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  5. Planets on the Move:...

pcblog post 9-8-2015 - planets on move

Have you ever heard of the uncertainty principle? We are expecting two eclipses this month and regardless of their scientific implications, eclipses can bring change and uncertainty, despite several planets in high dignity. But there’s no need to worry: you’ll be in charge of your free will to make the best of these conditions.

Now under the influence of Saturn, work and money will become your priorities. Egos in politics and in personal lives may fly and we need to take good measures for that.

 Additionally, Saturn’s aspect—as I recently learned from one of my favorite teachers—neuters the energies of the archenemy Sun, taking away some power and energy. The same might happen to Mars mid-month.

But fortunately, Saturn won’t hurt Jupiter and wisdom and a desire to work hard towards your goals will still be present. Plus, Jupiter will get out of the excess heat of the Sun on September 10. This is great news.

So, below there’s some help: five easy steps to navigate the upcoming electric waves courtesy of the planets. Here’s what to do to avoid long-term problems.

 1. Seek peace

 As Venus retraces its steps by going direct in Cancer with debilitated Mars, stay calm and avoid friction. Venus and common sense should prevail, but the energy is still volatile and there’s a risk of burnout.

pcblog post 9-8-2015 - virgo health

2. Watch your diet

On the 13th, we’ll see a partial solar eclipse in Virgo, the precise and analytical sign of intellectual Mercury. As the Sun becomes partially eclipsed on September 13, matters of health and organization will need your focus.

Make sure that the food and supplements you’re taking are right for you and get extra rest around that time. Meditate as much as possible to avoid restlessness.

3. Financial savvy

Mercury rules financial markets and business. Of course, we can’t hold onto the stock market more than we can grasp a cloud—and few individuals can influence and maneuver this sector.

So, be flexible and plan ahead to make the best investments. Mercury will be retrograding midmonth, but he’ll still be exalted. Double-check your words and all communication—speeches, writings and technological tools. Also, the presence of Rahu requires extra care.

4. Energy shift

Literally, you’ll be ready for action at work as Mars enters Leo on the 15th. Not only will this planet become strong, but also with Saturn’s influence it will be all about self-discipline and routine. Working hard will be easier.

5. Spiritual solution

Let’s face it: planets are not the same for all individuals—what is malefic for one can be benefic for another sign, and vice versa.

So, what to do if nothing is working out according to your wishes? The answer as usual is: turn to the Divine.

Fire Labs, or fire rituals, to Saturn, Mars, Venus and Sun and their overlords Hanuman, Muruga, Lakshmi and Shiva can help you at work, in finances and in your personal life.

Special sounds for the planets involved are: 



* OM SURYAYA NAMAHA (for the Sun)


* OM GURAVE NAMAHA (for Jupiter)

Enjoy the energies!

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Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi

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