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Shreem Brzee Wealth Manifestation Powertimes



*The dates mentioned are based on North American timings. Dates may be the same or different in other parts of the world such as Asia.


February is abundant with creative and restorative energies that support our Shreem Brzee wealth manifestation. You will have access to potent astrological support during rare powertimes including Dr. Pillai’s birthday for heightened Guru blessings, Thai Poosam for removal of limitations and ignorance, Ramalingam’s Ascension Day for blessings of enlightenment, the Great Night of Shiva for creation and destruction of negativity, Valentine’s Day for tapping into Venus’ power of love, and Vishnupati for accessing powerful blessings of material creation.

Watch the February Powertime Forecast replay here.


Dr. Pillai’s Birthday | February 1

Dr. Pillai’s Birthday timeframe offers a powerful opening to absorb his grace and blessings, which are heightened during this period and can support and guide you on your spiritual journey.

Dr. Pillai’s birthday is an auspicious day to celebrate him and honor the gifts he has given the world – including the “Shreem Brzee” which he co-created with the Great Sage Vishwamitra, who gave the “Brzee” mantra to Dr. Pillai. 

This is a powerful time to tap deeply into Dr. Pillai’s essence, compassion, love, and generosity for humanity. 

What to Do on Dr. Pillai’s Birthday


13th Moon for Karma-Clearing (Guru Pradosham) | February 2 & 17

13th Moons offer powerful openings that help dissolve negative karma, unwanted thoughts, and harmful habits that hold you back. 

The Moon on February 2 is known as Guru Pradosham, which occurs when the 13th Moon falls on a Thursday. Since this day falls during Dr. Pillai’s birth week, his Guru energies are more present for us to aid in the release of our negative karmic patterns.

What to do on the 13th Moon


Shreem Brzee Fridays | February 3, 10, 17 & 24

Every Friday is a powerful opportunity to connect with the Goddess. Fridays are ruled by Venus, and Venus is the planet of the prosperity of material comforts. Lakshmi’s energy is also abundant on Fridays, as she is the overlord of Venus. Because she embodies Shreem Brzee, you can access powerful energy from the mantra to enhance your wealth manifestation practice.

To access additional Venus energy, you can do your spiritual practices during Venus hora. Find the Venus horas in your local area through the free AstroVed Assistant app (under Astrology -> Hora Watch).

What to Do on Shreem Brzee Fridays
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 1,008 times
  • Offer hydration to a Shreem Brzee yantra or a statue of Lakshmi



Full Moon and Thai Poosam/Ramalingam’s Ascension Day

This day is the most powerful day of February, with three powerful astrological energies available – including the Full Moon, which is always the most powerful day for Shreem Brzee. The Full Moon is at peak abundance, projecting its fullness onto Earth and influencing our consciousness to create abundance.

This Full Moon is even more powerful because it overlaps with Pushya star day, which is the most spiritual of all the stars. When Pushya falls inside this particular month on the Full Moon, it’s called Thai Poosam. The Tamil month of Thai is a time when you can be filled with particular divine energy to remove karma, ignorance, and limitations, and be empowered by intelligence and spiritual evolution. 

February 4 is also the anniversary of the day that Swami Ramalingam ascended. Swami Ramalingam is a Saint in India who literally turned his body into light. This is considered the highest form of enlightenment and evolution because you have realized your body into light at a particle level.  

What to do on the Full Moon/Thai Poosam /Ramalingam’s Ascension Day
  • Chant 1,008 times
  • Chant “Arul” 108 times
  • Participate in Dr. Pillai’s Birthday Retreat for Miracle Powers, Enlightenment & Divine Grace
  • Participate in the Shreem Brzee Full Moon Immersion


4th Moon for Obstacle Removal | February 8 & 22

Fourth Moons are for obstacle removal and they are associated with the archetype Ganesha. Ganesha is the elephant-headed God who can remove blockages in our path, even before we know they exist. He’s a well-loved symbol of luck, prosperity and good fortune. When creating and manifesting, it’s ideal to chant to Ganesha first. Even Lord Shiva, his father will chant to him first. Connecting with Ganesha before your practices can purify the energy that you bring to your meditation before getting started.

What to do on the 4th Moon
  • Chant Ganesha’s mantra “Om Gum” 108 times
  • Offer fruits (ideally a mango or banana) to a statue or photo of Ganesha to appease him
  • Chant “Shreem Brzee” 108 times


11th Moon for Wealth | February 11 & 16

11th Moons are for Vishnu, the Lord of the Earth plane and the consort (husband) of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. Together, the divine couple creates Shiva Shakti (male-female), Yin Yang energy. Their combined feminine/masculine energy creates wealth, health, happiness, beauty, purity and all that sustains us on the Earth plane. 

What to do on the 11th Moon
  • Chant Vishnu’s mantra, “Om Namo Narayana” 108 times
  • Chant “Shreem Brzee” 108 times



Vishnupati & Anuradha Star Day

Vishnupati occurs when the Sun moves into a fixed sign – in this case, Aquarius.Vishnupati presents an opportunity to access Vishnu’s abundant divine energy that supports creation, wealth attainment, luxury, abundance, and other material comforts on Earth.

Anuradha star day is the birth star of both Lakshmi and Vishwamitra. These two archetypes harness the energy of this star, which radiates powerful qualities of purity and devotion. On this day, the strong vibration and energy of Anuradha star projects onto us, providing divine support for our Shreem Brzee manifestations. 

What to Do on Vishnupati/Anuradha Star Day
  • Chant “Shreem Brzee” 1,008 times
  • Chant “Om Namo Narayanaya” 108 times


Valentine’s Day | February 14

Valentine’s Day is the day the Planet of Love, Venus, opens up a window of opportunity for us to experience love in its purest form.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to tap into the divine energy of Venus as you step into your own personal power and welcome true love into your life. We can allow ourselves to embody the energy of love and generosity, and expand our heart center. 

Dr. Pillai says that the path to enlightenment requires showing unconditional love to others.

What to Do on Valentine’s Day
  • Chant Kleem 108 times
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 1,008 times


Great Night of Shiva | Maha Shivaratri | February 18

Maha Shivaratri is the sacred night of Lord Shiva, the Destroyer in Hinduism, who is recognized for his unlimited powers that include creation and preservation of the Cosmos. Maha Shivaratri is when Lord Shiva’s blessings are amplified, prompting the performance of nightly vigils to receive the most powerful offerings during a time that ensures auspicious results.

During Maha Shivaratri, the mind principle can be erased, and you can be in a different state of consciousness. 

What to Do on Great Night of Shiva
  • Chant “Om Namashivaya” 108 times
  • Keep vigil and stay alert during the Great Night of Shiva


New Moon | February 19

The New Moon is a powerful time to tap into and release any harmful patterns that you have inherited from your ancestors. Our ancestors are constantly influencing us with their thoughts.

you may feel uneasy or bombarded by negative energies or influences on New Moons days. This may be a result of your ancestral imprints – they are not looking to hurt you, but they are stuck in a disembodied state trying to communicate their needs.

We can let go of this negative ancestral karma by permitting our ancestors to ascend to higher realms and be at peace. This can be done through a simple technique called Tarpanam. 

Praying to your ancestors and releasing them through Tarpanam rituals are important for your prosperity because oftentimes our ancestors experienced financial struggles in their Earthly lifetime. They have likely had thoughts and mindsets that held them in a particular negative state. Releasing them to heavenly realms allows us to rid ourselves of their thoughts, hear their issues, and discontinue the influence of their setbacks to move forward with the creation of our desires.

What to do on the New Moon


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