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Dr. Pillai: “I am very happy to introduce Varahi, particularly at this time when the entire world is going through a terrible financial crisis, never seen before in our lifetimes. 

The entire world, the economy has been trashed. How are we going to fix it? The economists do not know how this can be done without a lapse of a few years. You have to really work hard even to bring the economy to a reasonable level because the damage has been so extensive because of the pandemic. We need a Varahi.

Varahi is a form of Lakshmi 

She is also related to the Goddess of Shreem who is Mahalakshmi. When do we need the participation of these angels? We need them at these really terrible times, and they are willing to come and help us. That is why when we are unable to solve a problem on a human level. We have to go to Gods, angels, messiahs, and gurus. Varahi is very much present and she is the Goddess of the Earth. She is also the Goddess of Gold, Platinum, and Abundance. Above all, the Goddess knows the needs of people and wants to do things as quickly as possible. 

There is a chant. The chant refers to sigram. Sigram means come on, quick, quick, quick. You have to do this quickly. Because we cannot wait. 

I will give you some understanding about Gods, Goddesses, and angels. They are very much present. Whether it is the Old or New Testament, they were all dependent on the participation of God in fixing things, just not the scientist. What are scientists going to do  now when the economy is bad and everything comes to a standstill? There has to be money. You cannot just keep on printing dollar bills, rupees, or sterling; it is not going to work. We need to work on the resources available on this Earth plane and that is the Goddess. 

Varahi is the Goddess of the Earth plane 

Deep down into the Earth, she is also the ruler and even to look at her form with the boar’s head, the unconscious, what Carl Jung will call “the collective unconscious” will get activated. 

What Jung did not focus on was how to activate “the collective unconscious.” He knew. He wrote a book called Man and His Symbols and his contribution to psychology is the concept of the archetype, which belongs to the unconscious and is global, beyond any culture and time frame. It will always be the truth and these archetypes in the unconscious will do a lot. 

To put in simple  terms, the archetypes are only Gods, Goddesses, and angels, and they are available to you once you connect with them to do miracles. 

Remember, Jesus said, “With my Father, everything is possible.” 

There is nothing that God or an angel cannot do 

Even when he was arrested, Jesus said, “God did not send an angel to protect me.” The angels are there to protect, and he did not send one. The angels are always there. Even in the Bible, there are angels that are sent to each human being to protect them. That is the arrangement. Varahi is one who is associated with wealth, money. We all need her at this point. 

There are mantras that have been revealed to invoke Varahi and teachings on how to use her in order to bring the economy back, on a personal level, country level, and global level. 

We can all become prosperous through the participation of Varahi, who will perform money miracles

She is like another Shreem Brzee, and I have also combined Shreem Brzee’s mantra with Varahi’s mantra

All the kings were in touch in ancient times with Varahi to bring money to their kingdom. All glory to Varahi! Let her come and occupy our collective unconscious and then we will energize them. Just holding the image of Varahi helps to access her reality

If you just keep a statue of Varahi like six feet tall, you can see that she will always be with you. There are teachings that are very relevant and I have trained my people to do that well. They will teach you about Varahi and how to fix your finances. 

God bless!”

Varahi Gives Boons and Destroys Issues with Enemies

Varahi is depicted as a Goddess with a boar’s head and the body of a woman. Varahi belongs to Earth just as the boar does. She can dig wealth out from the depths with her snout, and holds wealth blessings steady in her tusks. Her tusks also represent her ability to ward off negative interference.

You can access the special energies of Varahi and the 8th waning moon which is a good powertime for Varahi, through a Fire Lab to receive boons on this day.

Chant To Dr. Pillai’s Varahi Mantra Audio To Invoke Goddess Varahi

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