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  5. Saturn Goes Direct

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Watch this week’s video on the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel, Powertime Practice 2020 playlist.



Sucharita welcomed all on the Powertime Practice call on Saturday, Sept. 26,  2020. Time is ticking by…we can’t stop it! We always want to be enjoying ourselves during this journey that we are on. We are here with Dr. Pillai to learn how to tap into the energy of Time. We always want to be in the right place at the right time with the right people and doing the right thing. Last week we had a big transit when Rahu moved into Taurus and Ketu into Scorpio. Rahu and Ketu are the nodes of the moon and the moon represents our mind. So the north node of the moon is Rahu and the south node of the moon is Ketu. They were once one full snake, but they got divided. Read about the mythology here. For the next 18 months you may seem some difficult karma being delivered, but also some goodies as well.

There is another astrological event on the horizon. Saturn moving direct into Capricorn. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and is comfortable there. Things will be moving forward from now on. This is an opportunity to ask Saturn to get us on a spiritual path. If you feel that your karma is stuck, then this is the time to call on Saturn.  There are services offered at Pillai Center for this transit.

Sucharita recommends that we get an astrological consultation to determine how Saturn will be affecting us during this transit.

Tripura Foundation is a great way to appease Lord Saturn.. You will feel so uplifted when you help those who are in more need than yourselves. The Divine will swoop in and open doors that you cannot even imagine can be opened! Give to the elderly, visit children’s hospitals, do something for others!

Navaratri is coming up. This is the Nine Nights of the Goddess. This is a time period when the fierce forms of the Goddess are entering the earth plane. The Goddesses are going to protect us from all the trauma and negative energies that are swirling around us now. There is a cosmic dance of their energies which are congealing for us. What are their energies? There will be 25 days of free Goddess Chanting on Pillai Center YouTube starting October 1.

There are paid services for Navaratri and there are specials available now. There will be a Navaratri program including initiations with Dr. Pillai.

Sucharita mentioned  a book about Lord Saturn called “The Greatness of Saturn” by Robert Svoboda. You can find out about Lord Saturn and all the planets in this book.



Tuesday Sep. 29, 01:03 PM til Wednesday Sep. 30, 02:56 PM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Wednesday Sep. 30, 02:56 PM ET til Thursday Oct 01, 05:05 PM ET

Every Full Moon is time of incredible energy for both prosperity and enlightenment. Your spiritual practices and meditations on this day/night will be very powerful. Chant Shreem Brzee for wealth.


Monday Oct 05, 12:32 AM til Tuesday Oct 06, 03:02 AM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]


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