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  5. Mercury Retrograde: 3 Ways...



It’s New Year’s resolution time and Mercury goes retrograde on you and your goals.


No, because this time around there’s a lot you can do to benefit from this retrograde and enjoy it, too!

Of course you can’t control the planets and their trajectory, nor can you stop their influence on your consciousness and karma. But knowledge is power—and what you’ll learn about this particular retrograde will make you smile and solve many of your problems.

Praying for Silence

Mercury rules technology and communication. Do you ever feel like your phone has taken over your life? For example, you’re walking in a beautiful natural spot, trying to connect with something higher and purer.

As you feel elated for the fresh air, gentle wintery sunrays caressing your face, you briefly close your eyes to take this goodness deeply into your being, when you’re suddenly jolted out of this state by a piercing sound-alert from your email.

You don’t even remember how and why these sound alerts are coming to you and you didn’t consciously choose to have them in your life.

At first you might try to ignore the alert, but still regret being interrupted in your precious and few moments off from work and duty. Ignoring is a great strategy, but it often fails as the mind keeps going back to the sound and the waiting email.

If the simple act of ignoring were really a solution, scores of yogis living in seclusion would seem like “over-reactive fools.” But that’s far from the truth. So ignoring disturbing sounds doesn’t always work and you need be more proactive to bring more silence and peace into your life.

We all realize that silence is precious and fast becoming extinct, unless we do something to preserve it. Mercury retrograde will soften your craving for gadgets and non-stop communication.

Have you noticed how the news (meaning the endless stream of tragedies that represent just a fraction of what really happens in the world) is now ubiquitous in hospitals, airports, at the gym, in doctor’s offices, restaurants, and other public places?

You just can’t avoid it.

Also phones, computers and appliances emit easy-to-hear-anywhere sounds. These are frequencies that often make your dog run for cover, but we take them for granted.

Now you have a great opportunity to leave you cell phone at home and stay away from invasive TV news at least for an hour or two each day. Perhaps a sudden malfunction of these devices caused by Mercury going backward will help you overlook them for some time.

You’ll love how your senses will become more alert and satisfied by the presence of silence—or lack of annoying beeps. You might even notice that in that state you become more loving, relaxed and happier.

Efficient Worklady

Have you noticed how sometimes, no matter how long your to-do list is, you can’t motivate yourself to work harder?

You can now get help from Mercury’s placement in Capricorn—a favorable position for the planet of communication and business in the sign of his great friend Saturn. Retrograde planets help you go within—and Mercury even more so, because much outward communication will subside.

So it will be easier than ever to identify your top goals that you want to achieve this year.

Saturn’s steady focus on Mercury—or ‘aspect’ from Scorpio—will strengthen the association between these two planets.

Mercury can now communicate more effectively—retrograde or not—with serious aims in mind until January 14. These are resolutions that won’t budge. In fact, you’ll feel more business like and career oriented than usual.

Saturn dislikes fluff and waste of time, loves serious and hard work with definite goals in mind and helps putting all your resolutions together.

Your New Year’s resolutions will be packed with power and a long-term plan so they won’t fizzle out.

Mercury will serve Saturn’s goals for creating a stronger career and a higher income just in time to start your 2016 with the sound of a gong.


Divine Rays

The Sun in Sagittarius is now in the middle of the Milky Way until January 14, 2016. According to Dr. Pillai and the Siddhas, you are now receiving energy for higher consciousness—truth about your divine origins, help in understanding cosmic energy and how to apply it in your life, communion with divine beings and more.

To better receive this major help for evolution, you need some assistance from the Beings who rule the planets and the rays reaching us from the skies.

Super fast, fire rituals connect you with powerful and conscious celestial beings who are willing to help humanity.

Professionally performed, Fire Labs offer fruits, rice, fragrant incense, beautiful fresh flowers into the flames and include auspicious sound waves to reach the Gods on your behalf. In this reciprocal connection with the Divine, your life will be happier and easier.

At home, special sound waves from sacred mantras can help you connect with these beings. The sound OM for example, can reach the depths of your consciousness and change your intelligence from the inside out.

Like many other meditators, I’ve heard OM in deep meditation and you can, too.

Happy New Year and enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shot

Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi



Keep up with the energies through Interactive Fire Labs from Pillai Center. Click the button below for details.

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