Sundays with Sucharita

Teachings And Techniques For Spiritual Living

8 am PDT / 11 am EDT / 8:30 pm IST

My name is Sucharita, a Pillai Center Teacher and your guide in this Weekly Call Program called Sundays with Sucharita. I’ll be giving you insights, tips and tools for getting the most out of your spiritual practices and how to apply those teachings in your daily life. I’m always happy to share what I’ve learned during the past 17 years as a student and mentor of Dr Pillai’s programs offered through Pillai Center and AstroVed Advisory Services. If you’re not able to join every week, there will be recordings of the calls and other weekly teachings made available for you to download on the Pillai Center Blog under the Sundays with Sucharita tab. It’s up to you how often you’d like to join the calls, although as Dr Pillai shares, it is important that everyone establishes a regular routine to enjoy the benefits of the teachings and services offered. It is a pleasure to be of service and I’m looking forward to sharing in your weekly transformation process. See you on Sundays!

How to Cultivate the God Brain

consciousness, Divine God brain

Dr. Pillai: “What I am going to do for the next three months is develop and cultivate the God mind within us, or more precisely, the God brain within us. 

In the Bible there is a saying, “God created man in His own image.” I would add to that saying that God created the human mind, after His mind. That is literally true. It may not be the physical brain, but an astral brain, because God does not have a physical form. He can assume a physical form and stay in astral form, or as a form of light. He can do anything He wants. 

All These Capabilities Are Within Us

We have chosen a wrong path to create limitation after limitation in the name of science and technology, believing that science and technology are going to give us freedom. Because this rationalistic materialistic model will not work. 

Thank God that quantum physics is amazing to say that you have a particle life as well as a wave function as light form.  

You Are Basically Fundamentally Light, Not Matter

These are all philosophies. 

I am going to talk about very practical issues that need to be addressed. What are the practical issues? 

Number one: If we are gods, we have God’s brain; we should be able to do everything that God is supposed to do! Yes, of course. Then why are we not doing it? 

Number two: Why do two different people have two different brains? Meaning, one is intelligent, one is not intelligent at all. It is because the differences are all because of modulations, genetic modulations that occurred over a period of many of our lifetimes. There is literally a fall from Heaven to the Earth, to unlimited life to elemental life. But all this can be erased with the model that I’m going to provide you.

Comparing Human Brain to God’s Brain

The two important things about the model is to compare our brain with God’s brain. The two distinguishing factors are:

1) God’s mind or God’s brain has no time, timelessness. If it takes time from your life, from the Earth plane, from your brain, then you are completely in freedom because, remember, this program, I named it as Freedom program. You are not bound by time of any kind.

2) God is logic-free. “Let there be light,” light should be there. He will not ask where the  power source is, thermo or nuclear, hydro electricity, all these kinds of things are human complications.”

Cultivate the God within You to Transcend Logic, Time, & Limitations

Discover Dr. Pillai’s never-before revealed mantra & Divine secrets of the brain through initiations, workshops, and karma removal remedies included in Dr. Pillai’s 2023 Mystery School 3-Month God-Brain Activation Program


The Ultimate Goal and Path to the God Brain

Consciousness, God, Brain

Dr. Pillai: “The God brain that we have – that everybody has – we are all going to get it because there is this cyclical concept of the universe. The universe follows a pattern of four different periods, long periods, consisting of thousands or millions of years, and it differs from one solar system to another system. 

There are unlimited systems in Heavens; it cannot be counted, and they all follow a very different time period. Fundamentally, there is a domain where there is no time at all. We can cultivate that.

The Ultimate Goal Is to Go to the God Brain

It takes three months of practice that you will do. How are you going to do that? By moving our awareness back to our brain, understanding our own brain and different parts in the brain. 

The brain is also externalized in our feet. The acupuncture reflexology talks a lot about the meridian points. You can see different parts of the body, including the brain, that are represented in the feet at certain points. If you have gone to acupuncture therapy, they insert a very fine needle. This originated from Tamil Nadu, from the Tamil Siddha tradition, and they are experts, and it is from where it went to China. 

We are going to understand the God brain.

The God Brain Means Your Brain That Is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent

It can know everything, no pain, nothing can touch God’s brain. We can do that.The reason why I am teaching it now is because this is the time for actualization. Corona was created as part of leading us to an apocalyptic time of the ending of the world through a huge disaster so that we can go to the next stage, which is the Golden Age. 

We are all very happy and grateful to be living at this time of great climate disaster and all kinds of disasters because on the other side, especially for people like us who are into God and understanding our true self, there is the possibility of turning our body into our original self, which is light. 

We Are Light

I will give you a number of techniques to accomplish this.

The purpose within the three months is to move from the human to the divine, human brain to the Divine brain. How are we going to do it? By working on our brain and understanding our brain in terms of the God brain and our feet, which also function as our brain. You can touch some part on the feet, the meridian point, and then create vibrations all over the body, including the brain. You can touch your brain by touching your toe, the big toe, for instance. We will be doing that in this program. 

I am going to speak for another minute about how the universe has various layers. 

The topmost layer is God or a universal, powerful being known by different names by different religions, the different forms. That is a great magnetic force and huge magnet. 

Then right below that is a total emptiness, where there is no programming, which is a slightly lower level of consciousness compared to God’s consciousness. That is what the Buddha called it as Nirvana. Nirvana means emptiness. There is total emptiness.

Below that is the realm of human consciousness, the human soul, the human soul, and that is a further degradation that we are no longer knowing everything as the emptiness or all-powerful like the God consciousness.

All of Our Identity Is Within the Human Soul

We will see where we can identify these areas within our brain as we go along. 

Within the human cells, there is the mind intellect, discrimination, emotions, all these things are there in the human. But eventually, you have to get back to or identify yourself with your true self which is the God’s brain, which is the top of the brain and goes out of the brain. We will do that exercise also. 

How long does it take? It takes the time which we cannot even conceive of, a miniscule amount of time, everything can be done, because the God brain means timeless brain. 

You have to get these ideas into your mind because I will build it into the meditation so that you can also remember that.”

Activate Your God Brain

Cultivate the God within you to transcend logic, time, & limitations through Dr. Pillai’s 2023 Mystery School 3-Month God-Brain Activation Program.

If you feel called to join, there will be initiations, workshops, teachings, and karma removal remedies to help you activate your God brain.


How to Replace Your Old Mindset and Think New Thoughts

figure meditating sitting cross-legged, changing their environment with their consciousness and thoughts

Dr. Pillai: “When you go and meditate on eye consciousness, ego consciousness, separated existences, stupidity, past models of thinking, all of which can be delved deep into, it is a waste of time. 

Replacing Your Old Mindset

Learn to replace your old mindset, which is your past with re-patterned thoughts. If you analyze your thoughts, most of the thoughts are about the past. This includes our science because we are still hanging on to classical physics, not quantum physics, because we cannot move fast.

We have to really move fast and then think new thoughts.

How Do You Think New Thoughts?

There are certain parts of the brain that you can use, which I have worked on extensively and am still working on; there is no end to it. There are certain parts of the brain, which you should silence, that is the frontal lobe. That is why, if you go to the temples in India, they put Vibhuti there; the sacred Ash

The sacred Ash can be associated with palm Wednesday or Palm Sunday. This area was known to many cultures as a place that has to be suppressed or activated; you have to suppress it in order to go to the intuitive mind. 

The Intuitive mind can be traced to the pituitary gland, and mostly to the pineal gland, which is the third eye.

If You Can Focus Attention on That Part of the Brain, the Pineal Gland, Time and Space Changes, and You Will Have Access to the Highest Intelligence

That is the most important thing, schools, and colleges have to teach brain-based education. If you want to know more about it, this print-based education, I gave it the name of “Phonemic Intelligence” where the sounds give you the highest intelligence and how the sound waves link one to different forms of intelligence, including math intelligence.

Those of you who want to know more about it, you can go to Phonemic Intelligence. If you go to my foundation called Tripura Foundation, you will have a lot of information on that program.

It will also help you to understand mind chatter, and how to use the sounds for yourself, so you can do that. Then I am going to talk about the one sound that you would want to know. This was not in my mind, but then you are blessed to receive the sound, this is the ultimate sound.”

Enable Outrageous Thoughts & Divine Intuition With Dr. Pillai 

Discover how to find freedom from rationality (linear thinking) to thinking outrageous and miraculous thoughts in an upcoming final complimentary session of Dr. Pillai’s Ultimate Freedom 3-Part Live series. 

The wisdom mind is dependent upon Soul Intelligence and intuition. In this webinar, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive a technique to activate the Pineal gland / Third Eye 
  • Learn how the Divine Mind is dependent upon Soul Intelligence and intuition
  • Understand the subconscious mind




Missed this week’s call? No problem, download the full discussion and meditation here.

Please note: as the call is being recorded and will be made available to others (possibly in various formats), if you speak during the question/discussion section, it is assumed you are giving permission for your voice/comments to be included in the recording. All rights belong to Vaaak Sounds.