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Watch this week’s video on the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel, Powertime Practice 2020 playlist.

Sucharita warmly welcomed us on the Powertime Practice YouTube livestream on Saturday December 5, 2020. We are here together to share the latest and greatest teachings of Dr. Pillai. During this trying time, we can get a reprieve by sharing the powertimes that are available for us to accelerate our manifestations. Once we get the blessings of our ancestors, we can transmute the karmic events that we are destined to experience.

In these Powertime Practice calls, we can learn the secrets of the Divine beings that are available to help us. Dr. Pillai is giving us the tools to help us to reach the Divine—tools such as mantras and rituals. Mantras protect the mind from wandering thoughts. We want to always be at the right place at the right time with the right people for receiving optimum utilization of the energies that are available.

Being on a spiritual path means we are modifying our karma. We can diffuse our karma by calling on the divine being Kala Bhairava, the god of time and time management. He is associated with the 8th waning moon. Monday is the birthday of Kala Bhairava, a celebration called “Kala Bhairava Jayanthi.” Kala Bhairava can burn off the karma that we are experiencing by throwing light onto our lives. There are 8 forms of Kala Bhairava. The mantra for Kala Bhairava is “Udyamo Bhairava” (pronounced Wood Ya Mo Bye Ra Va).



Monday Dec 07, 08:17 am ET til Tuesday Dec 08, 06:47 am ET

Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Udyamo Bhairava is a mantra for Timeline Jumping.


Thursday Dec 10, 02:21 am ET til Thursday Dec 10, 11:34 pm ET

Ekadasi is the day when Vishnu’s blessings for wealth and health are abundant. Chant Om Namo Narayanaya for Vishnu or Shreem Brzee for his consort, Lakshmi.


Friday Dec 11 8:32 pm ET til Saturday Dec 12, 05:23 pm

The 13th Moon phase is called Pradosham, a karma-removing time. 1 1/2 hours before sunset through sunset is the most powerful time to pray to Siva to dissolve your bad karma. Hydrate a sivalinga by pouring water/milk/juice over it as you chant the karma busting mantra, Thiru Neela Kantam Makaral ShivayanamaVisualize blue light in your throat. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove karma.


Saturday Dec 12, 05:23 pm til Sunday Dec 13, 02:14 pm

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Sunday Dec 13, 02:14 pm til Monday Dec 14, 11:16 am ET 

Each New Moon is a great opportunity to get a clean slate and evolve spiritually. Your meditations on this day/night will be particularly powerful. During the New Moon you can connect with your ancestors by offering tarpanam, which opens energy blocks, and helps you invoke the positive blessings from your ancestors. Learn how to offer tarpanam.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]

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