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  5. Rahu and Ketu Move:...



Every 18 months, massive changes in the sky are followed by an equally great transformation in your life.

Because we are talking about the two lunar Nodes, Rahu and Ketu—which cause the eclipses and hold the status of full planets—their effects on your consciousness can be equated to the shaking of a snow globe.

At first you love the tiny snowflakes that fill the entire ball. But then the pretty figurines inside become blurry and invisible. So you eagerly wait for the debris to settle at the bottom and for clarity to return.

Impact of Rahu and Ketu on Your Life

Like the flakes in the snow globe, the North lunar node Rahu and his South counterpart Ketu can bring chaos, confusion and a smoke screen in your life.

Appropriate guidelines are necessary to stay focused, make profits from your work, keep healthy relationships and heal diseases.

Like all the other Vedic planets (or grahas in Sanskrit) closest to earth and most influential in our consciousness, the Nodes constitute the thoughts we need to experience our karma.

Karma is nothing other than your destiny, or life choices you’ll make with your current mindset, due to your good and bad past actions.

Unless you do something to change these patterns, says Dr. Pillai, the conditions indicated in your chart will manifest accordingly.

The Myth

Rahu is described in the classics of Vedic astrology as the head of a demon who tried to drink amrita (or nectar) to become immortal like the Gods. Vishnu, dressed up as Mohini, seduced the demon to distract him and beheaded him.

Chaos and concern spread among the Gods because the demon drank enough nectar to become immortal and became two different beings—the head without a body Rahu, and the body without a head Ketu.

Rahu and Ketu vowed to eclipse the Sun and the Moon as a form of revenge against the Gods.

Similarly, they can eclipse our judgment and cause trouble in our lives. Or they can make you rich and powerful—and the results largely depend on what these signs rule in your chart.

Aquarius and Leo Placements 1

Aquarius and Leo, two fixed signs of air and fire respectively, will be affected by Rahu and Ketu.

For all of us, these shifts will signify changes for better or worse. Keep reading if you want to be among the lucky ones.

These four easy steps can take you to a reservoir of power and luck throughout this transit.

Step 1

Aquarius is the natural 11th house of gains, ambitions, networking and friends. Ketu shows disdain for the house where he sits and unless you do something to pacify his energy, you’ll feel only the spiritual influence of Ketu. But to also gain and receive help from networking and fulfill your wishes you will need remedies.

Fire Rituals to Ketu and his overlord Ganesha will help you receive boons and the fulfillment of your desires.

Step 2

On Sundays, connect with Ganesha and Ketu through their power sounds:



Recite these sounds at least 27 times to keep alert on the effects of Ketu in your life. Ask Ganesha to remove any obstacles caused by the South Node.

Step 3

On Monday, connect with Rahu and his overlord, Goddess Durga.

Fire rituals to both the North Node and Durga can bring you the upside of Rahu’s influence from Leo: wealth, higher knowledge, creativity, good luck, success for yourself and your children, favors from the government and politicians.

Step 4

Invoke Rahu and Durga with their respective sound waves to receive their favors.



After reciting these sounds 108 times, ask Durga to reduce the malefic influence of Rahu. You can also ask Rahu to bestow upon you his positive influence in technology, business with foreigners and overall success.


Enjoy the energies!

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Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi



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