and collect what you could do without, or what you’d like to buy new, and take a trip to your local clothes collection site.

Volunteer Your Time

Your time is valuable, and needed by those who are less fortunate. Time spent helping someone is time well spent. There are many opportunities to donate your time, whether that’s volunteering to feed others at your local soup kitchen, helping to take care of elderly people, or just lending a hand to someone in need – check your local newspapers and ask around your community to find out how you can get involved.

Love Unconditionally

This is possibly the greatest teaching given by Dr. Pillai: “Love one another unconditionally, and you’ll be enlightened.” Make it a habit to honor every person, animal, plant, and all aspects of life, but especially yourself. Loving unconditionally will manifest the divine within you and around you.