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  5. Imminent Planetary Shifts in...

planets in cap

The planets have been traveling in clusters with three, and even four, energetic powerhouses to some areas of the sidereal zodiac—changes have been dramatic and at times downright uncomfortable. And we are about to witness yet another shift—from Sagittarius that shaped our concerns with noble teachings and philosophy, to Capricorn, where we’ll become preoccupied with work, stability and commitment to our long-term goals.

Venus, in fact, will join an exalted Mars in Capricorn on December 29th. By New Year’s Day, Mercury will arrive too—and these planets will be located in the same 10th natural house of career and reputation.

So for those who want to begin the New Year in style, but also secure a place in the winning circle, Capricorn will be the area of the sky to observe carefully to get ahead of the metaphoric pack.

Here are five tips to benefit from the available energies that will take you well into 2015.

Plan ahead the year, the month, the week, the day and even the minute

Though it sounds like an enormous task, when we ask ourselves what we truly need and want ‘right now’—just as we do on our yoga mats—we are more likely to identify our top priorities. And with the help of the available research we can now say it confidently —the winners in both career and private life are those who don’t shun commitment. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is dedicated and ruthlessly hard working. Also jupiter in capricorn and Saturn will be putting their influence on the capricorn planet sign, expanding or dramatizing the existing conditions. Chanting the sounds OM SHANECHARAYA NAMAHA (a minimum of 27 times) will ensure perseverance and wise planning with the help of Saturn.

Write the list and mean it


Writing the list and checking twice is not so difficult. What seems insurmountable at times is following through. But Mars will be super strong in Capricorn for one more week—a stroke of luck just when we need help at the beginning of the New Year, and when goal setting and resolutions can be all consuming. In a nutshell, Mars (which is all about strength and action) will give staying power to our goals. Invoke the red planet with OM MANGALAYA NAMAHA.

Include style and charm in your workday

Venus is serious but strong in Capricorn. This Venus knows its place in the material world and now idealism will not do—boons of wealth, commitment in relationships and thorough use of artistic gifts are guaranteed when Venus is Capricorn. Turn the benign eye of this planet towards you with OM SHUKRAYA NAMAHA.

Be business-like

We often forget that Mercury is not just about wordings and writings. This is a planet that makes millionaires—not to mention that his ruler Saturn can turn millions into billions through cautious investments. Business will be on everyone’s mind in January—and after the holidays this is probably a desirable trend. Enlist the help of Mercury with the sounds OM BUDHAYA NAMAHA.

Heed Saturn’s Message

Despite Capricorn’s focus on material gains, we won’t ignore others—as thanks to the influence of Saturn, practicality and compassion for those most targeted by bad fortune will be prominent. Saturn cares for the disabled, the elderly and the most impoverished individuals in our society. Now helping others is both humane and a way to pacify stern Saturn.

Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year. Enjoy the energies!

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Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi

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