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Sucharita welcomed us this morning on the Sundays with Sucharita by conveying the news that our call will be changing to Saturdays at 10 AM EST (7 AM PST) starting on November 18th!  The name will change to Power Times, and it will still be free. Our last Sundays with Sucharita Call will Sunday, November 5th.

We will be focusing more on learning from the great teacher, Saturn, at this opportune time when Saturn has transited into the most idealist sign, Sagittarius.  Saturn is a very karmic planet.  Radha, our astrologer, will be telling us what to expect with this transit.  How does Saturn affect our spirituality, our karma?  Saturn slows things down and allows us to persist, and persevere.  He helps us to understand what we should be doing in our lives.  He can however, also have a negative side because he can cause us to doubt.  Saturn is delivering special karmic lessons to over 1/3 of the entire population of the world at any given time. Sometimes a tough Saturn transit can make you to withdraw from your family and friends.  However Saturn can also give the greatest blessings that no one can take away. Sade Sati is a 7 ½ year period when Saturn is restructuring your mind and life. So much to learn from Saturn!  OMG! 

But there are many positive sides as well.  Our souls each have their own journey to be on and we each have to figure out our own paths.  Not the path of our parents, family and friends.  This is our own karma.  We are here together with Dr. Pillai to learn how to deal with Saturn and all the rest of the planets and stars.  He has manifested an App for our smart phones called Hora Watch and we have the Panchang on AstroVed.com which tells us the moon phases, the planets horas (hours) and what stars are affecting us. 

Saturn is telling us to get with the program and know that we are Divine.  We want Saturn to keep us in reality, to show us how to live a purposeful life. With Saturn in Sagittarius we can start to look upward.  If all areas of our lives are messed up, then this is the time we can clean things up.  We can now do our spiritual practices and really see results.  We can change our lives!

The good news is that Saturn will give you peace, prosperity, health and the energy to help you achieve this.  Saturn will make us more compassionate and charitable.  We will look for ways to achieve this with Saturn.  We will be bringing in more Divine Intelligence into our lives.  Sucharita mentions a book that we should read called The Greatness of Saturn by Robert Svoboda. 

Sucharita looked at her AstroVed calendar and went through moon phases and stars of the upcoming week.  She stresses how important it is to get the calendar and study it to know what is happening astrologically.

Important Upcoming Events This Week: Check the Pillai Center and the AstroVed Event Calendars for other upcoming events. Depending on where you live, the day of the week will be different.  Check the Panchang with your location to see when you should be observing the rituals.

Monday, Oct 30th @9:34 AM – Tuesday, Oct 31st @ 9:26 AM ET

11th Moon – Ekadasi

The 11th Waxing Moon, or Ekadasi, is a Power Day for spiritual growth, as well as material gains, because Vishnu, the archetype of wealth, is highly active on this day. It is this day that can help you discover the higher knowledge for finding happiness and wealth. As you begin to cultivate a relationship with this archetype of wealth and always think positively and confidently about him, Vishnu helps you successfully manifest prosperity in your life. Honor Vishnu on this day.  Vishnu is in charge of heaven. Perform the tarpanam for departed ancestors this day.   Chant Om Namo Narayanaya.

Wednesday, Nov. 1st @8:27 AM – Thursday, Nov 2nd @ 6:41 AM ET

13th Moon – Pradosham

The period during the one-and-a-half hours before sunset on every 13th Moon day is a premier karma-dissolving powertime called Pradosham. This Karma-Dissolving Ceremony will be performed to honor Shiva, the Supreme Archetype of Karma Removal. On this day, the Moon will be in Uttara Bhadrapada, a star ruled by Saturn. This combination makes it a prime time to calm any of your fiery emotions, such as anger, revenge, jealousy, etc. There is a fire lab on this day offered through Pillai Center.  Learn more here.

Thursday, Nov. 2nd @6:41 AM – Friday, Nov. 3rd  @ 4:17 AM ET

Ganesha’s 14th Moon

Remember that Dr. Pillai has said that 2017 is continuing to be a year of Ganesha.  Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.  Learn how.

Friday, Nov. 3rd  @ 4:17 AM – Sat. Nov. 4th  @1:22 AM ET

Full Moon

Every Full Moon is a power time for wealth and enlightenment. Goddess energy is particularly present. Doing your spiritual practices and meditations on this day/night will be very powerful. Shreem Brzee is the ultimate wealth mantra. ­ The upcoming Full Moon on November 3rd has been identified by sages as a power time to remove your life challenges. During this once-a-year ceremony to Lord Shiva, an entire Shiva Lingam at power spot is anointed with a large quantity of cooked rice as a supreme offering. The life-sustaining energy and life-nourishing qualities of rice invoke the power of Lord Shiva to be fully embodied in the Shiva Lingam, a symbol of his energy and power. Read more here.  

­Friday, Nov. 3rd


On November 3, 2017 (IST), Venus, the planet of beauty, material comforts and luxury will be transiting into his own house, the 7th sign of the natural zodiac. While in its own sign, Venus has more power to shower you with wealth, extravagance, jewelry, properties and harmonious relationships. This day of transit is the most opportune time to propitiate Venus and his overlord, Goddess Lakshmi, to make the most of these beneficial energies.  Read more here.

Enjoy this week’s Meditation Audio.

Enjoy this week’s Discussion Audio.  

Reminder – We now connect on Sundays with Sucharita through the video conference call platform called ZOOM.

NEW TIME and NEW Zoom Video Conference

Started October 1, 2017

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If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to [email protected]

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